36. Shipping

"Let's take a pic. Felt like a long time ago since we ate together." Aliana took out her phone and aimed it for a selfie.

"Me too," Damar placed his phone on the table's corner and set the timer. Then, he ran and slid between the three people. A perfect photo captured in his phone's camera.

"Damar, send it to me!"

"Wait! I wanna upload it to IG first."

"I want to post a story too. Been a while since I opened any social media."

"Which one do you think is better?"

"This. Send it to me."

"Ok, Beautiful."

"You … shush!" Aruna glared, reminding Damar with a light punch on his arm. 'My siblings are here,' she said with her eyes.

"Don't be shy … we were young too. Right, honey?" The know-nothing Aditya guessed that Damar was a special man and was currently close with Aruna, then he voluntarily remained by her side to help her move on.

"Just eat, will you! Babble later." Aliana reminded them

