Out Again

I appeared in my dorm. The other students gathered around me.

"So, why did Pedro take you to his office?" Jaren asked.

"My sister, Crystal was kidnapped." I said.

"Kidnapped? Who by?" Jaren said.

"I don't know. But, the captor wants me to fight him in three days. "

"Why?" Jaren said.

"I guess it's some ransom thing. The captor said in a note that he wouldn't give Crystal back unless I fight him and win some competition." I said.

"Hmm. That's not good. What's the competition called?" Jaren said.

"The Warrior Power Battle competition. But, I don't stand a chance. " I said.

"Oh, come on. If your dad won this Competition, then you can too." Jaren said.

"You really think so?" I said.

"Yeah, I do. Your dad won it when he was 12 just like you will if you keep your spirits up." Jaren said.

"What about you, Chase? You think I have a chance?"

"Heck, yeah I do. If your Father can do it, so can you." Chaser said.

"I think you have a chance too." Michael said.

"Thanks, bro." I said.

"You're welcome." Michael said.

"I think we should go out exploring again." Mitchell said.

"Yeah, it was pretty fun. Plus, I would like to see what's behind those doors with the Sayis Symbols." Parser said.

"I agree . I cannot wait until Senior year to find out what's behind those doors." William said.

"Neither can I." Nester said.

Nester got up. He touched the silver orb. A light purple portal appeared. We all walked into it. We appeared back in the hall with eight doors in it.

I opened the door with the Gator Sayis symbol on it. We all walked into the room it revealed. It had a wooden bed with a light green pillow and blanket on it that was so nicely made it looked like it had never been touched. In front of us, was a big wooden dresser. It had 6 drawers and was painted light blue.

Beside us was a picture of my Father. On top of his head was dark brown hair. He had baby blue eyes. He was wearing dark gray armor. A silver sword was in his right hand and it was pointed upward. A black pedestal was in front of it.

I touched it. A purple portal appeared. We all walked into it. We appeared in a room with a yellow dragon caged up next to us. I shot a beam of light at the lock; it burned into ashes as the door opened.

The dragon crawled out. I approached it. I touched it; scratching its ears. It whimpered in delight. The floor beneath us cracked as it fell apart .

Plummeting down onto the ground, I discovered that I was in the basement. I looked towards the place we had made a hole in the wall. When I went out into the outside of the Castle, an alarm sounded. I didn't know what to do at the time, but, then I had this feeling to climb onto the yellow and golden dragon's back. Climbing onto the back of the dragon, I had made it start flying into the sky. The dragon whimpered.

"Be calm. I don't want to hurt you, boy."

Flying into the sky, the Dragon started to fly towards the front of the Castle really fast as everyone else followed behind us."

I tried to make him stop by yanking his neck that had the same likeness of a snake, but he flapped his wings faster and still tried with all of his might to fly to the front of the Castle. I knew what this event meant; it meant that I was going to be caught again. But on second thought, I think I might be underestimating this dragon. We finally landed in front of the door and the dragon blew fire at the door. The doors then turned to ashes, I jumped off the dragon and, the dragon and I walked gracefully into the Castle.

At the moment that we got inside the Castle, twenty guards appeared along with Pedro being in front of them.

You just don't give up, Slyer. And, I'm not afraid of your pet. "

" I know you aren't . But if you want to punish me, you'll have to get through my dragon first."I said, fearlessly.

"Skyrid, be reasonable. You can't beat a Sayis. So if you'll just let me take all of you... "

"No! I will not let you take us back to our dorm!"

"Then you leave me no choice. I will fight you! Pedro said, chuckling slightly as his gray wrist rings glowed. Moving both of his arms to the front of his chest, Pedro threw his left hand into the air and shot a half-orange, half-yellow, beam of power at the ceiling. Small orange orbs gathered around him as he moved his arms to his side and his armor started to form onto his body.

First, an orange helmet with a golden beak carved into each side of it appeared on his head. Second, some red Pauldrons with yellow orbs carved into them appeared on his shoulders, Rerebraces appeared on each arm and orange gauntlets appeared on his hands. Lastly, a brown and white plate of armor appeared on his chest and arylide yellow Tuiles and brass Greaves appeared on his legs.

Shooting a beam at Pedro, I threw him across the hall and saw his wrist rings glow brighter. Hearing a loud roar, I felt this urge to run, but for some reason my body wouldn't budge. I smelt smoke coming from the left side of the hallway and touched my dragon as Pedro's came forward. Seeing the dragon, I shot a beam at it's yellow armor. Melting, the holes in the armor showed it's gray chest.

Pedro then moved his arms back to the front of his chest. But before he could move his arms back to his side, my dragon blew fire at him. Interrupted by my Dragon's fire, Pikia blew ice at him and he dodged it as the ice flew towards us.

Before the ice could hurt us, I hit it with a firebeam. Smoke started rising up from the floor and up to the sealing. The Guards started putting oxygen masks on all of us and themselves. Pedro and I put an oxygen mask on the dragons' heads. At the time that my dragon finally stopped struggling against me, I finally put the air mask over his head. And all of the guards, Pedro and, everybody in the Dragons of light including me rushed out to the outside of the Castle.

Finally getting outside, me, my dragon, Pedro, all of the guards and the rest of the Dragons of light took off each other's oxygen masks. I took off the dragon's oxygen mask off of his head while one of the guards dressed in armor took off my oxygen mask and we all ran to the left side of the Castle, went through the hole in the left side of the basement.

Appearing in the basement of it, we looked around the place and, Chaser and I found the door to the cabinet under the stairs. Finding dynamite, we rushed up the stairs, lit the dynamite, backed away a few feet and threw the dynamite at the wall.

We covered our faces and put on our oxygen masks as soon as the smoke appeared and noticed that when the smoke cleared, a hole appeared in the ceiling above us. Taking each other's gas masks off again, including the dragon's gas mask, Pedro, Chaser, all of the guards, who were dressed in full armor and all of the Dragons of Light including myself climbed through the hole with our oxygen masks clipped to our pants.

Then once me, Pedro and everyone else climbed onto the right side of the hole in the floor, I shot a beam of light at the floor and made the hole in the floor bigger, because I didn't want to leave the dragon all alone where it could be harmed without me knowing about it. The dragon then flew up through the hole while flapping his wings gracefully. The dragon stopped flapping his golden wings, and landed on the side across from our side of the hole in the floor.

While looking around the room from the left side of the big hole in the floor, Chaser and I had made, we found a bed with Kodyack resting his head on a pillow with his eyes closed as he tossed and turn. Feeling the right side of the room for a switch, I bumped into something. The right side of my body started to hurt I found a switch, flipped it and the light turned on.

Seeing a silver orb shining brightly, I saw that the sliver's orb's light came from small holes, which were on the outside of the room. The silver orb was being held up in the air by a whole line of about five chain links that were attached to each other; the fifth chain was attached to a metal hoop, which was dangling from the top of the wall by a partial metal circle.

Kodyack opened his eyes, put his right elbow on his white pillow cover, rested his head slightly on top of his right hand, started to yawn and asked us, while shouting:

"What are you doing in here?! Can't you see I'm trying to sleep in peace with no noise?! And what in the world happened to my floor?!"

"We came into here through the basement. Chaser and I lit dynamite sticks and threw them at the wall. Yes, we all can see that you're sleeping, but before be we came in here; Chaser and I blew a hole in the floor, so we could get back into the Castle, Kodyack." I explained.

"Okay. I was going to get a tougher floor anyways." Kodyack said, shrugging.

"Can Chaser and I help you fix the hole in your floor?" I asked, looking down at the floor.

"Thanks for the offer. But the answer is no, because I am supposed to have some carpenters come over to make a tougher floor for me. And all of you can sleep in here for the night."

Once Pedro, Kodyack, all of the guards and my dragon went to sleep, me and the rest of the Dragons of Light headed out the door to Kodyack's bedroom.

"I wonder how we're going to get back to the doors with the symbols of the Servants of Light on them." I said.

"Why do we need to go back there, Slyer?" Chaser asked as his forehead wrinkled.

"We need to go back there, because I'm pretty sure that everyone is curious about what the other three doors lead to. " I said, pondering in my mind what the other three doors could lead to.

"Well, I'm not curious about what those three doors lead to. But I am curious about what Pedro did with Kevin." Chaser said.

"He probably locked him up in Jail again. But why does it matter?"

"Because he has information on your sister."

"You're right. He does, but I can't release him again without getting caught by the guards."

I saw a silver pedestal with a black orb carved into it. I touched it. A milky white portal opened. We all walked into it. We appeared back in the room with Kevin and the rest of the prisoners in it again.

"Maybe I should beat you up, Skyrid."

"What for, Kevin?"

"Getting me locked up in here again."

"Will you now?"

"Yes, I'll pound you and make you wish you were never born!"

"Really? You know, I could just shoot you with a power beam again."

"Of course I do. But if you do that, I won't give you your Sister's location."

"Fine, What'd you want?"

"It's very simple. You help me escape this rotten place again and I'll tell you where she's hidden."

"Just touch that pedestal and we'll be out of here again."

Kevin walked over to the silver pedestal and touched the orb on top of it. Nothing happened.

"How come it didn't work?" I said.

"Because only Cithians with powers can activate pedestals dumbos!" Nester said.

Nester touched the orb. A light purple portal appeared again. We all walked into it. We appeared in front of Kodyack's door. The doorknob looked like it was jammed open.

I heard my dragon roar.