Chapter 51: Operation Triple Threat Part 1: Finland

*Be warn that this chapter may contain some or a lot of violence*

Denmark has been conquered! Temujin turns his attention to Norway, Sweden, and Finland as his next targets as he calls it "Gentlemen, the next phase will be Operation Triple Threat, Commander Roth, you will be invading Finland with the support of 90,000 soldiers and 14 Generals to command with you. My brother, Commander Jamukha, will be assisted by 21 Generals to invade Sweden because of its harsh conditions with a force of 100,000 troops. While me and the other seven Commanders will handle Norway with 120,000 troops, do I make myself clear?" All commanders understands Temujin's objective and chants "FOR VICTORY!"

The Kriegsmarine sends 41 Warships filled with a large force 90,000 troops combined and Commander Joakim Roth along with 14 Commanders, arrive to Helsinki, Finland in April 9th, 1940. One of the Commanders tells Roth that one of the beach near Roth orders his troops to begin their action for the first wave, the Celestial Finnish soldiers will not back down to a fight as they are in position to attack in a hiding spot. The battle begins as the Finnish Celestials launch their barrage of Energy blast, giving the German troops a halt of their position, Commander Weisenburg suggest to High Commander Joakim "Lord Joakim, let me command my army for the first wave" Joakim tells Weisenburg "Order is now confirmed Commander Weisenburg, you may begin". The first wave consist with 20,000 German troops, their objective to reach Helsinki beach, as 14 battleships launch a devastating artillery attack on the Finnish defensive positions, the Celestials uses a barrier to protect the fortress from heavy shells. The Astral Germans who are part of the first wave begins to attack the barrier by their own energy blasting barrage, the Celestial barrier almost begins to crack, as Joakim calls in the air support "Marshal Ace, prepare for the first wave of air raids now!" The Air Commander of the Luftwaffe responds "Affirmative Lord Joakim". The Celestials see 25 big German planes, ready to attack the city with bombs, The Finnish Commander who is a Celestial beings tells his men "*Contacts the soldiers in the city by telepathy* Warriors! Prepare for the German air raid, protect the civilians at all cost! *Hangs up the Telepathy skill and tells his men in the beach* Soldiers, fire at the big planes!" The Finnish soldiers with Celestial warriors fire their targets, Joakim's plan proceeds "Commander Weisenburg, make troops go full speed." Weisenburg responds "Yes Lord Joakim *Contacts the platoon leaders* Lieutenant, the Finnish soldiers are distracted, go full speed to shore!" The platoon leaders understands the plan, they fire more energy bombs at the beach, resulting to killing more Finnish troops while they are distracted, the Germans lands on shore, begins their assault to the Finnish men with no remorse, The Finnish Commander flees to the city of Helsinki, leaving the 5,000 Finnish troops to defend against German horde at the beach.

Meanwhile in Moscow, Koba felt the disturbance as Noctis talks to him:

Noctis: Comrade Koba, are you alright?

Koba: Yes, so many Celestials died.

Noctis: What? You can sense them far away?

Koba: Yes, these poor soldiers have to defend the Helsinki beach.

Noctis: I'm sure they will repel the German invasion Comrade.

Koba: No, they are way too outnumbered against a heavy German forces.

Noctis: Are we going to something about this matter Comrade, these people are dying.

Koba: We can't do anything Comrade Noctis, if we help them now, the Germans will revoke our pact, which means our people will suffer this kind of consequence.

Noctis: You're right, I hope Norway, Sweden and Finland will survive.

Koba: Better to hope my young warrior.

Going back to the Helsinki, The German Army plans to unleash a second wave consisting of 10,000 troops to the beach since they are losing the first wave with a total loss of 3,500 German troops out of 15,000 of the first wave, the Finnish Celestial Soldiers only losing 530 soldiers out of 5,000 men. In April 10th, 1940, The second German wave begins to reach to the Helsinki shores, the Finnish soldiers will endure another huge wave of them as they fire many weapons at them, killing more Germans than yesterday, Roth is furious with the outcome, he orders 5 Panzer divisions to deploy to the beach with Astral warriors using barriers to defend the Iron machine inside. 12 hours later on bitter fighting on the beach, the Finnish soldiers see one of the bigger boats as he alerts his platoon leader "Captain, inside that boats are carrying tanks!" The Captain of the Finnish platoon rushes to his men "Men! Get ready to blast those multiple boats, they are carrying tanks, we must stop them from reaching our shores quick!" The men quickly uses their energy bombs to target the boat but the Astral Soldiers are using barriers to defend the boats from damage, the situation for the Finnish Army begins to crumble slowly as they fail to stop the boats, now the Germans unleash a large group of tanks to clear the Finnish positions, the big planes again are doing air raids to the city, the Celestial soldiers are exhausted, trying their best to prevent the city to be in ruins, the Finnish Commander Arvo in Helsinki keeps on contacting the Finnish high command but no one is responding, the Finnish President flees to the Soviet Union because he does not want the same fate happening like in Poland.

Many days have gone to June 1st, The Germans successfully pass the Helsinki beach, more than 3,000 Finnish soldiers perished while defending against the German Horde. A city of Helsinki now in ruins are left untouched while parts of Finland are being Occupied by the Germans in a Month. Commander Arvo tells his men in the city "Our president has left the country *The officers are more worried* Do not worry men, we will fight to the bitter end." One of the officers reply to Arvo "With what?! our country doomed, we are running out of supplies Commander Arvo! Our reinforcements are not coming, we are the only city that is left to defend" Arvo tells him "We have no choice to fight them *Artillery shells hits near the Finnish camp* Holy shit! Men get ready!" 12,000 Finnish men will defend their positions in city, but the German tanks have overwhelm them hard, the Germans swarm their territory, killing them in cold blood.

Arvo and his men did not give up, but they are surrounded by Roth and his Astral warriors, they came to kill the Finnish Commander. Both of them have words to say:

Arvo: So you must be the famous Field Marshal Roth, bringer of misery to the innocent.

Joakim: Yes I am, surrender now just like the other Finnish territories that the 13 Commanders have accomplished, or there will be more bloodshed in the next minutes.

Weisenburg: How unfortunate *Attacks Arvo with a spinning back kick*

Arvo: *Dodges the kick, then uses Celestial uppercut skill to knock out Weisenburg* We will never back down you beasts!

Joakim: So sad, Men! kill them all!

Arvo: *Arvo's men fights them off valiantly but the Astral warriors are too strong, they stab them one by one, now Arvo gets knock down by Joakim's heavy fist* Arghhhh! So this is it for me.

Joakim: *Shots him in the head* Get the fuck up Commander Weisenburg!

Weseinburg: Yes Lord Joakim!

Joakim: Secure every ounce of territories, and execute the civilians as well.

Weisenburg: With pleasure

The Germans crushed so many areas, arresting many civilians, rounding them up, killing them group by group. Finland is now conquered by the Germans once again. Going back to April 8th 1940, Jamukha and his troops are ready for the Swedish Invasion in the next chapter.