15.Guilty Feeling

_Where is she heading to? This isn't the way home_

The car ran along the street right behind the red motorcycle with reasonable some distance. Aruna was heading far from her way home now which raised some worries of the passengers in the car. The rider of the red motorcycle finally stopped. The pony tail girl parked her motor. She walked along the side of the road slowly.

"Are you going to get out, Sir?" the driver asked Hendra.

"No. we will see what she is doing here" Hendra kept watching his wife's every movement.

"Move the car in the area that is not easily seen by her" the Bentley crawled slowly following that lady's footsteps.

_Oh there is she going_ and the blue eyed man just realized that his wife did things they used to do together where Aruna and he went to side of the bridge and taught him how to express and throw away all his burdens and sadness.

That was a pretty cool place. A long bridge lay across a river. The river split the city into two. Along the sides of the river were tall and shady trees. It offered peace and tranquility. The wind blowing briskly was able to swap straps of hair from the faces.

From a distance, that girl threw her empty gaze to the landscape. She threw her brown eyes ran along the unending flow of water once in a while. Then, she stood up quickly and walked to where she parked her matic motorcycle. She took her bunch of files and dumped them in the trash can.

"Hery, take back the papers from the trash can!" He ordered his guard. And when she walked away from that place, Hery quickly retrieved the papers, went back to the car, and followed where the motorcycle rider flew into the crowded streets of the city.

In the car, that man was curious about what his wife had dumped. He flipped the papers and brushed up every page in details.

"Ah, this is what you have done for". He painfully realized that he had ignored what she always tried to tell him about her dreams and about going back to college. He knew nothing about Aruna's life at campus. He found himself feeling guilty for ignoring her truthfulness about her dreams. He was too busy to admire her, too happy to smell her body odor every night.

He was feeling so sorry for being so selfish by thinking more on how to keep her to be by his side, how not to lose her, and how to make her accept him unconditionally, and also to his fear if the woman who had filled his life suddenly wanted to go back home to her father's.

Even someone with logic thoughts could see that she had life to carry on. She always looked unhappy even though she was treated nicely like a cute doll and kept in the gold cage without doing anything.

"Tell Thomas I want to talk with Rector of Tripusaka" he muttered from the passenger seat. He was still busy looking up papers his wife had dumped some time back. And the car was still following the red motorcycle.

Not long after that, the motorcycle stopped and parked in front of a food stall. A big banner noodle soup was in front of that food stall.

_Wait a minute. Have I ever been here before?_

Hendra could recall his memory again. His roll Royce ever parked around the corner of that place, a place where Aruna and Damar met. At that moment he was just a stalker hiding behind newspapers.

He put down the papers in his hands, brushed his outfits neatly, and was ready to get out of the car. Knowing his master wanted to get out, Hery moved to the backseat door.

Just before he reached the door knob, a motorcycle passed in front of them. The rider parked hurriedly and he ran in. He jumped happily and knocked the girl on the head with papers he rolled up in a pipe.

"I knew you would be here!"

Hendra could not listen any of the chats, but his eyes could see that there were friendly and intimate talks between that young man and his wife on that far end. And when he finally took off his helmet, Hendra could see long hair was folded loosely. It was his strong competitor, Damar. For the time being Hendra did have any power to kick that guy away like what he previously did.

A rising star of a singer and a song composer of indie, Damar was a best friend who seemed to be able to help Aruna get rid of her bad mood better than her own husband. Hendra was a few step behind him. He walked back to his car.

"Sir, you…" Hery could feel the uneasiness in his master's heart. It was the first time he saw his master looked down and surrendered.

"It's not my right time now. I'll call you tonight and you do what I tell you. Arrange me a meeting with her"

"Alright, Sir". That continental Bentley spurred smoothly leaving that place.


"I knew you would be here!" Damar was jumping joyfully to see the girl he loved secretly was there. She was eating spicy noodles anytime she felt miserable.

"Uffff…you must be willing to bother me. I'm not in the mood for joking" she slurped her slimy noodles hard to her little mouth.

"You disappeared just like that. Damar and Dea were worried (calling his own name). we are spreading to search you" Damar and Dea were searching the woman who just received refusals from all of the lecturers . Both of them know she had worked hard for the last weeks.

"What level of chili did you order?" She did not answer. She preferred to enjoy her meal.

He picked up a spoon and scooped the red soup in front of that girl.

_Not too spicy. Thank goodness_ she may eventually knew hot spicy food isn't good, he talked to himself.

Unfortunately a pair of beautiful eyes was watery and red. If the soup was the cause, it would have been very high level of spicy food.

Dammar was upset. How could she do such thing again? Hiding her true feeling through something else.

"If you want to cry, just do it!" he sounded upset.

"What??" she ignored him and busily pushed the food to her mouth without looking at him. Dammar could stand it anymore. He pushed that bowl away from her, pulled that red face to his chest to rest there. She made a refusal movement. She pushed that chest away. She buried her face between her arms on the table.

That Padang man brushed her hair: crying is much better for you. Don't hold it too much longer".

A piece of tissue was pushed under the table. "The best fort" helped her relieving her unbearable loads. Dammar always knew what to do when Aruna felt awful and needed a shoulder to cry on. He would be the person to offer his shoulder and encouraged her and to tell her that crying to relieve burdens was very normal.

"You're not a saint who makes no mistakes. Crying or angry isn't shameful. It's all very common, Aruna. How many times have I told you this?" he stroked her hair like he always did in the same situation.


"Damn. Those barbaric fans never leave me alone".


To get the real vibes of this chapter, readers of Korean group band are highly recommended to listen 'Breathe' of Lee Hi
