35. My Used Clothes

"Please tell me what your dream marriage is like?"

"The simple one. You know very well I like simplicity"

"I know.."

"Before I met Hendra, I ever built up a dream that I might marry Damar. I was not an ignorant girl my friends used to call me. I knew Damar wanted me to be his girl friend through his absurd words or his odd behavior to get my attention"

"And you like him"

"I used to. But father prohibited me to have a lover.. "

"You heard father and ignored him"

The youngest nodded. 

"I thought if Damar could wait another two or three years, I would ask him to marry me right after that" 

"So you actually dreamed to marry Damar?" Her stare was more intense to her sister

"Yeah, on and off. But I hardly thought about it seriously. We were still too young and busy with college stuffs. I established Magic Letter "

"But I believe you had dreams about a marriage you wanted would be like"