2. Imagined 

Hendra didn't change a bit since he was a boy when he was begging for a father to him.

"Grandpa… I want a daddy…please buy me one. You can ask me do whatever you want me to do. I will do it".

Listening to his wailing while kneeling down before his grandfather made Gayatri unable to stay still. She rushed to hug her son. She could not stand seeing her son cried.

"Hendra, don't do this. Stand up. Mommy doesn't want to see you like this! You're not a weak little boy but a grown up. Stand up! Do what you want to do. You deserve it!". That lady started crying while holding her only son. But her son was unwilling to stand due to the life burden he faced.

The woman who had filled his days now seemed too far to reach.

"I will help you to get her back". Suddenly that old man felt sorry for him. He stood up from his chair.

Meanwhile, Mrs. Sukma finally came on. Some home assistants had tried to wake her up.

She was so much relieved knowing Hendra did not shoot her husband. She hugged him tight and cried in sadness and relief. This family had reached the lowest state physically and emotionally.

And Wiryo had no choice but to save his fragile family and stood against his enemies.

"Stand up, Hendra!". His command was obeyed without objection. As Hendra had promised he would obey his grandfather, he would completely keep his promise, another way to bring the woman he loved back to his life. He realized his grandfather had more power and influence than himself.

"Although you don't like the way I work, now you know why I sent Lesmana's daughter back to her family. She is safer there".

Aruna had come to her outmost limit to stay with his family. She was really unhappy for being kept indoors for months. That was the only way to keep her safe from the threats. Unfortunately, her committed to kill herself was as dangerous as the threats coming from outside. So, sending her home was considered the best way for her in a while.

"From the beginning I told you to have heirs for this family or your wife would be at stake".


"But still she refused to do that. Lesmana. I couldn't believe what he planned by asking his daughter not to have children with you. But after some investigations, it was all mounted from your own wrong doing. She knew you wanted to end the marriage and divorce her after 2 years. It was all stated in your careless prenuptial agreement".

"It was just because of a misunderstanding". Hendra was really sorry.

"Do you think people will believe your words? How Many times have I reminded you not to be careless? Not all times your smartness in rhetoric is beneficial. See, Dream City is abandoned. And now your wife is taken back by her family". Mr. Wirya said angrily to his grandson.

Hendra was defenseless. He just listened and looked at him closely. Pieces of old mosaic from this old man came true.

Aruna was a bet. Not the bet between him and his grandfather, but for all the enemies of Wenceslas.

"You have to make sure her safety before she comes back to you. Now it is time to show off who we are. You must be ready with all the consequences that might fall on us, though".

"What do you mean, grandpa?". He called him grandpa in the end. Actually what they really needed was to talk openly and decently. It was just hard to bridge two very stubborn persons.

"It is time for you take over the president position of Wenceslas Group. Not because I want to retire, but more on the need to have a stronger figure to fight against our enemies. I have prepared all ammunitions to face the tarantula. It is the time for you for this mission".

Hendra was standing in the middle of his family. Grandmother and mommy became the witnesses of all the talks. Four people who hardly gathered in one place were now having a really serious issues to discuss. The last time they were together was when they had family banquet between Wenceslas and Lesmana's family, the day when Hendra was officially introduced to his wife to be.

The relay of the supreme power was passed to Hendra's hands. He could not avoid it anymore. Two women and an old man became his responsibilities apart from the girl who was at her own family's hand at the moment for her own goodness's reasons.

If Hendra were allowed to speak honestly, He did not know where he had to start. His image had been totally devastated in the public eyes. His photo while he was having alcohol party in Bali with a girl named Tania had spread so quickly in the media. And what even worse was the Dream City mega project was abandoned because the investigations by the State Intelligent were too drag on.

Moreover, the library concept leaked out to the public. The leakage was used by his competitors to bring him down. Actually, Library Concept was a brilliant concept but Hendra did not have a chance to make clarifications toward the issue so that public saw it as his flaws. Mr. Riswan also faced endless intimidations.

The latest and most startling information was the drop of stocks of Wenceslas Food and Nutrition company. It was a company that produced all kinds of daily needs , like snacks, drinks, food ingredients, etc. The drop was certainly due to the unpopular photos of him and Tania in all social medias . House wives showed women solidarity by boycotting Wenceslas products. And one of leading social media account, Lam*e Luntur which was taken over by Pradita team fueled the fire to this issue.

Once again, Hendra breathed out heavily picturing his screwed present situation. He certainly didn't know where to start to fix things up.

_Aruna_that was the first came to his mind. To fix all the wrecks, he needed to fix himself by meeting her. He had to hold her and tell her how he loved her. He needed her to survive.

"I accept this stick of power as the President Director with my full awareness. But there is one condition you have to fulfill. Help me to meet my wife, Aruna. I will talk to her myself to come back to me".

"I'll do what I can do". His grandfather replied.

"But I can't guarantee she will come back to us. My connection with Lesmana has finished. It's not the same anymore. Lesmana has right to reject us". He continued.

"At least, meet me with Aruna. I will talk to her directly". Hendra insisted

On the same day after the sun shifted to the west, Mr. Wiryo and his grandson left the main house. It did not take long time for them to find the new place for Lesmana's family.

By following the direction given by Pradita team, they drove along the capital city to the far East.

The house where Aruna lived was not as huge as it was before, the house that was gifted by Mr. Wiryo to his aide.

And as they had expected before, once the car of Wenceslas family came into seen, hurriedly a man closed the gate tightly.

Hendra knew that the man was the security of the family they had left.

Feeling tired and unable to bear his missing to his wife, Hendra lost his idea how to speak nicely. Instead, he pulled out his gun and pointed it to that poor man.

"If you dare to leave without opening the gate, I will not think a second to shoot you!" he barked.

The man was scared stiff. He had no choice but to open the gate for the son in law of the family he worked for.

"Get in to the car. Ease your emotion. I will talk to Lesmana. You will make the condition worse with you emotion like this". Mr. Wiryo was trying to make Hendra understand. It was clear that the blue eyed was very impatient. Luckily, he listened to his grandfather.

Reluctantly with wry face Hendra obeyed his grandfather, went into the seat of black Bentley HD 1 AJ




The book [One A CEO Wife] is the season II from the book [Stealing The Wife's First Kiss]. If you want to read it in chronological order, you can start reading it in season I [Stealing The Wife's First Kiss]. Moreover, the novel [Once A CEO Wife] can be enjoyed independently because it presents different conflicts.