"Common…I really want to bath you."
"Ufff… you are so straight forward recently."
"Please say yes.."
"Hahaha…" Aruna laughed at his persuading and pleading expression.
The girl looked at him awkwardly. She was too shy to figure out what to do with the man in front of her. She put on bathrobe around her. Her hands gripped the edges of her bathrobe as if it would fall down. She was wearing her panties and bras inside it. She also wore Hendra's shorts to make her feel secure. That burn still made her insecure despite what Hendra had told her about it. Hendra was coming to the bathroom on the knee-length boxer and bare chest.
"Sit down here!" Hendra directed her to a small chair he took from outside and put it right under the shower.
Aruna sat down awkwardly. Her hands slowly loosened the grip on the bathrobe edges. Her bathrobe pyjamas slipped down. Hendra grabbed it before it touched the wet bathroom floor and hang it outside.
"I love the aroma of this bath soap. He put down two large sized bottles. Aruna thought one bottle was body soap, another one might be shampoo.
Aruna swallowed her own saliva. The brand of those two bottles was Chann*l, a very expensive one, over one million rupiahs each bottle.
"When I was on a business trip, my flight was delayed. I took a walk to get some fresh air. Then I came across with these two bottles" He arranged the temperature of the shower, pulled her hair band to loosen her hair free.
"I never stopped thinking about you every night. Having your body with this odor and sleep by my side, you will be an addiction to me. He showered her back. He put some liquid on his hand, rubbed it on her back, and massaged the area slowly and softly.
Can I take off the hook of the bra straps?"
"No Hen, it embarrasses me.." she ran her arms around her chest to protect her beautiful rounded mass of her breast. She remained the same. It was pretty hard for her trust anyone. But the man in front of her had strong determination. He did not listen to her worry but simply snatched that hook free.
"common Aruna… I have seen them and have touched them as well he smiled and walked around her to get better sight of the naked woman in front of him. Hendra poured the liquid soap for the second time. He smiled widely looking at his lady was still ashamed and was trying hard to cover herself.
He stood behind her back. He ran his fingers slowly from her flat stomach, caressing it downward to upward. Hendra removed her arms that were trying to protect her beautiful perfectly rounded masses. Instantly those two mountains were in his hands.
"Hendra, please…stop it.. aaarghh" her body was shaking in response to the sensation she longed to have. Her lips were quivering and her breath was uneven when Hendra gave her Pina epidermal lickings.
"Aaaah.." she sighed. She felt she could not control herself. Hendra moved further and braver. He went deeper and deeper to her mouth. He wanted all his thirst was satisfied that morning.
"ughhhh.." Aruna released her long sigh. She was panting as if she was in a running race as that blue eyed man spinned the chair. Now she was facing him.
The shower was turned on again. The water dropped over her body as Hendra started kissing her body again. He moved down to her neck. That brown eyed girl lost grip. She could not hold her defense much longer. She knew she needed him. They needed to each other. The feeling they both shared was such big love to one another.
And now Aruna had no reasons to be stubborn. While Hendra had determined to keep what had been his no matter what it took. Actually Hendra wanted a sweet night with his cute girl with some kinds of agreement from both sides. But it would take too much time for Aruna.
Hendra knew for sure that he had no much time. The divorce files had been placed to his desk. Making her pregnant would mean this girl's could not do anything but to go back to him. Aruna would not be able to avoid that when she was under his responsibility, he would hide her to a safe place.
All the enemies of Wenceslas would be easily distracted if she was easier to deal with. They might still use her as their main target. But it would be easier to win the battle if a baby as the next successor of Wenceslas present. This was the prediction Grandfather Wiryo used to made for him and now it was Hendra's turn to push himself to get a baby as his son.
Hendra had reached the most dangerous spot to arouse her sensuality. He gave strong sensory to this girl hormones around the most sensual areas of all women, their breast. Any touch he gave to her made her demand more through her cry.
"Hendra.. use protection please" he ignored her request.
"Hen.. stop! Put on the protection first!!" it was a meaningless request. He kept going with his plan to get what he wanted. He went down to her stomach. Next he pulled her off the chair to stand. He knelt down for her. Slowly he pulled down the shorts she was wearing which belonged to him.
He saw white panties stick perfectly on her waist down. He kissed that spot. Aruna stepped back as rejection."Put on the rubber or we stop it now!."
"What is the protection for?" _ I need a baby from you_ he walked closer to her.
"I still want to finish my study, Hendra. I still have dreams to pursue. Im still young. Hendra ran his arms around her and ignored all her complaints.
"No! I don't want to do it without protector. Im not ready yet" she pushed him as hard as she could.
That man closed his eyes for a while. When he opened them, there was a flash of burning hopes and desire reflected. He looked at her closely. " the more you make things difficult for us, the faster we will be separated. Make me a perfect husband for you and bear our baby"
"But Im not ready to be a mother, yet"
"The sue of divorce has been sent to my desk. Now what? Burying your true feelings to me? Obeying your parents wish? Or having a baby from me and we live together again?"
"So, that has been your real plan since last night." She left the shower room, snatched her pyjamas to cover her body again.
"Do you really want to go away from me? And listen to your parents more?" He was half yelling of frustration. Water dripped from his body as he walked behind her.
"A relationship is built from two person. You can't make a decision on your own" Aruna dried any parts of her body she could reach. Then she went to the room she predicted Hendra kept some of hers there. She was right. Hendra had her clothes in that room.
"If you want to keep our marriage, we have to sit on the table and find the solution together. Not to dominate it and make you the one responsible the most in making the decisions. I'm not your employees" she put on clothes she could find.
"I ever offered this to you but you ran from me anyway" he stressed every word he spoke.
"Wait! The last time is when you locked me in the bathroom. Is that what you call to speak decently with me? " Aruna was about to finish and Hendra was ready with his clothes as well.
"I was out of my mind at that time"
"Are you now?"
"What are we supposed to do to keep our marriage, then?"
"What I know for sure is not by making the woman get pregnant and lock her here"
"You read my mind, huh?"
"That is the reason I love you, but…." She hung her words, grabbed her bag and ran down to the first floor.
Once she reached the door, she just realized she could not pass it. It's locked. She went back to the man who kept watching her every movement. " Give me the key. I must go home"
"You love me but…but what?"
"Give me the key!"
_I can't stand with your dominance. You treat me like I am a toy!_ Aruna mumbled to herself.
"I don't want to fight with you. There is still hope if we can talk cold headedly "
"Once you step out of the door, you'll know all. The divorce files will be on the court next Monday. And Soon the court will be on going. How to face that cold headedly, Aruna? Tell me how??"
"Let's meet my father together, Hendra. We tell him what we want."