"Why don't you meet your wife when she is in that state, Sir? I believe she needs someone to support her". Hery glanced at his master's head from the rear mirror. He was still caressing the files belonged to his wife.
"It's not my right time now. I'm not good at pleasing a woman when she is in her bad state. Especially It is me the source of her sorrow. I have no courage to face her". He was caught looking sad in front of hguard.
"Ah, damn it! Why those barbaric fans are always around this place." Damar muttered. He pressed Aruna's head to prevent her from looking up.
"Keep your head down". He whispered to her left ear.
"Someone is taking our picture. It may be used for such cheap gossips". He stood up quickly as if to take something. Aruna kept her head down in her arms on the table.
"Damar, where are you going?" she whispered to check if he was still around with her. She was worried if she was left alone.
"I'll get my jacket from my motor. Make sure you don't look up, though". He once again went down to whisper on her ear.
Just few steps he had taken to leave the girl, a group of young teenage girls came on his way. They were surely high school students. It could be seen from the uniforms they were wearing.
"You are Danu Umar, aren't you?" one of them dared to ask him.
"Ohhh, how happy I am to see you live". Another one jumped happily, another one quickly took a book from her bag.
"Can we take pictures with you?" one out of five girls who blocked Damar from his way showed her mobile phone. She wished to take his pictures.
Dammar wanted to ignore those young girls. He sought a path to pass but they gave no chance at all. They cornered him.
"You took my pictures secretly, didn't you?" with one motion Damar took the mobile phone of the girl who asked his pictures.
Seeing his unpredictable movement of Damar, the five girls froze.
"What is the password?" he ignored their shock and urged her to tell him the key words to open the mobile screen. She was surprised, her eyes were widened.
"Errr… the date of your first novel was launched. I am your loyal fan". Her voice was tremble a little.
"Oh, but I don't remember when it was" he cut her short. And his fingers typed fast as the tremble voice said the information her idol wanted.
Dammar cleared all the pictures of him that the girl had taken secretly.
"Don't do it again without my permission. I really don't like it"
He procceeded the mobile phone back to his fans
"Errr… please forgive us. We really missed you. You were gone right after you left the artist management. You hardly come on the stage again". There was a hopeful voice from that young fan.
Dammar listened to their complaint. He took the novel he wrote from their hands and gave his autographs on it.
"Relax. I may make a You Tube channel for you. Follow me there. And one of my trilogy novel will be released soon". He made gestures for the girls to move aside and to give him a space.
One of them handed her mobile phone to Damar.
"Oh.. do you want our photo? Five of you in one picture, okay?"
Without a commando, one of them moved forward and took selfie of six of them.
"Brother Damar, is that girl your girl friend?" that kind of question was pretty tickly and it was able to stop him in a moment.
"Even though I say no, all of you will speculate as you like." There was unhappy expression to the face of the indie writer they adored.
_Ah, Aruna?!_ that pony-tail haired girl was still holding her position of hiding her head in her arms. He had to help her in that inconvenient situation.
"So, can I go now" his flat intonation made the girls moved to the side.
When he was about to reach his motor to grab his hoodie jacket, some people approached him.
"Wow, you are Danu Umar, aren't you? My daughter is your big fan. Can I take a pic ture of you now?"
_Oh, gosh! What an annoying mistake!_ It was a big mistake to grant that group of teenage girls to stop him. Now other else were curious. It made his steps were blocked a little longer.
He could only smile when every one of them asked for a selfie with him.
_Poor Aruna_
He tried to send messages through his hidden gestures for Aruna to check her WA messages, and to call him via WA.
"Aruna, while their attention is distracted, put the helmet next to you and leave the place at once!"
"But I haven't paid my bill"
"Don't worry. I'll take care of it"
Through his eye tail, he could see that girl was sneaking and disappeared quickly with her motor.
"Master, are you looking for me?" It had been three times Hery came to Mahendra's office. It was 21.OO pm and the CEO to be of Wenceslas Group was still burying himself with piles of papers on his desk.
"Not now. I'll call you again later" hendra replied. Without any words, Hery quikly left the room where his young master worked. Hendra gave almost the same reply anytime he went to his room. The difference was previously he used definite time 'please come again to my room 15 minutes from now'. But such instructions were gone in his last visit to the room.
"No need to see me without my call" . Hery felt the enthusiasm in Hendra's voice was gone somewhere. Previously he sounded optimistic by giving him the exact time he had to see him. But in the last all his enthusiasm was vanished by saying ' no need to come without my call'.
That blue eyed man clearly was expecting something very important.
"Yes! Finally!" his voice roared happily when his phone finally sent him ring of reply messages. he grabbed that little square gadget joyfully. A short message from his wife was a reply of his messages sent ten times.
It was short clear message ' it's okay" from Aruna and it was able to make him exploded happily.
"Aruna, can I call you?"
"I want to hear your voice"
"Please pick up my call"