Chapter 49: The Lighting War Speeds To Poland

*Be warn that this chapter may contain some or a lot of violence*

Temujin orders his men to begin anytime in the next day after August. Early hours of September 1st, 1939, German Battleships visits the port of Danzig, firing multiple shells, the port falls to the Germans many hours later. Many units of the German Army now marches inside the Polish borders, the Polish Soldiers along with Astral beings did not receive any news since the German Astral beings cutoff the waves, the bad part is that they are not aware of the German aggression in their doorstep. At 8:00 am, the Polish soldiers look up to the sky, seeing large multiple planes in formation, the civilians think this is an exercise, but the planes' logo is not the Polish, it is a Helghan logo, The Luftwaffe begins to drop a thousand pounds of bombs, killing the civilians who are in the area, buildings were shattered to pieces, the Polish soldiers can't do anything but to find cover. Now the energy waves around Europe have return in September 3, 1939, The German Astral beings activate it since early 1934, Koba cannot believed that Temujin has started a invasion, tells the officers near the Polish borders "Captain Jorge, is their any German movements around the Polish border?" The Captain replies "No Mr. President, we sense a large amount of energy far away, it's massive as heck, we will be on full alert" Koba is in relief to know that the Red Army remains in no harm, but he feels pity for Poland as he cannot do anything to help them, it's best to avoid being in the situation as Poland has.

Temujin orders after gaining some of Polish territories "Helghan Legions, Begin the assault on all sides!" Germany attacks from three directions on land. Commander Gunther leads 21 divisions that enters the Polish Corridor to meet a second force heading to Warsaw from East Prussia, he will wait for Temujin's orders. Gerd von Rundstedt's 35 divisions attacks southern Poland with most of their available units. The German Army relentlessly attacks Poland's western, southern and northern borders, and German Luftwaffe's aircraft later on begins to raid on Polish cities with multiple waves of bombs. Many civilians got hit after the raid, many children did not know what is happening, the Polish soldiers guides them to the safe shelters as possible for another German air raids. Prime Minister Noah McCallister send a letter to King George, for the French government agrees with the British Government to now declare war on Germany because of their aggression with Poland. In September 5th, The German Astral units crushed the Polish forces with ease, moving eastwards from Germany through the western Polish border. Temujin is happy about the situation of his troops, telling Marshal Bock "Commander Bock, begin your operation now" Bock is happy and tells him "It will be done my lord" Hours later, the Army Group North conquers the northern parts of Poland, now they are waiting for others before the assault of the capital city Warsaw. The Army Group South now faces heavy Polish resistance because one of the soldiers is a Astral energy being, leading them to kill many German units as possible. Astral beings who are from the air force informs The Luftwaffe high command that they notice that the Polish air force used a camouflage, most of the Astral units spies on them, now the Luftwaffe begins to destroy the Polish airfields that is filled with planes, especially from the forest on where they hide it. While the South is fighting the heavy ressistance, Temujin arrives, killing the whole battalion with the Phantom Breath, after that he eats the souls, making him more stronger, the Polish continues to fight to the death, The German army with Panzer units destroys the Polish forces after 6 hours of fighting non stop.

In September 7th, The German Army Groups North and South have their Panzer units deploy, destroying multiple Polish infantry in their path, The German infantry units surrounds the city of Warsaw, the Polish defenders have no choice to keep on fighting on many sides to save their country from the Helghan hordes. In September 10th, the Polish commander-in-chief, Marshal Edward Rydz-Śmigły, orders a plan for general retreat to the south-east, towards the Romanian Bridgehead. But Temujin wants to kill the Polish commander-in-chief, Jamukha and Roth will handle the assassination with the German troops. Meanwhile, the Germans were still tightening their encirclement of the Polish forces in Warsaw, it becomes harder because they are hiding in the ruins of the building, they surprise the Germans by Energy skills, the normal German soldiers are scared to go further against the Polish Astral beings defending the streets.

In September 12th, all of Poland west of the Vistula surrenders to the Germans except for the isolated Warsaw, the some of the streets are left unconquered, Jamukha and Joakim Roth begins to use their skill to draw out the resistance, it did, the Polish Astral soldiers fight the two in a hand to hand combat, the two Helghans overpowers the Polish soldiers, Jamukha calls in the Astral reinforcements to hunt down the President Ignacy of Poland and Commander Edward. Commander Roth is informed that Bzura city will be very difficult because the Polish Counter attack is way too much for them, Roth informs Temujin about the situation, he agrees to assist Commander Rundstedt because he is bored of spectating his troops in the battle. Temujin tells Agnes "I will be back for a while" Agnes accepts his permission as Temujin contacts Commander Roth "Commander Roth, I feel that Polish bastards will retreat to Hungary" Roth replies "You're right my Lord, our soldiers there will surprise them with a single swift!" Temujin says "Your determination is what I expect, ready your men at the Hungarian border, kill all of them once the they arrive!" Roth says "Yes my lord, it will be done".

6 hours later, Temujin joins the Luftwaffe operation to Bzura City of Poland, where they will perform many air raids on the city, the Polish forces still hides in a defensive positions as they can avoid getting hit by bombs, Temujin tells the Commanders "So you all have a very hard time" One of the Commander responds "My Lord, The Polish forces are mostly trained Astral beings, the infantry men are having a hard time piercing through" Temujin smiles "Polish Astral beings, I'm going to have a good time fighting them myself, OPEN THE DOOR NOW! *The Door opens*" Commanders is worried and one of them says to him "My Lord, do you need a parachute" Temujin replies "No *Dives to land to the Bzura ground* Minutes later the Polish Astral beings senses a powerful energy coming above, they are all horrified that it is the German Emperor who is alone, lands perfectly that cause a crater, the sheer force of the impact killed 34 Polish Astral beings defending the area, as the area is cleared, Temujin jumps from the crater, as he introduces himself, as he tells them "My race, why defend this land if you have the choice to join me and my army for conquest." The Polish Astral soldiers are scared to fight against a powerful foe, one of the officers say to him "No! I will not give up my country to your evil empire! Now I will end your life here, MEN, WE FIGHT FOR POLAND!" All of the Polish warriors chants "FOR FREEDOM!" As the Polish forces rushes towards the Iron Spectre, many lands a punch but Temujin did not feel any pain, now he uses a Energy skill "Pitiful, now you will all die, PHANTOM BARRIER! *The Barrier causes the soldiers to inflict damage from the heavy impact* The skill kills 57 soldiers in the area, as the German infantry steps in to help their Emperor, The Polish forces fights Temujin one by one, then Temujin strikes many of them, now they have been a victim of his wrath, the German Army burns more places as they go, executing so many innocent lives. Many hours later, he receives a news from Roth "My Lord, we captured Romania because they are too afraid, and they surrendered their land to you." Temujin is happy and motivated as he continues to lead the German 8th Army to victory.

In October 4th, 1939, the leaders of Poland reach the Hungarian border, they are all ambushed by the German Army and the Super Squadron, President Ignacy tells the Germans "No, we are trapped, Commander Edward, where are our Polish warriors?!" Commander Edward says "Mr. President, our warriors fought hard for our country, they can no longer reinforce us now since the Germans outrun their positions, I'm sorry" Jamukha, Goebbels, & Roth arrive at the scene, Ignacy is afraid that what will happen to him and his family "No, Have mercy please!" Jamukha says "Mercy? Goebbels, tell him what my brother's orders" Goebbels with a smiling face "It will be a pleasure Lord Jamukha, The Emperor orders us to never spare any lives of this operation, that include you Polish filth!" Roth tells the Polish leaders "*All of the German Soldiers aim their weapons at the Polish leaders and soldiers helping them* Any last words?" Ignacy's last words "Jozef, Maria, I can no longer be with you." Roth's orders "In a count of three to fire your weapons gentlemen, THREE! *The weapons burst as they kill them all, no one survive this madness" In October 8th, 1939, Poland surrenders to the Germans, as they expand their empire next to the Soviet border, Temujin and his men have a Military Parade in Warsaw as a celebration of their victory, Koba has no words to describe this kind of brutal thing that Temujin acts.

In February 1940, The British and the French mobilize their troops to be ready for battle against the Helghan Empire, Koba calls Prime Minister Noah "Comrade, good luck out there" Noah replies "Thank you Lionheart, we will try our best to bring down this evil regime". The British and the French prepares the lines of defenses to stop the German invasion from continuing even further. In the next chapter, Temujin plans to take Denmark next.