Chapter One

Chapter One

"Sometimes the wicked will tell us things to confuse us-to haunt our thoughts long after we faced them."

I am Maddison Grace Evans. I am the daughter of Seth the God of Chaos and the daughter of Alita the winged one. It's a path that I have chosen. I have watch from afar. It's a constant battle that I face, when evil and good battle beneath the surface.

The wind was cold, and the air was fresh it was 11:07pm and I am sitting on the front porch wishing that I could see and visit my best friend Samantha. Oh, all the things we could be doing and talking about.

Samantha Rose Blair and I way back to when we were children. We grew up together. She's basically a little sister to me from another mother. Samantha and I grew up in Tucson Arizona where the weather was warm; hot all year long. Samantha and I did everything together, we went to school together, played together. That was until my family decided that on my birthday October 18th, 2013, I was 16 it was time to move and move to a whole different state from Arizona.

The place that I now call home is out east in Ohio. Ohio is beautiful, but not as beautiful as Arizona. I miss the heat. I don't do snow or the winter. I haven't seen my best friend is almost 5 years since my birthday in 2013. We are now 21 in 2018, and we haven't been able to celebrate being 21.

I was finally able to go to sleep that night, after a long night full of troublesome thoughts. The voices are back again, and I don't know what I'm going to do about it. I can't handle this anymore.

My alarm started to go off. I rolled onto my side and picked up my phone 11:00am the screen said. I had to get up and get ready for work and the day.

I jumped out of bed and walked to the closet, I pulled out a nice summer dress since its in the middle of June. I laid the dress down on my bed and I went and hopped into the shower.

I got out of the shower and begun began get dressed. I put on my makeup and did my hair in a quick down style.

I hurried up so I wouldn't miss my bus. I don't drive my car, because reasons parking is just too expensive and plus, I work just 5 miles down the road.

"Buzz…. Buzz…" I felt my phone go off in my pocket, I just got off the bus heading to my job. I ignored my phone and I walked into work. I work in this local bookstore. My boss is a wonderful old woman I look up to her as an mentor and I hope one day that I'll successful in my life as she is in hers.

"Buzz…Buzz…" My phone was going off again. I told Alene that I was going to step away to answer this call.

"Hello?" I answered my phone. Silence came on the other end of the line.

"Hello?" I said again and yet again there was nothing but silence. "I'm going to disconnect this call if nobody answers the phone." The line disconnected.

I brushed it off thinking that it was just some kids trying to pull a prank on me. Just like how Sammy and I use to when we were in middle school. Oh, I miss my best friend.

I walked into work kind of in a darker mood than before. I smiled and waved at Alene. "Alene, you work so much. Why don't you take the rest of the night off? I'll close up tonight."

Alene chuckled a little bit "Maddison, you are such a doll I would love that. Thank you."

I smiled as she walked out the door.

"Buzz…Buzz…" I felt my phone go off again. I look down at the screen and saw that it was Sammy calling.

"HI Sammy, long time no talk. How have you been girly?" My mood begun to lighten up.

"Hey Maddy, I know that its been awhile since we last talked. I'm so sorry about that. Life has been crazy as of lately, but its going all according to plan. How are you?" Sammy responded.

I chuckled just a little bit "You know the same old same old. I miss Arizona and I miss you so much! I just want to come home." I sighed knowing that my best friend wants me home too but Shelby, Ohio was my home now.

"Oh, Maddy I miss you so much too. I wish you could come home too, or at least come visit." Sammy spoke softly.

"Sammy, I don't mean to run our conversation short, but I am at work. Can I call you later?" I asked.

"Yes, always you know you can call me, but I do need to tell you something. Its more like a surprise for you and me." I heard the smile in her voice before she ran into my work and the phone line disconnected.

"Maddy!" I heard my best friend scream as she ran up to me.

"Hey Sammy" I spoke trying to sound more excited to see my own best friend.

"Oh Maddy! I have missed you so very much!" Sammy mentioned while hugging me.

"I have missed you too Sammy. It's been to long since we've seen each other." I chuckled and hugged her back.

"How have you been?" I smiled softly.

"I've been better Maddy. It's been rough without you all these years." Sammy sighed and let me go.

"I know Sammy, it's been rough on me too." I tried to comfort my best friend, but all I could do was stand still. I softly whispered, "I'm sorry." Only the wind could hear my voice.