Powerless Prisoners

They had bruises all over their bodies. Their orange jumpsuits had rips and tears at the arms.They all had cuts on their wrists. So, they had no power rings in their wrists. These prisoners had absolutely no powers.

"Who took your powers?" I said. One of the prisoners stood up. He had a pasty white face. He also had baby blue eyes.

"The Sayis'." The prisoner said.

"Why?" I said.

"For our crimes." The prisoner said.

"What crimes?" I said.

"My name is Kevin Ladmir. I'm in here for Aligning myself with Furliceo Woolsley." The prisoner said.

"You were in an alliance with Furliceo Woolsley?" I said.

"Yeah." Kevin said.

"Why?" I said.

"Because I was on a mission to learn why Furliceo became a Striker." Kevin said.

"Really?" I said.

"Yes." Kevin said.

"We all know why. He did it because his power possession turned him evil." I said.

I looked at Kevin.

"So, do you still keep in contact with him?" I said.

"Yep. I just got some news from him." Kevin said

"Can you give it to me?" I said.

"What's in it for me?" Kevin said.

"Your escape from this prison." I said.

"How might I do that?" Kevin said.

"See that pedestal behind you?" I said.

Kevin turned around. I saw a silver pedestal with a black orb carved into it.

"I do." Kevin said.

"That's your ticket out of here."I said. I looked at Nester.

"Would you do the honors?" I said.

"Sure." Nester said.

Nester touched the orb. A blue portal appeared. Kevin and the rest of us walked into it. We all appeared in a hall with 4 doors on each side. Each one had a different sayis symbol on it.

The first one on the left had the Sedro Sayis Symbol on it. The first door on the other side had the Darkness Sayis' Symbol on it.The next door on the left side had the Gator Sayis symbol on it. The second door on the right had the Hydra Sayis symbol on it.

Both of the next two doors had the symbol of Light Sayis on one door and the symbol of Cerberus Sayis. The last two had the symbol of Minotaur Sayis on one of them and the symbol of Qysterio Sayis on the other.

Legend says these doors were to the rooms of Sayis'. Plus, they can only be opened by future Sayis'. I opened the Gator Sayis door. Everyone else stood there speechless. Michael looked at me.

"Talk about the next Gator Sayis!" he said.

"Shut up! You're gonna get us caught." I said.

Alarms blared.

"Kevin, now would be a good time for that news." I said.

"Alright, alright. Your sister, Crystal was kidnapped."

A group of guards dressed in blue cloaks came towards us. Pedro stood in front of us.

"Naughty students, aren't you!?" he said. I stood there silent. Pedro glared at me.

"You're the one the who gave them the idea, right?"

"Yes." I said.

"Guards, half of you can escort the students back to their dorm and the other half can take Kevin back to his cell."

The guards gather around us as a grey portal appeared. I stood in front of Pedro.

"Wait! Before we go, I have to know if it's true." I said.

"If what is?" Pedro said.

"Was Crystal really kidnapped?"

"Come with me." Pedro said, sighing. The guards pushed the other students into the portal. It disappeared. Pedro led me to his office.

"So is it true?" I said.

"Sadly, yes. We'll talk about it in my office." Pedro said. Pedro led me inside his office. I sat down in the chair in front of his desk. Pedro sat down behind it. Pedro looked at me.

"I have some bad news. Yes, Crystal was kidnapped."

"Then, I have to go save her." I said.

"No. That's just what the villain wants! You can't save her if you get captured now, can you?"

"You're right."

"One more thing. The captor left this." Pedro said, handing me a piece of paper.

"I've kidnapped your sister. To get her back you must fight me in the Warrior Power battle competition. Not only that, you must win the competition. The fight is in five days. See you then. " I read.

Thoughts ran through my mind. Who is this madman? What is he doing with my sister?

"So, let me get this straight. You want me to fight against this man on National television?"


"Why can't I just do it now!?" I said. I stood up. I punched Pedro's desk.

"Calm down!" Pedro said. Pedro stared at me.

"It's not safe. Let the authorities handle it. So, you distract the captor until the day you fight him."

"I'm not waiting five days! " I said, staring at Pedro.

"Yes, you are! Don't you get it? If you go out looking for her, the captor will kill you. You can't save her if you're dead!"

I sat back down.

"What about my powers? I have no control over them." I said.

"I'll train you in between fights. Don't sweat it! You'll win." Pedro said.

"And, what if I don't?" I said.

"You'll get captured. But, don't worry. That won't happen as long as you listen to me."

Pedro escorted me to a golden pedestal with a green orb carved into it. A tan portal appeared. I walked into it.