Chapter 46: Time For The Berlin Olympics Part 3: The Ultimate Main Event

Today is the day in October 30, 1938, Noctis wears the Soviet Officer Uniform, while Temujin will wear the Emperor's Golden Armor worth $80,000. Koba tells Noctis "Are you ready boy?" Noctis says "Yes sir, I'm ready for battle." Koba tells him a advice "Be careful, Temujin's strength is way too strong, find a way to weaken him with all you have" Noctis says "I will General, I train so hard for this moment". Many hours later at 2:00 pm, Many people around the world are going to watch the fight through energy hologram, the People of the Soviet Union hopes of their beloved warrior to win against the powerhouse Iron Spectre. Goebbels will be the official referee to spectate the outcome, will now tell the whole crowd "Ladies and Gentlemen from around the world, this is the main event of the afternoon, *The people are excited to see this fight, especially the world leaders* Starting at the other side, from Moscow, Soviet Union, weight in a 206 pound at 5'8 inches tall, Lieutenant Noctis!! *Ingrid sees him in a Soviet Uniform, looking so handsome, hopes that he will win* Now at the other side of the stadium, From Munich, Germany, weight in a 269 pounds at 6'9 inches tall, he is our Helghan God Emperor *Koba stares at him in fear because his energy doesn't feel right at all* Emperor Temujin Lothric Von Rudendorff!!!! *Many Germans cheers loudly for their Emperor's victory! Especially the whole army*

The two warriors head face to face. Noctis tells Temujin "Good luck Emperor Temujin" Temujin says to him "Hehehe Good luck brat" Ng Mui is eager to see what Noctis has gone so far, Zephyr and Li Wang thought the same. Noctis is in Wing Chun stance position, as Temujin has his own position, Goebbels says "LET THE BATTLE BEGIN!!!!!" Temujin rushes fast to Noctis with a heavy fist, as Noctis blocks the hit with his arms, he starts to feel pain, another fist is thrown by Temujin, another one of his arms feel the pain again as Temujin taunts him "What's wrong brat, are you gonna cry for your mama?" Noctis got mad at his taunting as he he uses his Wing Chun attacks, but Temujin's strength proves to overpower his offensive hits, uses his spinning back kick to knock Noctis onto air, then Temujin jumps high like a kangaroo, as he say "PHANTOM KICK OF DOOM!" With so much force knocking Noctis to the ground hard. The people there are in silent as they witness Temujin's strength without the Transformation. Prime Minister McCallister sits with Koba, his thought are "My goodness, his energy keeps going up" Koba "Yes, this doesn't feel right at all, what are you hiding something Temujin?" Now back to the fight, Noctis stands up as Koba says "Alright! Noctis do what it takes now" Noctis Transforms into Celestial Progress 3rd Gear, as Temujin says "Oh? Going high gear I see, I will respond to that now! *Transforms into Astral Progress 3rd Gear* Koba and McCallister are shocked that Temujin's Energy rise at the grand heights, The Ravens at home are watching by group, as Oleg says "My goodness, his energy is insanely higher than I expected" Belldrick says "What's his power level Comrade Oleg?" Oleg replies "180,000,000" Dmitri says "What the hell, that's too much energy at 3rd gear." Nikita says "Man, how's the boy going to deal with this kind of power like Temujin?" Gregory replies to Nikita "We will wait and see, it's best if the boy has the strategy to cope up against a powerful foe Temujin, let us see this one now"

Temujin uses the Phantom breath, Noctis save himself from almost death as Koba says to Noah "That energy skill has a lot of energy to kill a warrior, damn him!" Noah tells Koba "Shit, at least Noctis dodged that skill, it's overwhelming as fuck!" Noctis tells him "Is that all you got?" Temujin is irritated "Don't be cocky brat! *Temujin is in bending position, teleports to Noctis touching his waist with his bare hands* Phantom Genocidal Explosion!" Noctis gets hit "AAAARRGGHHH *Explodes to air as he gets knocked down*" Koba's thought "NOO! NOCTIS GET UP NOW!" Temujin is irritated at Koba's plea to encourage "The faggot is annoying, I'm going to shut his ass up with my raw power." Temujin jumps to Noctis as they begin to clash with their fist, as Temujin tells him "I have to admit, your Wing Chun is good, but can you withstand my heavy blows forever?" Temujin keeps striking his defenses with Wing Chun, begins his combos with a left jab at his elbow, beginning to crack, Noctis screams in pain, then he hits the right arm using his left heavy punch, Agnes is satisfied to see Temujin making Noctis scream in pain, then use a spinning back kick hard, then he will finish him "*Sprints extremely fast towards Noctis, reaches him as he says* Astral Uppercut!" Noctis went flying in the air coughing with blood, Noah and Koba has had enough of this, knocking Noctis down to the floor. Goebbels now see the outcome "Lieutenant Noctis is been knockout hard, The winner is EMPEROR TEMUJIN!!!!!!" *The German people cheers in a loud way, the soldiers chants "FOR VICTORY"* Temujin has a killing tendency, now walks towards a incapacitated Noctis, Ingrid runs towards Noctis, shielding herself to protect her crush as Temujin tells her "Get out of the fucking way girl!" Ingrid bravely tells him "No, he protected me back then, now I will return him a favor now" Temujin now will do the unthinkable move "Pitiful girl *Raises his heavy fist to hit Ingrid* As the skill is about to hit Ingrid, the three Grandmasters form a barrier in front of her to stop the Temujin's skill, his thought are "What?!" Ng Mui tells Ingrid "Girl, take Noctis boy to the medical facility not, he is hurt so badly, go now!" Ingrid says to her "Yes ma'am, Medic!!!! *the medics arrive at the scene, carrying the injured Noctis as Ingrid hold his hand*

Ng Mui has something to say to Temujin "You have gone too far, I feel that you are about to kill the boy in cold blood" Zephyr in anger tells him "I agree with Master Ng Mui, you should have aid him while he is injured" Li Wang says "Right now *All three transforms into Celestial Progress 3rd Gear* As Temujin tells Goebbels "Skeletor, we have another main event yet again for me to have satisfaction" Goebbels replies to Temujin "Yes my lord *Announces to the crowd* Ladies and Gentlemen, we will have another main event, it's now a 1 versus 3 handicap showdown, Temujin says "So you three want to feel the wrath of the Iron Spectre HAAARGHH!!!!! *Transforms to 4th gear* So Grandmaster, ready to feel the pain?" Ng Mui says "You wish" Zephyr launches many Energy Blast Barrage, leaving the field explode so much, after the smoke disappear, Temujin is left undamaged, Noah cannot believe on what he has witness, Koba is stunned about the his Mentor giving all his has got to damage him, Ng Mui & Li Wang proceeds to give Temujin multiple Wing Chun blows on as Temujin tells them "Both of you hit like chickens, I will respond to you with this, PHANTOM BARRIER!" Both Li and Ng Mui were hit hard as they both get push to air, while Zephyr is still charging his energy, Temujin says "hmm who should strike while they are in the air, well women goes first then *Jumps with brute force* Koba warns his master "Master Zephyr! He is going after Master Ng Mui! Zephyr now rushes to Ng Mui quickly before she will be crushed by Temujin's brute force of power, Zephyr blocks his kick but he feels an intense pain on both of his arms, as he finishes him off with the Phantom Genocidal Explosion, leaving Zephyr out cold, as Goebbels tells the crowd "It looks like one is been knockdown hard, two more warriors left to fight our Emperor! *German crowd cheers loudly for their Emperor*" Temujin jumps straight to Li Wang as he hit his stomach with his elbow, coughing blood, then kicks him down to the ground only leaving Ng Mui the last warrior standing against Temujin.

Goebbels announces "We have another warrior down for the count, it's only a 1 on 1 fight now!" Koba is lost for words to describe on how far Temujin is training. Noah calms him down, telling him "Master Ng Mui is gonna be fine, we must believe in her now" Back to the battlefield, Ng Mui goes full Wing Chun hand to hand combat against Temujin, Temujin had enough of this as he says "I had enough!!!!! *Punches her to the air, then he use a sledgehammer attack to knock her down*" Ng Mui is once again in her knees exhausted, Temujin then says "PHANTOM CRUSHER!" Hits Ng Mui, her wounds are way too great, that she cannot move anymore, shocking Koba and the rest of the people here in the stadium, Nektus while in the Medical facility watching through hologram "Why you Temujin! You hurt my brother now the others as well?! GRRRR" Now Temujin taunts her "So much for the Celestial beings out here, now I will kill you *Puts his palm into Ng Mui's face, then Koba grabs Temujin's hand to stop the Phantom Wave* What is the meaning of this Lionheart?" Koba replies "THAT IS ENOUGH TEMUJIN, YOU HAVE GONE WAY TO FAR! Stop this fight now, declare yourself as winner" Temujin smiles and says to the people "Very well, I Temujin, delcare VICTORY!" The German crowd roars their cheerfulness, Koba calls the medic to bring them to the hospital, but Temujin is not done yet, tells Koba "Hey Lionheart, I'm not done yet, I want to fight you, you beat the eagle, now I want a real challenge this time." Koba replies "I accept the match, let me prepare for 10 minutes, the people are shock to know that the Lionheart will fight the Iron Spectre. Noah is surprised, as well as Ellie and his children.

Temujin accepts the conditions from Koba, he will take a break along with his Medical units to heal some of Temujin's little wounds, tells Koba "After 10 minutes, the whole world will be watching our fight" Koba bravely says "Yes, we will have a good match then" Goebbels says to the crowd "It looks like our Emperor is not satisfied with his fights, so he will fight the Lionheart!!" In the next chapter, Iron Spectre is thirsty for revenge? Or wanting to make Koba suffer, it will be the Lionheart Versus Iron Spectre next.