Chapter 61: Operation Raiding Birds

September 1940, weeks before the German Invasion of Great Britain, Temujin and his men are all set to course, meanwhile the British civilians, including the Ethereal British civilians have volunteered to fight to defend their land, Prime Minister Churchill orders that most of them must train, the humans and ethereals are helping each other to mount up their defenses, meanwhile the Helghan Astral spies have warned Temujin about this information. Noah and Ethan are healed from their injuries back in France, Noah trains along with the Eagles, in preparation for the worst.

Temujin delivers his speech somewhere in Le Havre in September 4th:

Temujin: Citizens of the occupied areas of my Empire, follow our beautiful rules, you will all be spared for the rest of your life, disobey it, you will be shot in public for good. I have a new Astral skill moves that can bring the British and their pathetic Ethereal beings there to their knees, warriors, I have failed to kill the enemy I swore to destroy, Noah McCallister and his eagle bitches, we will destroy Great Britain, and take their land and their gold! FUR DEN SIEG!!!

All German Armed Forces: FUR DEN SIEG!!!!!!

Goebbels: Well done my Kaiser, it is a beautiful speech you deliver.

Temujin: Thank you Herr Goebbels, do you want to see my new skills?

Goebbels: Yes my Kaiser, how about the others?

Temujin: Yes I will show them..

Hours later in the mountains, Temujin now is about to show his true Astral skills to the high ranking officials.

Temujin: Gentlemen, this is it, let me split the mountain in two.

Otto Skorzeny: What? You're bluffing right my Kaiser?

Jamukha: No, my brother is always serious, allow him demonstrate.

Temujin: Hehehe *Begins to transform into Astral Progress 4th Gear, with rage*

Goering: What the fuck?! That energy after he transform, amazing!

Otto: This is getting interesting, his power level is above a 150,000,000 at this point.

Goering: The fuck did you say Marshal Otto?!

Otto: You heard me..

Helmond: My Kaiser is our one & true Emperor!

Otto: Holy shit, his power level reach a 155,000,000.

Koba, Noah, and the allied suicide squad is terrified at this kind of power level.

Koba: Guys, Temujin's power level!!

Greg: No fucking way...

Belldrick: Fucking hell, the hell is he doing now?

Meanwhile somewhere near the mountain.

Temujin: ASTRAL RAGING TREMOR!!! *Smashing the ground very hard that it creates a powerful earthquake that shakes the earth, Koba and the rest have felt that terrifying shake, the big crack splits the mountain into two*

Jamukha: Hehehe Hahahahaha amazing, this will destroy the Ethereals!

Otto: Holy shit! *The mountains have split in two clean completely*

Temujin: Hahahahaha! I will take London with this skill that I learn from the forbidden book. They will know the true power of the Iron Spectre!

Otto: The Kaiser gentlemen, will destroy Great Britain and the Ethereal beings there!

All Commanders: *Cheers* FUR DEN SIEG!

September 18th, Goering is now ready for any operations with the Luftwaffe, Temujin orders "Begin your assault Marshal Ace!" Wave of planes have take off to Britain, The Royal Air Forces have take off to defend the British air space, the two sides begin fighting, Temujin and the others are in the seas. Many hours later, hundreds of plane have been taken down by the Royal Air Force, Temujin is frustrated with so many loses of his pilots, he orders more Luftwaffe planes to be deployed within the next minutes, but after that, more and more have been destroyed after 5 hours of heavy fighting in the skies. The Luftwaffe planes manage to destroy 2 warships, but falls shortly after the British pilots have hunted them down.

Temujin meets his commanders in the warship:


Goering: My Kaiser, it's just they aren't trained enough for this kind of tactics...

Temujin: You're joking right?

Goering: I'm serious my Kaiser..

Temujin: Oh I'm going to....

Sensory Unit Captain: My Kaiser, we have received reports that we destroyed at least 8 destroyers today.

Temujin: Never mind then, I have another plans for Noah and his bitches in London, bring me Commander Helmond asap.

Sensory Unit Captain: Yes my Kaiser

Temujin: You are very lucky to not face my wrath Marshal Ace.

Goering: I will make this right, just give me more time for the results.

Helmond: Good evening my Kaiser..

Temujin: Hello there, Marshal Ace Goering, you are clear to dismiss.

Helmond: *Goering leaves as he is relieved on not getting any punishments* May I know your request my Kaiser?

Temujin: Yes, I want to demonstrate my another energy skill, if operation raiding birds fails another sector operation.

Helmond: I'm looking forward to it my Kaiser!

The next day, The Luftwaffe yet again fails to destroy the Royal Air Force, Temujin gets out of the warship, many German Legions will witness another skill. Meanwhile Noah and the eagles feels something off:

Noah: Guys, you feel that?

Oliver: Shit, the energy intensifies further..

Temujin: *Points his hands aiming at the Royal Air Force Platoons fighting the Luftwaffe* ASTRAL ANTI AIR BEAM!!!

Ethereal Sensory Unit Captain: General Noah! We sense a great force of energy striking the our planes!

Noah: WHAT?!

Temujin: *Destroying many planes as possible* HAHAHAHAHAHA!

David: NO FUCKING WAY!!!!!

Ethan: Oh no, this means....

Oliver: The invasion begins..

Temujin: *Announces in microphone* Gentlemen, proceed to plan b!!

The 6th German Army is about to land their forces to Ryme Regis, the fight begins there as the first German Army to land, while Temujin can't wait to set foot to soils of England. The 16th Army arrives second, beginning to pierce through the British defences, Noah is terrified, telling his people to hope, plus many British citizen are fleeing the cities as Luftwaffe air raids the skies, destroying building by building. British cities of Ramsgate, Dover, Bexhill, Ventnor, Portsmouth have been in process of battle, the Ethereal beings there are overrun by the large group of the Helghan Legions.

Noah can't believe this scenario:

Noah: This is not happening...

Oliver: Boss, we must send more troops to fight.

Noah: It's too much lives lost in there, we cannot risk another lives.

David: It's time for us to train Eagles, we will again destroy him once and for all.

The Eagles let the other Commanders lead the charge while they train, meanwhile in Brighton, Temujin picks up soil "This dirt is smelly than I though, McCallister, I'm coming FOR YOUR HEAD!!!!!"

In the next chapter, Temujin brings his fury against the strong Ethereal beings to a whole new level!