Chapter Three

The day has approached where Sammy must leave and go back to Arizona. My day is dragging, and my mood has dropped. I don't want to tell her goodbye, but I have too.

I smiled and hugged Sammy goodbye "you need to stay in contact with me, Sammy." I spoke light and tried not to tear up.

"I will, I'll miss you Maddy!" She hugged me back and walked to her car and drove off.

I walked back into my apartment. My feet dragged across the cement. I looked up to open my door. I felt something brush against my hand. I quickly pulled my hand away from the door and tried to reenter my home.

As I walked inside, this creature like thing in the middle of my living room. A voice inside my head whispered, "a wicked person, swayed by evil motives and evil actions, is described as a demon." -Sathya Sai Baba.

"You are a demon, you are created out of the evil of this world, and its time for you to come face to face with reality. Maddison come with me and I can show you all you can become." The creature spoke.

"I'm not evil. I don't know who you are." I spoke quick and moved away from the creature.

The creature smiled and in the blink of an eye the creature changed the appearance to a young man. I would say he was in his late 20s.

"You want to know who I am. I can show you who I am." The young man reached his hand out to me.

I paused for a second, I debated if I wanted to take his hand or run away as fast as I could.

"I am not here to harm you." His voice was soft spoken, and he walked towards me and kneeled. "I am Asmodeus. I am one of the seven princes of hell."

I looked at him dumbfounded and laughed, "a prince from hell? How is that possible; and why do you want me so badly?"

Asmodeus got onto his feet and walked towards me placed a hand along my cheek, "because you belong in hell with me, you are to become queen of the nine hells. You are to become equal to me and take over from my other brothers that have fallen below the gates of heaven."

I shook my head in disbelief, "me a queen? You got to be joking with me."

Asmodeus shook his head, "my darling, take my hand and I'll show you the world that is waiting for you. I'll show you everything that you have ever desired in this world and much more."

"If I come with you what happens to the world that I have known here?" I looked at Asmodeus stunned.

He sat there for a moment; and he responded, "the world that you have know all these years will become the past. It will be the past of the memories that you shall hold dearest to you. The world that you know now is the foulest it's become, but my dear I know the real you and how evil you are truly to become."

I stood there for a few moments gathering my thoughts and trying to remain as calm as I can. "How can this so-called prince come into my home! Call me evil!"

I look at Asmodeus and I told him in a very stern voice; "I'll believe you when I see it."

I saw the wicked smile run across his lips and he charged at me. He took my hand and he ran for the door.

Asmodeus chanted something that I couldn't quite hear; I looked up, and a portal appeared. He hurried and dashed through the portal before it shut behind us.

Asmodeus let go of my hand, and looked right at me, "welcome to hell sweetie."

As I walked down the slender hallway my hand glazed the brick walls. The place look like it was from the ancient Greek Gods, the ones we had learned about in school.

Asmodeus walked in front of me staying ahead of me but making sure I was still in arm's length if needed.

A voice boomed against the walls as I walked; and that voice was loud and direct, "Asmodeus! Who do you think you are bringing in a human girl into our home?"

Asmodeus spun around and I swore I saw the flicker of evil flash before his eyes, "Oh, Lucifer. I can guarantee that she is no normal human girl."

Lucifer jumped down and came face to face with Asmodeus, "Oh, really now Asmodeus? Isn't that what you said about your last pet?"

"Shut up Lucifer, because you know I'd win in a fight against you because your pride is always to high." Asmodeus laughed and walked away from Lucifer.

Asmodeus took my hand and led me away from Lucifer. I never got to look at Lucifer. I wouldn't be able to describe what he looked like.

As we reached to a door and Asmodeus unlocked the door and pushed me through the door. He spoke through clenched teeth, "I'm sorry for how my brother acted towards you. It will not happen again."

"It's fine, I am new to the place. It's very beautiful, ancient, and old." I spoke softly so only he can hear my voice.

Asmodeus opened up the door and spoke, "This shall be your room. If you need me, I'll be down the hall taking care of business."

With that being said Asmodeus left me in my room alone. I was confused and lost, but this place was surreal. You would think this all was made up in stories, but it was not made up. This was my reality.