Chapter 60: The Plan For Great Britain

July 4th, Ellie wakes up to make breakfast for her family, as soon as she see Koba contacting the British high command, she had flashbacks based on her high school days, the flashback begins when Ellie overhears the girls on what they are thinking before saying anything, it scares them and move away from her, rumors spreads like wild fire, the boys and girls ignore her, but the Teachers are impressed that she did a excellent job on her grades, some begin to like her as a person, but many girls got jealous of her being smart. The jealous girls bully Ellie for being too humble, but a tall boy interferes with them:

Koba: Now now ladies, it's not good to bully a innocent woman.

Punk Girl 1: Oh, you wanna get hit tough boy? Lemme just hit your face! *Koba dodges the girl's fist, falls down instead* What the?

Koba: Whoa be careful, let me help lift you up.

Punk Girl 1: Now girl, hit this son of a bitch!

Punk Girl 2: Take this you stupid fool! *Her fist got a bruised instead because Koba's body is so strong* Ouch! What's your body made of?!

Koba: *Helps the punk girl get up* Oh, I don't know, maybe it be like that.

Punk Girl 1: Sheesh we are just wasting our time with this lowlife buffoons, lets go.

Punk Girl 2: Yeah, they are not worth the targets after all..

Koba: Hey miss, are you alright..

Ellie: Yes, thank you, are you the one I heard rumors about you helping people, also you fought many bullies to save the weak. *Both eyes met, this is their first time meeting each other*

Koba: *Blushes as he looks in her eyes* Umm yes ma'am, but now I have a class coming up soon, see ya!

Ellie: Wait!! I never get to know you name, but I can't seem to read you mind at all...

The school finishes their sessions, many students went home, but Princess Eleanor is again in big trouble, with many jealous punk girls with weapons, Ellie cannot defend herself, when one of them is about to hit her with a steel pipe, Koba grabs it effortlessly:

Koba: Ladies, it is not good to hit people with this.

Punk: Shut up, girls surround him! *Girls Surrounds Koba* What are you going to do, Koba the freshman farm boy? Girls attack!

Koba: THATS ENOUGH!!! *A big wave of celestial energy came out like a wind! causing the girls to fly to the ground* You, you are the punk leader right?

Sofia, Punk Girl Leader: ugh yes...

Koba: If I see you hurt the princess again, I will show no mercy next time.

Sofia: Okay okay, girls retreat!!!

Koba: *After the punk girls left* They can't leave you alone huh, do you have a guardian with you?

Ellie: My butler is sick, I'm sorry you have to go through my trouble.

Koba: You don't have to apologize, anyway I gotta head home now.

Ellie: Wait, please tell me your name?

Koba: My name is Koba Malcolm Von Wardell, nice to meet you..

Ellie: Nice to meet you *Begins to fall in love with him even further* My name is Princess Eleanor, somewhere in Italy.

Koba: I just wanna let you know, you're beautiful.

Ellie: *Blushes* Ummmm Thank you...

Koba: I will walk you home..

Ellie: Sure

The two walk, happily talking about what they like, as Koba reach her house, Koba is shock that her house is big:

Koba: Whoa, that house is huge!

Ellie: I know, see you tomorrow Koba!

Koba: Bye! *Jumps high as he can*

Ellie: *Back to the present* Ah, the memories..

Kobe: Man mom, you really love dad this much..

Ellie: Yes my little sweet boy, he is the man I will truly love.

Kobe: Okay mom, this is getting embarrassing sometimes.

Koba: *Contacts Prime Minister Churchill* Good morning Prime Minister, I have important news to tell you.

Winston: What is it Mr. President?

Koba: Our spies have gathered higher German Intel, they have plans to invade your land next.

Winston: My goodness, this is bad news, I will inform the King and country for this serious matter, thank you for this information.

Meanwhile in the German High command in Paris, France, Temujin and his Commanders are in a huge meeting how they will invade Great Britain:

Temujin: Gentlemen, the invasion starts with air raids, Marshall Ace Hermann Goering will handle the Luftwaffe divisions, make sure you destroy all buildings and their supplies, make them fear us good!

Hermann: Yes my Kaiser, but how about the rebels in Spain?

Temujin: Repel them at all cost, give them violence they want.

Hermann: As you wish my Kaiser..

Temujin: As for the Army group C, will be lead by my brother Jamukha from now on, you will all station in Cherbourg with 400,000 troops available for duty.

Jamukha: This will fun brother, Those British dogs will suffer our wrath.

Temujin: Indeed brother HAHAHAHAHA! The 9th & 16th Army will be lead by Rundstedt, platoon leaders must be inform about this Marshall Gerd..

Rundstedt: Yes my Kaiser..

Temujin: Helmond, his super squadron will join the 9th Army in Le Havre, including myself as well, I want those Eagle bastards to suffer good! As for the 16th Army, they will station in Dunkirk, Boulogne, & Ostend City. This invasion will be bigger than the French one. Is that clear men?

All commanders: SIR YES SIR!!!

The Germans have agreed with the masterplan, meanwhile Prime Minister delivers the speech to the public:

Winston: Our ally, The Federal Republics Of Russia, gives us the information about something that we are about to expect..

Somewhere in Paris, Jamukha tells his brother Temujin:

Jamukha: Brother, turn on the radio, Churchill has something to say to the public..

Temujin: The fuck, turn that shit on... *After hearing the first sentences* What?! Russia tells them what now?

Jamukha: We have to listen brother..

Winston on Radio: War is coming to Great Britain *All public are in shock! As their ally France was defeated by the Helghan Empire*

Jamukha: Someone has broken through our plans.

Temujin: So we have traitor in our own shits, TRAITORS I WILL FUCKING HAVE YOUR HEAD!!!!

Winston: We don't know where are they going to land next, we must fight in beaches to defend at all cost, our Royal armies of the King will fight for our rights!

Temujin: *Sign of little relief* Shit they don't our strategy yet, hahaha!

Winston: We thank President Koba for warning us of this information. God save our country from danger..

Temujin: Koba, that FAGGOT!!!! HOW DID HE KNOW ABOUT THIS??

Jamukha: Maybe he has spies I guess...

Temujin: You Russians have interfered with our affairs for the last time!!!

Great Britain has deployed millions of troops ready to defend their land against the German horde thanks to the Russians telling them, Temujin and his men will slowly plan to take their supplies to their respective stations, the Luftwaffe upgrade their planes with durable machines, hoping they will outflank the Royal Air Force. The American Pilots however volunteers to fight in the Royal Air Force, leaving their families behind in a sad feeling, three months later to October 1940, Temujin and his men are ready for battle in the next chapter.