3. Frustrated

"Get into the car. Ease yourself. Let me talk to Lesmana or you'll make things worse with your present state". Mr. Wiryo was trying to remind his grandson. It was obvious that Hendra was very impatient. Luckily, he listened to his grandfather and obeyed him after the misunderstanding happened between them today.

With wry face Hendra got into his black Bentley HD 1 AJ.

"Why are you still looking for me? As far as I am concerned, we have finished". Lesmana said coldly. He did not look normal. Wiryo never saw him with such relax and informal outfits like that, knee-length shorts and a T-shirt.

He used to be very neat daily. But not this time. It seemed that he started enjoying his new life, relaxing and making himself busy with pieces of wood lying on the side of his house. What are his activities right now? And what are that wood for? With a short glance, Wirya saw a table and two chairs carved with crawling plants pattern, the characteristic of Jepara carving, where he was originally from.

"You seem to enjoy your life now?". Wiryo greeted him standing. Lesmana did not offer him to sit down and he seemed not available for his guest, someone who had huge power and influence. He was still sitting down on the floor sweating and continuing his activities.

"Yes. And as you see, becoming normal is more fun and enjoyable". He stood up and washed his hands.

"I am busy. Can you tell me straight away what your visit is for and leave us as soon as you can? Your coming scares my family". A gush of pain hit Wiryo's heart listening to a man he used to be close with.

"I want to ask your permission. Mt grandson hopes he can meet you daughter. They are still husband and wife, anyway. If this has to finish, let them finish their best". Wiryo was trying to arrange his words well.

"As far as I know, it is your own grandson who want this separation. He arranged the divorce with my daughter. I am sure he is ready for this. No more talks for this matter". Lesmana had been ready for this situation. He was calm when he picked up a glass of fresh water prepared by his wife on a bench. The bench he made and designed by himself. He got the talent from his father and he handed it down to his youngest child. He kept standing while drinking without offering a seat to his guest. From this gesture, the elderly of Wenceslas realized that he was sent off. Wiryo had no words to persuade Lesmana.

The remaining drinking water and the glass was dropped from his hand due to shocked. It created unpleasant noise to ears. Right behind Wiryo, the blue eyed man pointed his gun to him.

"I'm a bad man, I know. Asking for your forgiveness is also impossible. I know you are disappointed to me for my evil treatment to your daughter". Hendra was out of control. He pointed his gun to his father in law.

"Didn't you read the contract well? Most of the points were my way to survive from the syndrome I have suffered". The solo heir was looking so messy. He stressed down some words trying to control his emotion. He was fighting to keep his sanity knowing that he was talking to his father in law.

That father in law was trying to stay calm.

"You planned to make her a divorcee even before marrying her. You don't how hard it is to live a life for a normal girl with a big dream likeAruna". His disappointment did affect someone.

"You have ruined my daughter slowly but surely. Look what you have done to her! She has forgotten how to smile and to laugh.you made her to be a solemn girl!". As his voive ended with disappointment it sounded louder than Hendra's voice.

"What should I do now? I do have weaknesses. Can't you see my struggles to fight against myself? To fight the syndrome I suffered? And when I was about to get well, you took Aruna back. Is it so hard to give me another chance??". Hendra was totally devastated. But his side of his humanity revealed with all his expressions and emotions.

Lesmana was speechless.

"Linda, what is the noise about?". Mother woke up and searched the thundering noise from the front house that made her awake. She needed to find out what was going on outside.

"Wenceslas Family, mother. Aruna's husband want to meet her". Linda whispered what she heard to her.

"Did't they know such noise would be heard by our neighbours?". Hesitantly Lesmana's wife joined her husband.

"Husband, come on in". that was her only messages.

The blue eye glanced at her. That lady could feel how big the urge of Hendra to meet her youngest daughter.

Lesmana looked around. His house was not the same house as before surrounded with high walls. He knew the argument they had would be heard by people around. He asked his guests to go in the living room, a more private place.

"Now tell me what you exactly want?" he opened the talk after each of them had ease his emotions.

"Give me another chance. I want to meet Aruna. I need to talk to her". Said Hendra firmly.

"I'm afraid my son will not agree with it". Lesmana replied shortly.

"Then. What am I for you, father? Am I not your son?"'

Lesmana was unable to speak. He did not expect that Hendra speak more humanly.

"Anantha will be very disappointed if I give a chance to meet Aruna". His voice turned softer.

"I was too much by seeing you as my own father. Since you hold my hand and trusted Aruna on my hand, I was so proud for having a father. But, the truth, you never considered me as a son". He turned his pistol and gave it to Lesmana.

"Shoot me now if I am not given a chance for only to meet Aruna!'. Lesmana looked back at his sin in law. That man looked so much frustrated.




The background of this novel is in one of the countries in South East Asia where customs, norms, and values in those areas very much inspire every character depicted in this story.

The boundaries of relationship between males and females and the habits portrayed there can be very much different from your own life styles. I hope you can visit and see the places described in this novel and you can witness it yourself their uniqueness and beauty.