Chapter 58: Battle Of France Part 3: The Great Escape!

*This Chapter Contains Violence And Intense Action*

3 days have passed to June 27th since the battle outside Metz, the Maginot line destroyed by the Helghan Legions, Temujin waste no time to order Obersturmkaiser Wolfenstein And Marshals Rundstedt, Bock, & Kleist to encircle the escaping British Soldiers in the city of Dunkirk. Temujin orders Commanders of Army Group C to speed up their operation in west part of Paris, which becomes successful, repelling the allies to retreat, as for the northern part, Marshal Kesselring & Leeb will handle their troops there. Temujin and his men manage to capture the city of Reims, just 89 miles from Paris, Army Group C is able to capture many southern areas, now near the Spanish border.

Meanwhile in Dunkirk, Noah wakes up in a medical truck, Ethan is happy that Noah regains consciousness, as they both will arrive to Dunkirk soon:

Ethan: Holy shit boss, while I was hit by my own spear, you stood up for me, thank you so much.

Noah: You're welcome, what the fuck happened? Where are we going?

Ethan: We are going to Dunkirk boss, Prime Minister Churchill's orders.

Noah: What? How about the our men out there?

Ethan: Sad to say, only the chosen 400,000 of our guys will evacuate. The rest will be left to assist the French army to continue fighting.

Noah: This is absurd! *Feels pain!* AARRGHH! Ouch!

Ethan: Don't move Boss, you must rest.

The boys arrive to Dunkirk, many British men line up for evacuation, Oliver & David senses their presence.

Oliver: David look, I sensed the boss and Ethan inside the medical truck!

David: You're right Oliver.

The two stop as the truck stops near the medical tent at the beach. The 4 reunite with their conversation:

David: Shit boss, the fuck happen to your body?!

Noah: I guess I had a good sparring time with that monster Temujin.

David: That sounds about it, yooooo!!!! Ethan, you have a big hole in your kidney area.

Ethan: Yeah, the Ethereal medical team manages to heal my kidney in no time, Temujin really knows how to do a absolute javelin throw, you don't wanna get hit by him.

David: I will be careful about it Ethan.

Noah: Oliver what is the status of the 3 countries that we are suppose to operate?

Oliver: Shits gone bad boss, Luxemburg, Belgium, & Netherlands all fucked to pieces by the Germans.

Noah: That doesn't sound good *Senses a big energy coming from far away* Guys, we need to more quickly now.

David: I'm sensing it too boss, it's the Helghan Legions and the Astral Squadron.

Noah: Not only them, Obersturmkaiser Wolfenstein, Field Marshals Bock, Rundstendt & Kleist.

David: 4 commanders only? Damn they really wanna fuck us that badly?

Ethan: Sensory spies tells us the numbers.

Oliver: What is it Oliver?

Ethan: *Trembles in fear* As for the Helghan Legions, 800,000 Germans are battle ready for this area, while the Astral Super Squadron is 200,000 troop.

Oliver: We are fucking outnumbered, how are we suppose to escape from this mess?

David: Yeah, A million Germans coming to this city?! 400,000 of us here will be screwed in a matter of the next hour, HARD!

Noah: GUYS, stop flapping your gums and listen, I have a plan.

Ethan: What is it?

Noah: I want you to bring the sensory unit team, I will make contact to the Royal navy at once.

Ethan: Got it boss

Noah: David, give status about the incoming German offensive.

David: No movement yet, I will give an update if the Germans will move.

Noah: Good David, Oliver, create meeting between the platoon leaders of this city.

Oliver: Yes, in what way?

Noah: We will have to sacrifice some of our men in the next battle.

Oliver: What?! You can't do this boss, this young boys, they look inexperienced.

Noah: Trust me in this Oliver, we have no other way to make our escape.

Oliver: Shit, alright.

5 hours later Oliver gathers all the British troops in the Dunkirk beach, Oliver now starts a meeting:

Oliver: Men, you all fought bravely for our Kingdom & our King. Now we need volunteers to fight the Germans while the others escape.

All men: What, why?! *Many of them are confused*

Oliver: Listen, we have only have short supplies left, we need at least 70,000 men to fight in order for others to escape. The French men here are heavily outnumbered, you all will assist 53,000 French troops.

One of the men: I volunteer to fight for my brothers here.

One of the men: Me too

Minutes later all 70,000 men volunteered to fight the Germans in the city as Oliver gives instructions:

Oliver: Groups must be divided to 7 groups in different area, supplies will be given right now, 10,000 each group must defend at all cost.

All soldiers: SIR YES SIR!

Meanwhile in the German side, The 3 Marshals plan to overrun the escaping British troop, Wolfenstein enters:

Rundstedt: The Kaiser wants us to surround the British at all cost, especially the eagles.

Bock: Hehe, the Eagles are weak now, Oliver & David got fucked by Wolfenstein's forces.

Kleist: *After drinking French Champagne* I suggest we kill them harder, we will impress our Kaiser good.

Helmond: That won't be necessary. *Walks in smoking*

Bock: Marshal Helmond, What do you think of this plan?

Helmond: A good plan, but the Eagles are the hardest ones to kill, remember gentlemen, we are also facing strong Ethereal soldiers.

Rundstedt: Marshal Wolfenstein is correct, our combined forces will crush the French and the British in Dunkirk once and for all!

Kleist: I like where this going, cheers! *All men cheers and drinks champagne*

July 18th, The 70,000 British troops are in position, ready for battle, the French army is confused that they are suppose to retreat. The soldiers are having conversations:

French Ethereal Officer: Hey, you all are suppose to evacuate right?

British Ethereal Officer: The volunteered 70,000 will stay and fight with you.

French Ethereal Officer: Damn, thank you brothers, we are so short in men, we will try our best to repel the Germans from entering the city.

British Ethereal Officer: *About to do a handshake* To the end.

French Ethereal Officer: *Shakes hand* To the end brother from another mother.

The allies are now preparing, meanwhile the Germans outside the city are in position to advance, Helmond speaks with Temujin:

Helmond: *Speaks through telepathy* My Kaiser, Our men is ready for battle.

Temujin: Good, I want you to look at your binoculars and what did you see?

Helmond: I see many transport ships in that beach.

Temujin: Very good, wait for my orders *Speaks with Marshal Ace Goering* Marshal Hermann begin you operation.

Hermann: Yes my Kaiser, all pilots of the first wave, destroy the transport ship, and those filthy Ethereal beings!

Temujin: Marshal Helmond, enjoy the view.

Helmond: With pleasure my Kaiser.

More than 50 Luftwaffe Stuka bombers are flying for the beach, meanwhile in Noah's beach area, he hears something off:

Noah: Oliver, did you hear that?

Oliver: Yeah, its getting louder and louder..

Random soldier: *looks up at the sky* ENEMY GERMAN PLANE INCOMING!


The Stukas hit three transport ships, many of the British men have died as a result.

Noah: SHIT! Ethereal squad! Mount up your skills!

The soldiers have aim at the skies as one of the Stuka gets hit. Helmond is not happy with the scenery, telling Temujin:

Helmond: My Kaiser, the Ethereal beings are fighting back at the beach!

Temujin: What the FUCK! Begin the assault now, all units!

Helmond: With pleasure, Commanders, our Kaiser wants us to attack!

Kleist: Nice, I really want some action.

The Germans begin to advance, Astral bombardment strikes the city as the soldiers hold on for minutes, Rundstedt's army enters the city first, the French loads their heavy resistance, giving Rundstedt a hard, but the Luftwaffe planes strike the building, killing many allied men inside. Meanwhile at the beach, Noah tells:

Noah: Are you alright men?

Random soldiers: Yes, we manage to avoid the assault *Hears multiple bombardment in the city of Dunkirk* Commander! The Germans have entered the city!

Noah: Tell them to hold them off, we need more time to escape!

David: *Carries the injured Noah* I got ya bud.


Three days have passed, the fighting was so intense, Germans are taking control of half of Dunkirk, hundreds of thousand men manage to evacuate while the others defend the helpless soldiers, Helmond fights his way to the beach to kill the Eagles, Oliver and David arrives:

Helmond: So, you all here to get you asses kick again?

David: No, this time, we will kick your filthy ass. OLIVER NOW!

Oliver: Take this you fucking bastard! Hurricane Slicer!

Helmond: *Jumps high* What the, you guys are fucking irritating, men, you know what to do, bring in the civilians.

Oliver: *Sees civilians suited with bombs, horrified & angry* You evil bastard! Let them go!

Helmond: Like hell I would HAHAHAHA!

Meanwhile in the transport ship, Noah senses Oliver's anger towards Helmond

Noah: Oliver must calm down to save the civilians, he must take down Wolfenstein, *Telepaths David* Commander David, you must kill the German soldiers first, that bomb has a timer in it.

David: Yeah, I will do it, Oliver! Distract Helmond while I will save the civilians!

Oliver: Hell yeah.

Helmond: *Going towards David* Oh no you don't you weakling!

Oliver: *Kicks Helmond's face* You are fighting me motherfucker!

Helmond: Ohohohohoho, now you are making me more irritated.

The two strong warriors unleashes their battle harden skills at each other while David is eliminating 34 German soldiers, Noah receives good news from Ethan:

Ethan: Boss! As for now, more than two hundred thousands troops escape, we need more time, what is your order?

Noah: Keep enduring until all of us is outta here for good.

Ethan: Roger that!

Noah: come on Oliver and David.

Oliver manages to hit Helmond in the stomach more, Helmond wants reinforcements:

Helmond: Ahh my tummy hurts, oh you will die you Ethereal shit! Howling Screaming Wave!


David: *Is able to remove the bombs off of the civilians, throws it as far as possible* Cover your ears, that scream will make your ears bleed!

The civilians follows David to the transport ship, Helmond finds out above David's plan:

Helmond: *Stops screaming* Does it hurt Ethereal being? Can you really keep up with my power?

Oliver: Hehe I may not be as strong as you hehe.

Helmond: What the?! Where are the civilians?

Oliver: I guess you have to find out yourself. *Sneaks out while Helmond looks the other way*

Helmond: *Looks around* SHIT DAVID KILLED MY OFFICERS! That motherfucker took the civilians! *Now is looking for Oliver* No NO NO NO NO!!!

Oliver: *Drives a vehicle* Holy smokes, I managed to escape Helmond hahaha!

David: *Arrives to the transport ship by truck* Come now, this is the only way to escape to England.

One of the civilians: Thank you for saving our lives, how are we ever going to pay you?

David: No need for that, as long as you all are safe, I'm happy.

Oliver: *Manages to reach the ship on time* Shit, we have to move now!

David: Alright, MEN, activate the ship now!

Helmond sees the transport ship already sailing, tells the Germans:

Helmond: SHIT! Where are those 3 Commanders? Men! shoot it down!

Noah: *Uses his skills to make a tidal wave, Killing most of the Germans* How do you like that now Helmond.

Helmond: *Recovers after 3 minutes* NOOO THE SHIP IS GONE!

Kleist: What the hell happen here.

Helmond: Oh you will have to explain this to our Kaiser when he arrives.

Kleist: Our Kaiser is coming here?

Helmond: That is correct Commander, you failed to reinforce my units, especially Rundstedt and Bock!

The Eagles successfully escape the horrors of Dunkirk, 338,226 British men escaped, a few civilians included. Sadly 61,000 British soldiers have lost their lives while fighting in the city, 18,000 French soldiers where brutally killed by the German onslaught, 89 transport ships where destroyed, 177 aircrafts down for good, 23 destroyer ships sunk. As for the Germans, 20,000 of them died, 100 tanks destroyed, 156 planes crushed, and Helmond left with humiliation. Temujin arrives 3 hours later, orders his men to kill the remaining Ethereal beings, capturing 35,000 French soldiers.

Temujin: What happen here Marshal Helmond?

Helmond: They all escape! The reinforces arrived late, I have no help at all my Kaiser, these three eggheads need some explanation!

Kleist: I was trying my best to reinforce your army Marshal Helmond, but we met heavy French resistance in our way that time.

Bock: The British kept on blocking our ways off.

Rundstedt: How am I suppose to reach the beach when those Ethereal bastards kept on firing at us?

Temujin: Bunch of excuses, Listen Commanders, whenever Marshal Helmond fucks up, I will not punish him, I will punish for those who failed to aid one of my favorite warriors, as for you 3 ladies, you all owe me something good, A GOOD BELT WHIPPING!

All three Commanders: NO ANYTHING BUT THAT!

Temujin: You are free to go Helmond.

Helmond: I will not fail you again my Kaiser!

Temujin: I know you won't, alright ladies get ready.

All three high ranking officers feel the wrath of the belt, they feel a lot of pain in the ass, they have a hard time to stand up. 4 days later, Temujin and his Army sets their course to Paris in the next chapter.