Chapter Four: Asmodeus

I can see the darkness inside of her. I can see the battle in her eyes that she is holding on. I left her in her room to go handle my brothers.

I walked down the hallway and thought to myself, I am to be the king, I must show them what a king is. I am the prince of hell.

"Watch out Asmodeus." Mammon spoke a bit too quickly.

I turned around give him a wicked smile, "What are you going to do Mammon? You know you can't hurt me."

I heard laughter from afar, it's another one of my brothers coming to give me shit for having the human girl with me in hell. Little do they know she is the true daughter of Chaos, created out of the purest evil that we have ever known. They are in for a rude awakening when she comes to life and learns the ways of hell. I'm just a bit afraid of the power she can bring to the Underworld because she is the daughter of Chaos.

If my brothers find out that she has any connection to Seth The God of Chaos all hell will break loose. I chuckled at myself for saying that.

I walked into my bedroom where my brother Satan laid.

"Hello, dear brother. Care to tell me why we have an unwelcome guest in our home?" Satan stood up and walked face to face to me. He may be the oldest out of us all, but I can promise I'm the strongest of them all.

"She is mine and she is not to be touch by your or our brothers' filthy hands. Touch her and I shall end you and bring you back to torture you repeatedly." I spoke firm and got into Satan's face.

I walked out of my room; Satan took off the other direction. I turned and headed back to Maddison room. I got to her door and it was cracked a little bit. I look through the door and there she laid peaceful.

I sighed she is finally home where she belongs. I know that, but why do I feel the way I do towards her. I closed the door softly tried not to wake her up from her rest. I head back to my room to go to sleep.

Later, in the night I woke up to the sounds of my door being opened. I stayed still just in case it was one of my brothers coming in to check on me, but it was her she found my room.

I open my eyes as she crawled in the other space on my bed with me. She relaxed a little and dozed back off. I was thrown off, because I never had a woman come willing into the abyss.

I was finally able to doze off again because of the thoughts that plague my mind. "Why was she in here? She has her own bed."

I woke up the next day to her closer to me then she was when she came in last night. I crawled off the bed softly not to wake her.

I went into the closet pull some clothes out and walked into the bathroom. I hopped into the shower. I got out and dried off. By the time I walked back to my room Maddison was awake.

"Good morning, Maddison. How did you sleep?" I asked as I dried my hair off.

"I slept decent. How did I end up in here?" She asked with a worried look on her face.

"You walked in here last night and crawled into the bed next to me" I laughed softly.

"My bad, I didn't mean too." She spoke softly as her face turned red.

I point my finger towards the bathroom door, "That is where the shower is if you must shower. I will be back with a change of clothes for you." I smiled and walked out the door.

I rushed to the room where Maddison was staying. I knew there would be clothes in there, because I knew she was going to come back with me. I stocked the room with the most acceptable things a girl would wear.

I walked back into my room; Maddison stood in the middle of the room with nothing, but a towel wrapped around her body. She stood still. I walked up behind her trying not to startle her.

"Maddison, I have the clothes for you." I handed her the clothes as I turned my back to her so she can change.

"Thank you Asmodeus" She walked up to me and placed a hand on my shoulder blade.

I turned around and I faced Maddison, I couldn't help but stare at how beautiful this girl really is. The daughter of Chaos is defiantly going to steal my heart away.

The outfit I chose for her to wear is a mixed between jeans and t shirt or leather pants and tank top, so when combat fighting comes around, she can defend herself from my brothers while she is here.

She wore tight black leather pants that hugged each curve of hers. She wore a red tank top that fits her perfectly. I was in absolute awe when I saw her.

"I'm going to go do my makeup" Maddison spoke and disappeared down the hallway into her own room.

I walked down the hallway waiting for her to come out. I sighed in relief when she walked out.

"Are you ready to go explore the kingdom of hell?" I chuckled and led the way through the Gates of Hell.

She walked right beside me like a queen should, but little does she know this shall be her kingdom as well as mine. She is destined to be here. I cannot wait to see my brothers shake below her rule. They don't know she is able to end us all.

As we walked, she waved at the slaves who were sent here because of the sins. She is kind, but kindness is never shown here. My brothers like to play around with the slaves and so do I. This is what hell is supposed to be about.

Hell is about the torture and developing evil in the ones are sent here. We are the fallen angels that God cast out. We are the 7 sins that we live amongst.

We live at freewill, but at what cost? I was a favorite son, now I'm the ruler of hell.

We were we cast out of heaven because we have sinned. I can preach and pray to be forgiven, but it was always pointless because GOD had made up his mind about us. Now its time for our own awakening and one that will be hell bent over before it even begins.

I am the rightful king to the Nine Kingdoms of Hell and Maddison is the rightful queen that needs to be by my side. I, Assmodeus will make sure that nobody gets in the way of things.