29. Bitterness

"Collect as much information as possible. I want to catch her red handed without any rejections from the people in D floor.

"Okay, Sir"



"Where did you get those outfits my little one?" Anantha looked at her closely wheb she just arrived home.

"Ehm ehmm.." she cleared her throat, and didn't know what to say. She wore clothes of her styles. The blazer and T-shirt she put on with unfamiliar brands were not something she could tell anyone easily. Anantha might notice that. The price could be ten times more expensive than the ones she put on daily.

"Hendra bought all this for me when I was still with him." She finally came up with any reasons cross to her mind. The clothes she was wearing was given by Mahendra. It was the truth. But she took them from his closet of his new house.

"Don't ever mention that name. I don't like it." He stood up and handed her a paper bag of a new dress for the youngest.

"As I told you before, today I have a plan for you. Give the best look of you and we will go out somewhere." Anantha looked light-hearted when he told it to her.

"Wow! You are going to treat me?" she looked excited to see her brother's happiness today. There was a pain stabbed her deep in her heart. The man in front of her was the one who lay a divorce for to Hendra, her husband. That wash of pain struck her. She grabbed the paper bag and ran to the second floor


"Look at you?.. what's going on?" Gesang turned around to inspect how Rey, smoking guy, changed his style all of sudden. That smoker used to put on hanging slim-fit pants and a T-shirt tugged in the pants, or a shirt with frog lace, or blazer of Vintage Style. He turned to a casual style now.

That changing of course created a speculation that he might want to make a good image for a woman or he might have fallen in love.

"What a change!" Gesang laughed.

"How do I look now?" he checked his look to make sure he looked good and impressive.

"Where are you going?"

"None of your business!"

"Common, we are like brothers. Why do you have to hide it from me?how long have you beenliving here??" Gesang did not like such reply from Rey Barga.

"Haahahah…see you later"


"Heyy.. . your cigarette! Or I'll throw it away!" Gesang yelled at him.

"Sorry bro, I start reducing my smoking!?" Rey yelled back and he disappeared into his sport car.

"Are you serious!" _okay, it's for me then_ Gesang inserted that cigarette package into his pocket.

"Hey..give it to me!" His older sister stood behind him. Her beautiful face was smoothed with perfect make-up. It was Geraldine.

"Hmmm…such a cheap mind although you took your study abroad" scolded Geraldine. These sibling never had such harmony relationship. They opposed one another.

Actually Geraldine cared for her brother. It was just Gesang always creaed problems in their family. It was Rey, their oldest brother who always supported him and protect him from family's anger..

Gesang's leaving which caused doubts and big questions for his family did not shock Geraldine. She knew it was just a fake for she knew for sure that Gesang had a new status as a guard of Wenceslasdingrat, a family which posed as the biggest enemy of Tarantula Group. Tarantula itself was founded by those who had dark history with Wenceslas.

"I won't repeat it myself. Give it to me or you have to deal with Gibran" Geraldine threatened her brother.

"such a complainer! You like to oppose me with Gibran!" Gesang handed that thing to her.

"Live properly. Stop looking for problems"

"hmmm…what a wise advice... you're not much better than me"

"At least I carry on my mission correctly" Geraldine defended herself.


"Brother, where ar e we going to go? Why am I wearing such dress? Ughh…I don't really likeit" Aruna was a bit uncomfortable with knee-length skirt. Perhaps some men liked to see a woman in skirt liked that. But Aruna felt much comfortable with jeans.

"Have a seat. I need to go to the restroom". Anantha smiled before he disappeared.


"Hello Aruna! Glad to meet you again" A man she knew named Gibran suddenly seated in front of her.he looked neat and tidy with a bright smile.

"How coincidence! .. Glad to meet you again, too" replied Aruna politely.

"This is not coincidence. I have an appointment with Anantha today. He asked me to go to this restaurant". Gibran told her the reason of his coming there.

"Oh.. my brother is in the restroom now. Not yet coming back." Aruna gestured to the place her brother disappeared.

"Hehehe… it seems we are set to be here" He pretended not to know the conspiracy Anantha made for him and aruna.

"Oh.. my brother is too much" Aruna smiled sweetly despite her heart was crying bitterly.

"Have you ordered something? Let us enjoy what we have right now. Don't think too much" Gibran offered a solution nicely to prevent Aruna from feeling bad.

"I guess you are right…" She started opened the menu and flipped every page of it to calm her down.

"Why don't you call me Rey?!" He put down the book menu and looked at the wife of young Wenceslas. She looked stunning that afternoon.

"Ehmm..Wasn't Gibran your name?" her eyes kept scrolling the menu book, gave no attention to the man on the opposite seat.

"But I love to be called Rey. Just consider it my first name and Barga is my last name. inserted Gibran between the two."

"Ehmm..honestly I don't understand what you are talking about. But if preferred Rey as your nickname, I will try to call you with that" Aruna closed her menu as she had decided what to order.

"And if you stopped behaving formally, I would feel more comfortable"

"Hehhe I can't do that. You are my brother's friend. It is better I treat you properly suitable with my position." She disliked it that he tried to be friendly with her. She remembered Hendra did not feeling with him from the beginning.

"What do you think your position right now?"

"Ehhm… it is..it is..I don't understand it myself?"

"hehe you're very funny.. so innocent.."

"Oh.. really? But I really don't know " Aruna did not really know what they were talking about.

"Your brother left you alone with me because he wants us to know each other better." Such straight forward expression from Rey was responded with smiles. She did not know what to say.

"We can start by listening to your life story first."

"Oh, none of my life is interesting to listen." She tried to close the door tightly from outsiders.She responded to his chats casually. Bukankah dia sangat pandai berperilaku dingin dan sepertinya laki laki ini akan mendapatkan perilaku tidak menyenangkan itu dari si mungil Aruna.

"Fine. Let's start by passing questions to each other?

"Yes... whatever you say"

"Call me Rey!"

"I'm sorry I'm not used to, yet"

"Hehehe, can I ask you first?"

"Please, Rey" Her voice was flat. datar saja.

"Alright.. what is your favourite food?" The man with round glasses started it with general topics.

"Nothing is special. I like all kinds of food especially when there is a promo in 'oke food' (online food). But right now I have ordered Simply Tiffin. Actually it is a a favourite menu of someone else." Aruna smiled in her last words. She wanted to imply that she was still attached with someone.

Simply Tiffin was a mixed and matched menu served with rice and pasta. For exampleTutug oncom rice and squid, oriental fried rice with fried chicken and salted egg, or black pepper rice and fried chicken. Mixed and matched pasta was a combination of pasta and tuna, cow rib, rending, or sausage. Hendra ever told her the concept of Simply Tiffin of Wenceslas Rotz Hotel was fast service, delicious, and heavy food. Hopefully, such program could be a good choice for everyone during lunch time.

Suddenly, Aruna got great urge of missing that complicated man, Mahendra.




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