Chapter 57: The Battle Of France Part 2: All Out Maginot Attack!

In the north side of the Maginot Line near the Belgian border, Oliver And David's forces where overwhelmed by the Germans, now they are in the Maginot line where they will meet the Germans there, hoping they will crush them. The British soldiers are helping the French troops to prepare, however they are interrupted by a large group of German planes doing air raids, the allies find cover to avoid heavy damages from above, now they all hear a terrifying sounds, a group of German Stukas dive bombing at full speed, causing destruction to the land mines and the defenses. Now leaving the center area open for the Panzers to enter the French territory, this is the same tactic used by Temujin in the last chapter, but the Germans begin to enter to fight the allies, the fighting is so intense that the Ethereal beings begin their assault, causing the Germans to halt their advance, then David begins to sense a larger energy coming this way, telling Oliver "Hey Oliver, you sensing this abnormal energy?" Oliver replies "Yeah, what about it?" David now realized "*A large platoon of Astral Germans coming this way* Shit shit shit! Its the Super Squadron! Ethereal platoons! give everything you got!" Oliver is terrified that a Commander is there with them "Shit! It's him, Helmond Wolfenstein, one of the strongest Orbersturmkaisers, leading his platoon during the 1st World War, he is responsible for killing civilians somewhere in France."

David now in 3rd gear, tells Oliver "We will kill Wolfenstein now while we still have a chance!" David rushes forward to Wolfenstein, Oliver says "David NO! Don't rush to him!" Wolfenstein effortlessly punch David in the stomach causing him to feel excruciating pain, then incapacitates David by kicking him in the head with one blow, causing him to fly back to the Maginot line, Oliver drags David as hard as he can to get away from the crossfire. Oliver tells David "Man you too reckless, ETHEREAL PLATOONS, GIVE US COVER!!" The allies give everything they have, but the Germans are too strong for the allies to overcome.

Wolfenstein orders his men to bring more destruction, more landmines explode because the Astral Germans detect it with their senses, giving more Panzer divisions to advance. Helmond begins to remember while he fought Joakim Roth in front of Temujin. The fight begins:

Helmond: *Punches Roth with his fist, causing his nose to bleed* What's the matter, Helghan dog!

Joakim: *Headbutts Helmond in the face and pushed himself back* How do you like that motherfucker!

Helmond: Hahaha that fucking tickles.

Skorzeny: You men fight like shitheads, Kill each other please.

Temujin: No need for that Obersturmkaiser, Helmond is fit to become one. *Approaches near them* Enough, Marshal Roth, heal up your wounds, we need you for battle.

Joakim: Yes my Kaiser, I will heal up immediately.

Temujin: Helmond, you are strong, you have exceeded beyond expectations, Marshal Otto, give him the medal.

Skorzeny: *Whispers to Helmond* Congrats my friend, you deserve it.

Temujin: *faces Helmond* Kneel *Helmond kneels to the ground with one knee* I declare you the grant of Obersturmkaiser, rise.

Helmond: Thank you my Kaiser, I will not fail you and our Empire.

The flashback ends with Helmond touching his medal in his chest as one his biggest achievement after impressing the Emperor, now Wolfenstein begins to kill many Ethereal soldiers even though they surrendered, the Germans show the allies their wrath of power.

Meanwhile in Moscow, Koba feels distress as he express:

Koba: Shit, those Germans are doing horrendous acts.

Noctis: What's wrong Comrade Koba, you feel stressed out.

Koba: Feel the energy now Noctis, you will know.

Noctis: *Feels the energy* Damn you're right, it's the Ethereal beings, they are being, executed?!

Koba: Yes

Noctis: This is a war crime Comrade!

Koba: I know, we must warn the Ethereal Russians in our country to be on guard, Temujin is a vengeful being to begin with, right now I don't know if McCallister can beat Temujin again just like the what he did in the Great War in the west.

Noctis: I'm sure Commander Noah will beat him again!

The two Celestial beings hoping the allies will win the fight.

Meanwhile near the city of France near Metz, the standoff is getting more intense than ever, Temujin orders his troops "All Helghan Legion units, kill all Ethereals and the allies, attack!" Both sides are now in a heavy fire fight, Temujin and Noah clashes hard as the force of the air hits both sides, meanwhile Ethan & the British Officers clashes with Jamukha, Skorzeny and the rest of the large German troops, Noah and Temujin are equally match in strength, now they begin:

Noah: Man Temujin, you are physically strong, here I go! *Transforms to Ethereal Progress 4th gear*

Temujin: Hehehe I will break my limit this time..

Noah: What?!

Temujin: AAAHHHHHHHHRGGGGGHHHHH!!!! *Transforms into Astral Progress 5th gear* This will give you good pain McCallister.

Noah: *In thoughts (Shit, his power is going beyond, Joanna, I don't know if I can go home this time, but I will defeat this motherfucker to the ground) Bring it on you Astral motherfucker!

Both of them exchange punches for 10 minutes straight as both sides see them fight like real warriors, but the Germans have push the allies back to the city of Metz, worrying Ethan and the other Ethereal officers, Many Ethereal men dies in the process by the Astral German attacks, Ethan finds a hiding spot to avoid detection from Jamukha and Otto with the assistance of the Ethereal soldiers, tries to communicate with David and Oliver. But they won't answer as Jamukha raises his energy skill, killing multiple French and the British soldiers there. Ethan and the others retreat, hoping that Noah will kill Temujin. The continuation of the two strong warriors:

Temujin: *Enjoys hitting Noah while he is blocking* How does it feel McCallister?

Noah: Man you hit so hard Emperor, *In thoughts* (I need to find a opening so that I can kill him with the Airstream Hurricane Rush)

Temujin: You are wide open! *Punches Noah in the face, falling down hard to the ground, Temujin releases a devastating skill as Noah looks up* PHANTOM CRUSH!

Ethan: *Temujin hits Noah with his skill* NOOOOO! Noah get up now!

Noah: *Temujin jumps out from the huge crater, feeling so much pain* Ouch man, that fucking hurts.

Temujin: HAHAHAHA! You know what McCallister, I will change my plan *Contacts Jamukha and the others* Men, destroy the City of Metz! I will handle Noah, Ethan and his pathetic goons, bring in the Legions here.

Jamukha: It will be done brother, 4 platoons! Aid our Kaiser now!

Temujin: HAHAHAHA! My goodness Noah, your death will be far more painful than expected, I going kill you now.

Ethan: Shit! 2nd and 3rd Ethereal platoon, assist me in saving our boss, while the 4th and the 5th, rescue us when we are about to die understand?

The units: YES SIR!!

Ethan: Assigned platoons on me!

Temujin: I'm sorry McCallister, you will die here in a terrible death.

Noah: *senses Ethan about to attack Temujin* Nice one Ethan!


Temujin: *Stops the spear attack by holding it with his right hand* Do you think you can kill me with this Ethan?

Ethan: SHIT!

Noah: ETHAN RUN!!!!

Temujin: *Choking Ethan's neck mercilessly, punching gut 8 times, throwing him like a ragdoll, sees a spear* You have a nice spear Ethan, but I guess I'll have to do this. *Throws the spear so hard like a javelin throw, hitting Ethan in the kidney area*

Noah: NOOOO ETHAN NOOOOO!!!!! THATS IT! *Stands up*

Temujin: Huh, I thought you gave up a minute ago.

Noah: *Flies above the skies with a hurricane surrounding the area* I will kill you now! *diving towards Temujin* HURRICANE AIRSTREAM RUSH!!!!!!

Temujin: What's this *gets hit by a ultimate skill*

Skorzeny: *hears the force coming in hot* Our Kaiser got hit by McCallister's ultimate skill!

Jamukha: Do not worry Marshal Otto, feel his energy now.

Skorzeny: *Smiles* Hahahaha our Kaiser will never die that easily.

Noah: *Temujin withstands the skill with his both bare hands* WHAT?!

Temujin: Do you really think you can kill me with this useless skill of yours Ethereal bitch! Now my turn.

Noah: Oh no...

Temujin: Phantom Suicidal Explosion!! *Explosion reaches far at the sky, the civilians who are still away from the war hears it far*

One of the Ethereal platoons: Now is our chance to rescue both!

Temujin: *Is aware of the group* Oh no you didn't!

The Ethereal Officer: Guys, realease our Solar Flashbang!

Temujin: MY EYES, YOU ETHEREAL MOTHERFUCKERS! When I have my eyesight back, you will feel my wrath!

Ethan: Both of the Commanders are rescued by their respective platoons* Thank you, shit Noah!

Ethereal Medic: Don't worry, he is still alive, but his injuries are way too severed by Temujin's terrifying skill.

5 minutes later, Temujin's eyesight regain control, the Legions arrive late and the Emperor is furious with their timing.

Astral Officer: My Kaiser, we will hunt them down.

Temujin: *In rage* You bastards, they are retreating far away now! You will all be executed by an hour now!! Failure is not a option gentlemen.

Astral Officer and his platoon: Yes, we will prepare for our death.

The German platoon who failed to arrive, are being executed by a Astral German Squad and a fire squad, showing his army that failure will never be a option to the Legions of Doom. Metz City has been overrun by the Germans, Temujin rewards the soldiers more looting in the city, as Wolfenstein makes contact:

Helmond: My Kaiser, David and Oliver are on the run.

Temujin: Very good Wolfenstein, I managed to destroy Noah and Ethan, but I can't kill them because of those filthy Ethereal bastards!

Helmond: Wow that is good and bad news my Kaiser, but my spies know where those 4 stooges are heading and the British evacuation.

Temujin: Where?

Helmond: Dunkirk my Kaiser..

Temujin: Good, set your course to Dunkirk, inform the Luftwaffe High Command that they will assist your mission there.

Helmond: Yes my Kaiser..

Temujin: Thank you, one of my favorite warriors *disconnects contact*

Jamukha: Brother, all southern parts of France has been occupied, we imprisoned many Ethereal beings there.

Temujin: Very good, next stop is Paris, I have dream of this moment will come soon enough unlike the first Great War, we never have to smell the Paris perfume.

Jamukha: I'm excited to smell it brother!

Both warrior have a toast of their champagne together in the city of Metz. 3 days later, the eagles manage to reach Dunkirk for their evacuation, along with the British soldier, outside 5 miles of from Dunkirk, a large group of German troops marching to the city in the next chapter.