Chapter 52: Operation Triple Threat Part 2: Heavy Swedish Resistance

*Be warn that this chapter may contain some or a lot of violence*

The Swedish Government are in big trouble, Swedish troops are surrounded by the Germans in Gothenburg, Jamukha and the other Commanders have capture Helsingborg and Malmo. The 2nd Swedish Army retreat to the Jonkoping to regroup with the 5th Swedish Army. The British Royal Army cannot help both Finnish and Swedish Armies because the German Kriegsmarine is blocking their way, the submarines are the biggest threat to the British Royal Navy, they cannot save them from the German onslaught.

In April 16th, 10 am in the morning on the Swedish side, The Swedish Celestials are waiting for the Germans to attack, but they are not sensing anything, The Astral Germans suppresses their energy to avoid detection, Jamukha orders "Prepare to fire the Astral energy barrage when ready" The Astral Germans fire their energy bombs, the Swedish Celestial senses it, but it is too late, the bombs hit the city as the civilians are hit in multiple areas. Swedish Celestial Commander name Kori Larson is aware that the Germans will take the airport first, tells his troops to divide their armies to protect the cities of Sweden. At 10:45 am, Jamukha orders the Luftwaffe to land their planes to Jonkoping Airport, but they are met in heavy Swedish resistance, this battle gives enough time for the 2nd Swedish Army to escape to Linkoping City for defense in case the 3rd and 5th Swedish Army fails to defend the Swedish city of Jonkoping. The Swedish Celestials manage to destroy 40 German fighter planes with their energy skills, Jamukha realize that the Swedish Army is dividing themselves to each cities. Jamukha joins the fight to end it quickly as possible. 4 hours later the airport has been captured, executing the Swedish troops by a group of Execution Squad. Now they are heading straight to Jonkoping as winter gets worst. The Astral beings prepares the fires to warm up the whole entire army, as the 5th Swedish Army prepares for the German attack.

At 4:00 pm, The Germans outside prepares for early dinner, Jamukha plans to attack the city at night, giving the Germans more energy to strike. The Swedish 5th Army Commander Larson plans to ambush the Germans while they are inside the building, the Celestials will have to attack them head on as the Astral Germans are way too trained enough to kill their opponents, Commander Larson is confused on why the Germans are not attacking around this hour, he became sleepy after retreat from Jonkoping airport to the city. At 7:00 pm, The Swedish troops are eating their dinner peacefully, 4 minutes later, a big group of German Bombers raids the city non stop for 15 minutes, 250 Swedish soldiers lost their lives after the air raid, The Celestials senses their presence as the Germans are now in the city, fight begins as two armies fight in streets, many Swedish soldiers shoots in the building to assist their comrades, the Astral Germans see them, proceeds to destroy the building to the ground, killing 78 soldiers, the Celestials got mad but the Astral Germans overpower them by numbers, the Swedish forces are forced to retreat to the capitol area of the city, but the Germans are surrounding them, Commander Larson can no longer escape the German Hordes.

One of the Celestial Soldiers tells the Swedish Commander "General Kori! This way, we can sneak through the Astral Germans so that we can get out!" Kori tells the officer "We can't, they're too many of them" The Officer pleads "We can, as long as we hide in the shadows and suppress our energy, we both will be undetected, the commander of the 3rd Swedish army is doomed now, we need your leadership to lead the our entire army please!" Kori accepts, both warriors kill the Astral Germans in darkness of the night, after 3 hours of doing stealth, the two escape the burning city of Jonkoping, Kori felt ashamed of leaving his battalion behind, as 12,000 Swedish troops surrender at 12 am. The Germans commit a horrible crime by executing so many brave Celestials and the Swedish soldiers.

The Officer and Commander Kori finds a abandoned barn, they went inside as they so far away from the Germans as they are going to start their conversation:

Officer: *Finds a coat inside a barn* Here, you don't to get cold from this harsh winter.

Kori: Thanks, what's your name Lieutenant?

Andi: My name is Andi Borson, 2nd Lieutenant from the 4th Celestial platoon.

Kori: Nice to meet you Lieutenant Borson, but why abandon your post?

Andi: If we don't, we will be a target practice for the Germans, the reason why I help you is because we need your leadership to lead us and I am the only one left because the Germans have killed 78 of my comrades.

Kori: I'm so sorry Lieutenant, we will find ways to avenge our men, but the Germans are outnumbering us so much.

Andi: Yes I know Commander, we must get to Linkoping to regroup with the 2nd Swedish Army.

Kori: Yes, *Finds food to eat* I found food from that abandoned house, we must stay there and light up the chimney.

Andi: Yes sir.

The two warriors sleeps in a abandoned house, Kori wakes up at 6:30 am in preparation to walk to Linkoping with Andi Borson as they are about to begin another conversation:

Kori: *Kori senses something bad* I sensed a horrible news.

Andi: What is it Commander?

Kori: I sensed that all divisions of the 5th Army surrenders, the Celestial soldiers are executed.

Andi: Fuck, these Germans are experts in killing, if I find that guy who runs the Helghan Empire, I will surely kill him good.

Kori: *Shows him with a energy hologram* This is the Kaiser of the Helghan Empire.

Andi: That guy, I will throw him like a ragdoll.

Kori: Didn't you know this guy defeated the Lionheart during the 1938 Berlin Olympics, this guy is a freaking monster.

Andi: Oh I heard about that in the radio, now I remember that event, the guy Temujin crushed Lieutenant Noctis like it was nothing, Koba's Wing Chun prowess is no match for Temujin's brute strength, I take that back Commander.

Kori: You better be, this monster won't stop invading everything in his path.

Andi: Once we get to Linkoping City, we will stop German advance once and for all.

Kori: Hopefully comrade.

The two almost reach Odeshog, the two rest at the big tree, after resting there for 3 hours, Andi sees something terrifying.

Andi: *Roaming around to find food, now sees a large battalion of German soldiers* Oh shit! Shit shit! *Suppresses energy, finds Larson in the tree* Commander! suppresses your energy now!

Kori: What why? We are far away from the Germans.

Andi: *Hides in the big bushes* Take a good look.

Kori: Holy shit, how the fuck did they get here so fast?

Andi: Maybe their armored vehicles move faster.

Kori: No shit, this machines look nice.

Andi: Hey Commander, is that?

Kori: He is here, Field Marshal Jamukha, the right hand man of Temujin, architect of terror.

Andi: We have to move quick now.

Kori: You're right *Runs for their lives*

The two runs nonstop, passes Odeshog, Jamukha and his men keep on marching as Odeshog is now abandoned, Jamukha in his mind "I must find that coward name Kori Larson, that fella deserves a bigger death, hahaha!" 2 days later, the two Swedish men encounters a German soldier at the Mantorp Park as he aims at both "Oh it's you both Celestial freaks, surrender now before I shoot you" Kori tells Andi "Lieutenant, if you use your energy, we will be spotted" Andi gets the knife and kills him by throwing it at his eye "Bullseye!" Kori is impressed "Damn, you got some knife skill, hide the body now" The dead body is now hidden, there are multiple Germans who are not Astral beings, now ambushes the whole infantry as they open fire, Andi uses his energy blast to wipe out the group on the left while Kori is on the right, the whole squad has been eliminated, the two had a good time fighting with each other, one incapacitated German soldier crawls desperately to reach the telephone line to call for back up, Kori stabs the German soldier's neck with a knife, 120 Germans are dead, Kori senses a big Astral Germans are coming, 40 minutes of running, they reach to the defensive post of the 2nd Swedish positions outside Linkoping, The Commander of the 2nd Swedish Army feels relief that he and Lieutenant Andi survived the massacre inside Jonkoping, The Swedish soldiers gave both of them food to replenish their strength before they are going to fight the Germans.

Meanwhile in the German side, Jamukha visits the Mantorp Park filled with his dead soldiers, angry and furious about this outcome, his thoughts are "Those two celestials and this shit country will die!" The Swedish are in heavy defensive positions in Linkoping, while Jamukha will send a whole entire German Panzer division in the next chapter.