
It was a day like any other. I was walking to work through the park like I did every day. The Ohio sun wasn't shining, but a warm breeze brushed my skin and reminded me that warmer weather was on the way. The afternoon was a damp mood, and I wasn't exactly happy.

I'm not sure why, but I had been restless, and preoccupied all morning. I almost felt as though something was coming. As I neared a cluster of trees, my green eyes began burning, and as I closed them, I heard the screaming come from the dark. I heard voices that were almost like a preacher. The voice saying "Life is neither for the good or evil, but only for the place where evil must lay dormant and good must battle for the equal right..."

The night was quiet, I am the chaos created out of evil, but where good still lies silently inside of me. This is my story, and this is how my battle begun and how its about to be ended... Welcome to this sweet abyss