34. Suits Your Heart

"I live with Aditya. Do you know where he works? The gossip has gone wildly in his office, about the divorce of CEO with his wife

Aruna could not say a word. She muted.

I want to ask you seriously now. What do you exactly want for your future? Answer me please. Based on your own will! Here!" the finger of that pregnant woman pointed to the chest of her sister.

The brown eyes blinked several times. She looked for courage to talk.

"I want to keep this marriage with Hendra, but I am afraid I cannot keep up with  him. He is too magnificent for me, with his life and his attitudes. I know he is so sincere to me and wants me badly. But… There are things that scare me. That is it, sister"

"And..if you want to keep the marriage with Hendra, why did you come with Damar today?"

"I asked his help to save me from a friend of brother Anantha. So, he was kind of helping me today.

"Brother Anantha? Why did you have to run away from him?"