Chapter 48: The Plan

In October 6th, 1938, Koba gains conscious again, this time he is home in Moscow where Ellie is nursing him back to health because the country need him the most, then Vice President Grigory Zinoviev visits him to have a conversation:

Zinoviev: Comrade, how are you feeling right now?

Koba: I feel better at least, how many days while I was still unconscious by the way?

Zinoviev: Probably 6 days Comrade.

Koba: Fuck that long? Shit Temujin beat my ass hard.

Zinoviev: I know, it was so painful for all of us in our motherland to watch you get humiliated by the German Emperor.

Koba: Right, I still have a long way to go just to match up with that guy, the last time I fought him was in Lake Naroch in 1916.

Zinoviev: Whoa comrade, that was a long time ago, maybe he trains too much just to beat you.

Kobe: Papa you're alright now *Cries and hugs his Father* Please don't die on us, Mama and Konnor will be sad.

Koba: I won't my son, I will do whatever it takes to make our family and the people safe.

Zinoviev: A wonderful Father figure I see *Gets a call from London, picks up the phone* Hello?

Noah: Is this the Wardell residence?

Zinoviev: Oh yes, Vice President Zinoviev here speaking.

Noah: Hello there Mr. Zinoviev, May I speak to President Koba for a moment?

Zinoviev: Sure *Hands the phone for Koba*

Koba: Oh thank you Comrade, Hello?

Noah: Koba it's me Noah.

Koba: Brother hey! How's it going?

Noah: I'm good, I see you are feeling better now.

Koba: So what are we gonna talk about?

Noah: I have bad news....

Koba: *Eagers to hear the bad news* Okay go on...

Noah: The Germans are rearming themselves, Violating the treaty of Versailles, plus their supplies are increasing at high rates. The Astral beings cut off a lot of Energy lines, except for telephones, thanks to our us spying on them 2 years ago.

Koba: Holy shit, thanks for the warning Comrade.

Noah: No problem, take care.

Koba: You too Prime Minister *Hangs up the phone* Comrade Zinoviev, emergency meeting in 6 days.

Zinoviev: Yes Comrade, What happened?

Koba: The Germans, they are rearming without our knowledge.

Zinoviev: My goodness, this is alarming Comrade, I will inform everyone about this later.

Koba: Thank you Comrade, it means a lot.

The emergency meeting is held at the Kremlin hall at November 12, 1938, Koba is afraid that the Germans rearming for war again, now Koba and the Government officials talks:

Koba: Good morning Ladies and Gentlemen, the reason why I called everyone here is because Germany is rearming themselves. *The people there are confused and afraid at the same time* How are we gonna defend our country from this matter?

Belldrick: *Raises his hand* Comrade, we should make more weapons and supplies for our boys, also assign them to their respective areas beside the Polish border.

Koba: Good suggestion, I will order on that later, any suggestions?

Kamanev: *Raises his hand* We must make trenches, defensive positions, and bunkers for the protection of our Red Army soldiers.

Koba: Alright Minister of Defense, we will go on your ways as well, how the others?

Gregory: *Raises his hand* Comrade Lionheart, we must train our High Ranking Officers, the High Ranking Russian Celestial being Officers to control their energy, what they are capable of. Don't forget the soldiers, they need 6 month training for battle as well, land, air and sea.

Koba: Good idea Comrade Zhukov, we must act now before it's too late Comrades, I will address this to the people of our Motherland. *The Radio, Celestial Sensory Unit prepares for the Energy Transmission for announcements* Citizens of the Soviet Union, I President Koba, will give a statement of warning, to prepare for an invasion *The people are confused, thinking it's just a drill* This is not a drill, Germany is rearming themselves, the Red Army will be at your respective areas except for the Asian side of the continent, please be advise. *Turns off the Radio, The transmission stops* That's all, thank you

The Emergency meeting ends, Koba sends the Red Army to the cities consist with a numbers of 1,800,000 troops stationed at their respective areas combined to be ready anytime soon. Meanwhile in Berlin December 1938, Temujin is begins to inspect the Army Group South after withdrawing the German-Polish Non-Aggression Pact of 1934 and the Anglo-German Naval Agreement of 1935. He talks with two strong Astral Beings Field Marshal Gerd von Rundstedt and Field Erich Von Manstein:

Temujin: Gentlemen, Tell me the status of our plan.

Rundstedt: Our plan is going well, we have our supplies ready for use.

Temujin: May I know how many troops from both Army Groups South and North?

Rundstedt: My lord, our combined strength possesses of 1,000,000 troops of the South, consisting with the 4th Army, The 8th Army, The 10th Army, and The 14th Army on both sides to encircle the Polish forces. As for the North, the 3rd Army has 500,000 troops. Combine both we will be having 66 divisions at all once.

Temujin: Very Good, how about the supplies of weapons Chief of Staff Manstein?

Erich: Our combine strength on both Army Groups North and South possesses with 9,000 heavy guns, 2,750 tanks, and the Luftwaffe will provide us with 2,315 aircraft for air support.

Temujin: I love hearing this from you Marshal Manstein, hehehehe HAHAHAHAHAHAHA! We will begin the operation in 10 months. Make sure you train your soldiers and the Astral warriors ahead of time now.

Erich and Gerd: Yes my lord!

The plan is progressing for the Helghan Empire, rebellion from the occupied countries were suppressed because of Temujin's orders, they have become a prisoner, they were tortured to death, many firing squads performing a classic execution each groups of people who oppose Temujin and his Empire. Many months have passed to August 22nd 1939, In August 22nd, 1939, Temujin and Agnes arrives in the mountains name Obersalzberg where he will deliver his speech to the Commanders "The object of the war is … physically to destroy the enemy. That is why I have prepared, for the moment for Poland, my orders is to kill without pity or mercy all men, women, and children trying to resist our wrath! Only in this way can we obtain the living space we need for our resources. I believed in your success Gentlemen, For Victory!" The Commanders and the Soldiers in the area chants "FOR VICTORY!". In August 23rd 1939, The British and The French warns Germany not to engage any forms aggression any further, Koba calls Ribbentrop from Berlin way back from May 1939 to set a deal which it will not involve the Soviet Union because Koba doesn't want a war with Temujin and his Empire. The Helghan-Soviet Pact is set in Moscow with Ribbentrop and Koba signing the Non-Aggression Pact, after that, Germany neutralized the possibility of not invading the Soviet territories, right now is to carry out a campaign in plans to invade Poland. Koba wanted to be neutral for the Motherland, calling Noah from London "Comrade, I'm sorry that I cannot aid you and the French at this moment, I don't my country suffer again after the Great War, please be careful out there." Noah understands Koba's plea on the reason "It's alright my friend, I will inform the French high command about this matter, thank you." Both of them agree about the matter.

In the 26th of August, Temujin tries to dissuade the British and the French from interfering in the upcoming conflict, even pledging that the Helghan Legions would be made available to Britain's empire in the future. The negotiations convinced Temujin that there was little chance the Western Allies will declare war with Germany anytime. Many Polish troops have been training for many months, knowing that their allies will help them in need, Temujin loves to make their opponents confused, he laughs at the British because they have not mobilize their troops to Poland, even the French did the same. August 30th, Temujin and Agnes will join the campaign in the next chapter.