Chapter 56: The Battle Of France Part 1: The Maginot Blitzkrieg

June 20, 1940, Field Marshal Noah McCallister announces his resignation as Prime Minister to the public to fight the Germans in France, declares Winston Churchill as the successor, the Eagles now have 9 days before the Battle Of France:

Noah: Marshal Flamethrower & Stonebreaker will lead their troops to defend along with Belgians, Dutch, & the Luxembourgish. They are deploying all their forces for the incoming invasion.

David & Oliver: Yes Boss!

Noah: As for me & Marshal Leatherneck, we will head to the Maginot line, I always believe in that line of defenses, best of this planet has to offer.

Ethan: I agree brother, I will make sure to help our French brothers defeat the Helghan Empire.

Noah: Yes we can, we will send many supplies, and 1,650,000 troops to the assigned borders.

Meanwhile in the German High Command in Cologne City, Temujin meets with his best Commanders known as the Oberkommando Der Legion and Commanders of the Astral Super Squadron:

Temujin: Obersturmkaiser Oskar Fisher & Otto Skorzeny will invade the south by using the German forces coming from the Italian territory, I want your troops to crush the French resistance with the power of Blitzkrieg. Also, I will place a good Super Squadron leading by one of my favorite Obersturmkaiser in the Maginot line near the Belgium border.

Both Obersturmkaisers: Yes my lord, we will not fail you.

Temujin: Alright, as for the next topic for the Helghan Legions, I will form you into 3 groups, Army Group A, B, & C. The B group will invade the 3 phony countries with our might, be careful men, we will have a French fries and British dicks interrupting our little party, I want you to reach Paris before 10 days. I will appoint Marshal Leeb, Kesselring, & Sperrle to do it.

The assigned Commanders: Thank you for appointing our positions, we will not fail you.

Jamukha: Brother, The Astral sensory unit has breached one of the conversations coming from the British high command, Flamethrower and Stonebreaker will go to the 3 small countries for assistance, while Leatherneck and Eagle will be assigned for the divisions of the Maginot line.

Temujin: So, the 4 dipshits will command along with the French fries, I heard he even resigned as Prime Minister, HAHA Pathetic fools. *All the Commanders stare at him in fear except Skorzeny, Manstein, & Jamukha, then Temujin stops and speaks* Oh I got lost in thoughts, where was I, oh Field Marshal Guderian & Bock will lead the Group C, encircle after piercing its defenses. As for Group A, Me, My brother Jamukha, Marshal Manstein, & Runstedt will get to destroy the biggest part of defense, I'm sure that motherfucker McCallister will suffer greatly hahahahahahaha!!!

Erich Von Manstein: This plan is perfect my Lord, how many troops in each my Kaiser?

Temujin: This will be a large scale one, prepare 141 divisions, 7,000 or more guns, 2,445 tanks, 5,550 aircrafts. For our manpower, the south of the Italian part will be around 300,000 troops, Group B will have 1,200,000 troops, Group C is 1,200,000 and A will be around 1,400,000 troops, a total of 3,800,000 troops, ready for battle.

Erich: It will be done, I will ready everything by tomorrow.

Temujin: *In thoughts of his mind* I will crush you McCallister, just you wait.

Skorzeny: Are you alright my Kaiser?

Temujin: Oh just thinking about crushing The Eagle & Leatherneck.

Skorzeny: Ah revenge, It will be bitter sweet if you get em.

Three days passed in June 23rd, 1940, The Germans are now in positions in each areas, Temujin signals "Super Squadron, begin you advance! Crush any resistance in the way!" The French begins their counter offensive but cannot resist them any further. Most French soldiers in the village areas surrenders. In the three countries, Flamethrower begins to command his British troops to secure the streets of Brussels as the Germans are in defensive positions, Astral Germans begin to use their energy skills, crushing platoon by platoon. Stonebreaker turns his attention to platoon who was about to get hit by a large energy bomb, suddenly he punches it and saves them from death. The Astral Germans fight Stonebreaker, one of them dies by his strong skills, minutes later the Germans assists their comrades by their weapons, Stonebreaker deflects the bullets and went straight back at the Germans, fatally killing them one by one. Flamethrower gets exhausted by the incoming German offensive with new orders from their respective Commanders. The British Ethereal sensory units contacts Commander David, they informed him "Marshal David! The city of Amsterdam has been overrun by the Germans, we cannot hold on much longer! AAGGGHHHHH!!" *Telepathy skill cuts off" David says "Shit! Commander Oliver! Netherlands has been overrun!" Oliver has no more thoughts to say, the fight will continue.

Meanwhile near the Maginot line in Saarbrucken in Germany, Temujin senses Ethereal beings hiding in the well build defensive French positions, as well as the British troops. Temujin will decide:

Runstedt: My Kaiser, our spies inside the enemy territory found a lot of ammunition underground, in the mountains, they find hospitals, ammunition areas, the sleeping headquarters, and last is the railways where they can reach more for the supply lines.

Temujin: Interesting information you got there Field Marshal, how about the beautiful residential homes?

Runstedt: My Kaiser, do not be fooled, those houses are filled with filthy Ethereal beings and the British troops, but we did not sense McCallister & Wilson.

Temujin: Hmmm those filthy British Ethereal fucks pisses me off, I want my fucking REVENGE!!!

Runstedt: My Kaiser, we will find them with our brute strength and might. Right now, what is your next order my Kaiser?

Temujin: Contact one of available Luftwaffe divisions to begin their air raid, I want the anti tank ditches, landmines, and the French wires.

Runstedt: It will be done my Kaiser. *Makes contact to the Luftwaffe High Command through sensory telepathy* Begin the air raid along with the dive bombers.

One of the Luftwaffe High Command Officers: Copy we will begin our assault.

The British and the French are enjoying their moments while eating lunch, minutes later they all hear a load airplane sounds, it begins with many bombs hitting most of the mines, defenses and the houses, but some is still okay and Ethereal beings begin assaulting the big German planes and one of them gets hit. Temujin is enjoying the view of the scene, now he begins to order the second wave "Begin the second wave, release the stukas!". The British and the French begin to hear a terrifying sound coming from the air, which is a dive bomber plane called the stuka, hitting the allied positions which killed many allied troops, many more stukas come again, the Ethereal beings are terrified of the sound as they panic in fear. 3 hours later, one of the Maginot line's defense got crumbled, became a clear path, which make Temujin orders "Release the assigned Panzer divisions to that area!" The allied forces think they are safe from the air raid, they see one of their comrades die from the air attack, now they are machines, the Panzers make their way to cause destruction, destroy the French machine gun nest and the bunkers. The infantry units begins to spread out, raiding most of the bunkers in the Maginot line, the British Ethereal beings halt their advance by killing them, the German reinforcements come, which is a Astral German soldiers, using their skills to make the British soldiers submit in another 3 hours of heavy fighting. Temujin receives news at 6:15 pm, Marshal Kesselring informs him "We have British Commanders Oliver & David retreating their units as the are now in the weakest line of the Maginot line!" Temujin loves the good news, tell the Commander "Break their spirits, send many troops as possible to fuck their shit up, make them bleed! Capture the surrendering Ethereal beings and put them to the concentration camps!". Kesselring and his ally Commanders continue their assault, Temujin says "Tomorrow, I will have Ethereal blood!!"

In June 24th, 7 am in the morning, Noah And Ethan are in a hurry along with their British comrades to rescue the crumbling Maginot line. While they are both in the Army truck, they have a conversation:

Noah: Fuck, Oliver and David are in big risk of getting killed by the trained Astral Germans, what's worst, they are now in the weakest defense line of the Maginot line. The Germans will enter our allies' northern territory.

Ethan: We must now lose hope Marshal Eagle, our boys will not fall that easily.

Noah: I know, but we will face a larger German forces soon.

A British sensory unit contacts Noah: Marshal McCallister! We have been overrun, the Germans are killing our men! We need reinforcements NOW!!!

Noah: Do not worry, we coming in 15 minutes, hold on!

A British sensory unit member: We don't time! Oh SHIT! We sense the German Emperor and his elite troops coming this way! ARGGHHHHHHH! *Explosions hits, they all disconnect*

Ethan: FUCK! Temujin that damn MONSTER!!!

Noah: We have no choice to face his horde, Ethan let us pray to the Ethereal Gods to guide us through our battle with the Astral beings and the Germans.

Ethan: Yes boss..

15 minutes earlier, Temujin is now in a Helghan Legion Astral gear, leads his troops as he enters the French territory, killing most of the French and the British men there. As the Ethereal soldiers try to encircle Temujin with their Energy bomb barrage, Temujin uses his terrifying skill "PHANTOM BARRIER!" The whole area explodes loudly, 84 men perished, the surviving Ethereal beings get captured, as they will march to the concentration camps. Temujin loves the look of the house, seeing the Panzer units crossing towards Paris, 15 minutes passes by, their advance is halted, Temujin senses a big energy coming this way, telling Jamukha & Skorzeny "Gentlemen, the 2 motherfuckers arrives *Looks at the window as Ethan & Noah assaults most of the German troops and the Panzer units* As Noah says "Stop!" Temujin jumps through the roof, about to hit both British Commanders by landing at them, both of them dodge as Temujin lands with brute strength, next is Jamukha and Skorzeny now in battle position, including the whole German Legions and the Allies in the area ready to fire at each other in a standoff way.

The men begins to talk during their standoff:

Noah: Hello Emperor of the Helghan Empire, please stop invading France now at once!

Temujin: Mehehe Why would I? I want this country!

Skorzeny: We will destroy you and your allies here!

Jamukha: We will make sure you will suffer here Eagle Brigadiers!

Ethan: Man, this gonna get ugly at any moment

Noah: Right..

The two large armies have ready to begin their all out attack on each other in the next chapter!