Chapter 59: Battle Of France Final Part : The Occupation

*Please be advise that this chapter contains violence and strong languages, thank you.*

Temujin and his army now in the gates of Paris in July 1st, France is in ruins because of the wrath caused by the Iron Spectre, now he meets another heavy resistance from the French Ethereal soldiers, killing them one by one. The French government members are discouraged because their soldiers were overwhelmed by the lightning speed of the German power, many of their own people are greatly affected by the war's outcome, now forcing the French President to form a armistice with the Helghan Empire by radio.

The message to the people begins:

French President: People of our beautiful & strong country of France, We have fought bravely against our enemies..

Temujin: Hahaha, HAHAHAHAHAHA! The bigger French fry finally admits it!


Temujin: While I keep killing these buffoons brother lets listen to this ballsack.

French President: I wish to speak with the German Emperor about the armistice, I hope you will reply to this matter, please spare our people from your horrible crimes you have committed, I beg you!

Temujin: Oh, hehehehe *Throws a lifeless body of a Ethereal soldier* Bring me the sensory unit. *Now contacts the president via telepathy* Well well well, President Albert Lebrun, I will agree with this nonsense armistice unless..

President Albert: Unless what you filthy murderer..

Temujin: Unless I choose a place for it, ahh there, the Forest of Compiègne, where my country surrendered in 1918! My revenge for is almost complete on this one Lebrun.

President Albert: Alright, thank you...

Temujin: Fuck you and your shit fries! *Telepathy ends* MEN, FRANCE SURRENDERS!!!! FUR DEN SIEG!!!!

All Germans: *Cheers and chants in victory* FUR DEN SIEG, FUR DEN SIEG, FUR DEN SIEG!

The French people are discouraged, in disbelief that their country surrendered, the French Ethereals are afraid that they might get killed by Temujin's wrath, they tried escaping, but the Germans capture them effortlessly, Temujin wants the more Ethereal beings, to be a punching bag for the Emperor, many of them resist, but the Astral Germans were able to catch them off guard, killing them as a result.

The next day on July 2nd, Koba was in disbelief about the situation in France, Oleg could not bear to feel it:

Oleg: Shit comrade, this Germans are way too much, they are murdering people!

Koba: We cannot do anything about it Oleg, if we do, our motherland will be a battleground for the bloodthirsty Germans, the children will suffer, please calm yourself comrade.

Oleg: It's just, I can't stand them killing Ethereal beings in France.

Belldrick: So, Temujin has gotten stronger than the last time you both met comrade Lionheart.

Koba: Yes, I sensed his pain, Temujin must have use the same move to pin me down hard.

Belldrick: Not only he done that to McCallister, but he did a javelin throw on Ethan's kidney area.

Oleg: You fucking serious right?

Belldrick: Oh yes I am serious comrade Oleg, I wish to fight the Iron Spectre!

Dmitri: *Enters the room* Shit comrade, you must be drunk or something?

Belldrick: Nope, or maybe I will be drunk to kick your ass.

Dmitri: You are too full of yourself comrade Belldick!

Belldrick: The fuck did you say bitch??

Dmitri: Try me big guy!

Koba: Hey hey! Both of you calm the fuck down, stick to the plan on guarding the Polish border.

Dmitri: We kinda did, we only see small group of German infantry wandering the area.

Belldrick: They might look for a way to Invade our motherland.

Koba: Hopefully not *Senses Temujin's big energy in France* Hey you all feel that?

Belldrick: Yes, Temujin's energy is getting stronger, if I see that asshole, I will fuck him up good.

Koba: No Belldrick, he is way beyond my power level now, we need to focus on how are we suppose to prevent the Germans from entering our country.

Dmitri: Guys, he is about to go down from the chariot.

Oleg: *Sees a open Energy Hologram* That motherfucker got some nerve doing those shit.

Meanwhile in the Forest of Compiègne, a place where the 1918 armistice was held to end the first world war, Temujin enters the building where President Lebrun was seated, but Temujin had another idea:

Temujin: President Albert, may I seat there?

Albert: Why?

Temujin: Wanna know why? That seat is where that filthy French commander faced the defeated German representatives correct?

Albert: Yes, but this is a French boundaries, you must respect it!

Temujin: *In Astral Progress, the French representatives, even the President is now terrified* Get the fuck out of that seat, and seat here INSTEAD!!!!

Albert: *Feeling in constant fear* Ah yes I will seat at the other seat, okay.

Temujin: Good!

Koba: *Watching the hologram* Shit, Temujin is literally disrespecting them.

Oleg: Literally, he wants revenge against the French, but there is one thing he lacks.

Koba: What it is comrade?

Oleg: McCallister and the Eagles, he failed to kill him and Ethan during their confrontation.

Koba: No wonder I feel a strong shockwave coming from far away.

Dmitri: That's right comrade, Temujin's phantom barrier is so painful, feels like he like to wipe anyone away anyway.

Belldrick: *After drinking vodka* Koba, I will go back to the border and see what happens there next.

Koba: Alright, please don't be drunk and focus on your patrol there.

Belldrick: Hehe I will.

Now that Temujin is enjoying the moment of his victory against France, The Helghan Legions march victoriously in the streets of Paris, replacing the flag of the Eiffel tower to the Helghan flag, 4 hours later, Temujin delivers his speech along with his high commanding officers are held there after the armistice:

Temujin: People of our great Helghan Empire, we claim another great prize, FRANCE!!!!

Audience: *Cheers and clapping*

Temujin: The French surrendered, we make them run like cowards, give them fear of our new war tactic, the infamous Blitzkrieg, lightning speed and surprise. We made the British bastards run away like cowards, it shows their true nature as a whole, me as the Emperor, guiding our warriors to battle, will always have what we can do.

Audience: *Cheers and clapping*

Koba: *Watching the hologram* Shit, this guy really love to show off.

Ellie: Please stop that hologram, I don't want to hear it anymore. *Begins to cry*

Koba: Darling what's wrong?

Ellie: What if our motherland is next, you will go to war again, and leave us here...

Koba: *Wiping Ellie's tears with his thumb, kisses her forehead* Do not worry my love, we signed the non-aggression pact, the Germans agreed not to invade our motherland, our warriors out there are monitoring the borders where the Germans occupy.

Ellie: What can I do to not make you leave me and our kids?

Koba: Trust me, that is the only thing I ask you my love, if this happens, I already plan your safety.

Ellie: Okay darling..

Back to the speech in Paris..

Temujin: I have failed to kill the two bitches, Ethan & that motherfucker NOAH MCCALLISTER! Who humiliated me during the second battle of Somme, oh I wish I'd put a cherry on top if I ever kill McCallister & his British dogs, but none of that matters now, Portugal and Spain also surrenders their government to us, they are afraid of our Blitzkrieg!

Audience: *Cheers and clapping*

Temujin: It boosted our morale even higher than ever imagined. My biggest plan will be held on the next opera house, only my trusted Commanders will be invited, then they will give you all instructions, you warriors obeying orders what keeps our empire STRONG! Now I will give myself a tour to this beautiful city, good day Warriors of the mighty Helghan Empire.

Audience: *Stands, Cheers and clapping*

Temujin, strolling around the city, eating food for free, the French are too afraid to fight back, spotting more Ethereal beings, killing them in public, serving the civilians as a reminder that the Helghans rule the country with the strength of their mighty Emperor. The Russians are back to their respective areas where they will guard the Polish, Hungarian, and Romanian borders, listening to Temujin's speeches in the Palais Garnier, they are sick hearing it.

July 3, in the Belorussian border, Belldrick receives news from the Celestial spies who gather information about the next German attack:

Sensory Officer: Sir, I receive a large information, it is inside this brief case.

Belldrick: Alright, I will open it, close the doors now. *Sees the whole map* This is a map of Great Britain, it shows arrows.

Sensory Officer: Sir, I believe that this map is like a plan, more like an invasion?

Belldrick: Yes, you are right about this one Officer, I must inform Boss, perform a Telepathy session please.

Sensory Officer: Yes sir!

Koba: *Makes contact* Good morning comrade Belldrick, what is it?

Belldrick: I have news, our Celestial spies stole a German briefcase found in Warsaw, it contains a British map with German languages.

Koba: Shit, Temujin will invade Great Britain next..

Belldrick: Boss, are you sure about it?

Koba: Yes, does it have any different coloring arrows to it.

Belldrick: Yeah..

Koba: That explains it, thank you for the information, I must inform King George about this, keep you guards up.

Belldrick: Got it Boss *Disconnects contact* Men, we must stay vigilant at all times.

The Celestial spies have gathered the large piece of information, will Temujin invade Great Britain next? On the next volume, Temujin will have a big meeting with his selected Commanders in the next chapter.