The Disturbing Note

I opened the door. Smoke was all over the room. I shot a orb of light in the air. The smoke cleared. Shattered glass was all over the floor. My dragon was trapped in a black forcefield.

I shot a beam of light at the orb. I directed it towards the forcefield and it crashed into it as it disappeared. I looked around the room. Pedro and Kodyack were gone along with the guards. We all jumped onto Kodyack's bed.

My dragon looked at me.

"Master, I tried to stop them." My dragon said.

"You can talk?" I said.

"Yes." My dragon said.

"Can you tell me what happened?"

"Sure. Two figures in black cloaks with green stripes on them appeared. They broke the window with an orb of darkness. They crawled in through the window. They trapped me in the black forcefield. They grabbed Pedro and Kodyack as they flung them over their shoulders. A black portal appeared. They left a note on top of the dresser. They walked into it. It disappeared as smoke filled the room." My dragon said.

Jaren leaned over, placing his hand on top of the dresser. Jaren grabbed the note.


I have kidnapped Pedro and Kodyack. To get them back you must fight me in Warrior Power Battle Competition and win it all together. You do that, and I'll release them. I'll see you at the fight." Jaren read. Jaren looked at me.

"The note is in my dad's handwriting." he said.

"Are you sure?" I said.

"Yes." Jaren said.

"He must've been possessed then." I said.

"You think?" Jaren said.

"It's the only plausible explanation." I said.

"Possessed? My dad's been possessed?" Jaren said.

"Apparently so." I said.

"Now, it all makes sense. One minute he's all nice and the next he's all evil. A possession seems possible." Jaren said.

"Exactly. But, it's probably a guardian or someone that's good friends with the guardians." I said.

"Why you say that?" Chaser said.

"Because the guardians would never let somebody evil past them, It'd have to be one of them or a good guy." I said.

"What about me? I thought I was going to get my powers back from Pedro."Kevin said.

"Kevin, you can't get your powers back until we rescue them." I said.

"Fine. I'll just go back to prison." Kevin said.

Kevin made my hand touch the pedestal beside the bed, in front of the dresser. It was painted tan with a blue orb carved into it. A purple portal appeared again. Kevin jumped into it as it disappeared. I looked at Parser.

"Parse, do you think we have a chance against these guys?" I said.

"I don't know. A Cithian is ten times stronger when it's possessed. So, we have as much a chance of doing that as we do getting world peace." Parser said.

"Basically, we don't have a chance, do we?" I said.

"Nope." Parser said.

A voice came over the intercom.

"All students report to the Hall of Sayis Dragons." It said. Nester touched the blue orb. A yellow portal appeared as we all turned into white orbs. Our vision was blinded. When we materialized, we were in the Hall of Sayis Dragons.

Four tables were in front of us. Classes 2 and 4 were already sitting at their assigned tables. Behind the tables was the Teachers' Table. 6 people were sitting there with two empty chairs in between them. One of them stood up.

He had a milky white face. His grassy green eyes glowed. He was wearing a green cloak. He put his hood down. Gray hair covered the top of his head.

"My name is Kaiser Jaymes. Last night, Pedro and Kodyack were kidnapped. According to the camera footage, there were two captors." he said. I stood up.

"Did your camera see the note on Kodyack's dresser?" I said.

"No. The camera is above the bed. So we could only see the bed. " Kaiser said.

"Well, in that note it said that if I fight against the main captor and win, they would release Kodyack and Pedro." I said.

"No. We cannot risk it." Kaiser said.

Chaser stood up.

"But, Skyrid's dad won so he does have a chance." he said.

"Not if he doesn't have the same power mastery training as his dad. We can't risk Skyrid losing because, he'll get imprisoned. So, my solution is to train every student to fight in this war." Kaiser said. I stood there silent. Kaiser looked at the crowd.

"Now that everything is sorted out, let the feast begin." he said. Kaiser shot orbs of light at the tables. They turned into food. There was steak, dragon meat, Phoenix meat (which is not actually form a phoenix but it's flamin' spicy and that's why it's called Phoenix meat) and sausage. Everybody filled their plates.

I filled my plate with steak and sausage. Someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around. He was sitting at class 3's table. His green eyes shimmered. His red cloak glowed. His face was pasty white. His hair was dark brown.

"Did Pedro and Kodyack really get kidnapped?" he said.

"Yes. Who are you?" I said.

"I'm Tucker Meyers." he said.

"Who do you think did the kidnapping, Tucker?" I said.

"One of the guardians and Furliceo Woolsley." Tucker said.

"Why'd you think that? The guardians are good people." I said.

"How else would they get past the guardians?" Tucker said.

"I don't know." I said.

"Exactly. The captors are a guardian and someone else." Tucker said.

"I'm pretty sure it's Jaren's dad, Jakin James." I said.

"You better be! You can't freakin' accuse people like that." Tucker said.

"I'm not! The note was in his handwriting!" I said. I turned back around. I ate all my food. Chaser nudged me.

"Hiya, Skyrid. I'm a Costa blood. My dad's a Cithian. And, my Mom is normal. What about you?" he said.

"What are the types of bloods?" I said.

"There's a costa blood, which means that only one of your parents is a Cithian. Then, there's the other: a Rasta Blood, which means both of your parents are Cithians." Chaser said.

"Alright, I guess I'm a Rasta blood." I said. Tucker nudged me.

"I'm a Rasta blood too. What was your malfunction like?" he said.

"White orbs went into my hands and beams of light shot out of them. What about yours?" I said.

"If you must know, I frickin' had a warrior power possession."

"That sucks. What was it like though?" I said.

"I heard voices telling me to do bad things like to kill people. Then I rose into the air as beams of darkness shot out of my hands. I fell down to the ground unconscious." Tucker said.

"Wow. That's pretty bad. I didn't think it was going to be though." I said. Kaiser stood up. We all looked at him.

"Now, I shall introduce your teachers. On my left, we have: Jared Riker, your referee for Warrior power Battles, and on my left is Kama Fraizer, The Weapons Master and Jamie Jacobs, the teacher for the History of the Sayis. Finally, we have myself. I am the Teacher for the training of the future Sayis'." he said. Kaiser sat down. Everyone else finished their plates. Kaiser stood up again.

"Now that the feast is over, I would like the Dragons of Light to follow Jamie and the Servants of the Sayis' to follow me." We all stood up. The Servants of the Sayis' went with Kaiser and the Dragons of Light went with Jamie.


Jamie lead us out the double doors. A hall of pedestals with orbs carved into them was shown to us. Jamie touched one of them. It was painted sky blue with a golden orb carved into it.

We all turned into clear white orbs. Our vision was in tunnels. A green portal appeared. We all were sucked into it.When we materialized, we appeared in a room with a bunch of desks in front of us and each one had a big book on it. In front of the desks was Jamie's desk. Beside it was a bronze pedestal with a blue orb carved into it. We all took our seats.

Jamie stood up.

"Students, please turn your books to page five. Skyrid, you will be our first reader." she said.

We all flipped our books to page five.

"The Sayis' were made during the interdimensional war of 1885. They were made to put more structure into the Cithian race and to right the wrongs done by Cithian malfunctions." I read.

"Caitlyn, you can read next." Jamie said.

"The reason why this structure was needed was because massive betrayals of people that were good started happening. I'll give you this example: Imagine ten people that are good.

Nine out of ten people turned evil." Caitlyn put her head up.

"Karrithea, you read next." Jamie said.

"It was a strange time back then. The Warrior Council didn't enforce the rules good enough. They needed a person who can take powers away. The Sayis Council was founded by Kasey Williams.

The Sayis Council is a group of 4 representatives for each side and one Hecticmaker. It is comprised of Richard Markson the Hecticmaker, Vogler Brixen the Sedro Sayis representative, Adagar Markson the Gator Sayis representative, Viraces Woolsley the Light Sayis representative, the Minotaur Sayis representative, Kasey Williams, the Darkness Sayis representative, Trace Woolsley the Hydra Sayis representative, Tovar row Simmons IV

the Cerberus Sayis representative, Volt Brooks, and Blade Woolsley the Qysterio Sayis representative." Karrithea looked up.

"Parser, you may read now." Jamie said.

"The second structural thing was the Sayis' themselves. There are two sides to the Sayis'. The Servants of Light and the Warriors of Darkness. Elwoods Bolto was the first Alien to become a Cithian. He is Sedro Sayis and the Leader of the Servants of Light. The second Sayis is Gator Sayis, which used to be Gadrid Markson but since he died in the war of Darkomega, Alex Crop is the new Gator Sayis. Pedro Jerricus is Light Sayis. Bradley Greenson is Minotaur Sayis.

The Warriors of Darkness' leader is Darkness Sayis, which is Furliceo Woolsley. Hydra Sayis is Gaze Woolsley. Cerberus Sayis is Klade Woolsley. Qysterio Sayis is Blaze Woolsley." Parser read.

"And that's the end of the lesson. Any questions?" Jamie said.

"Yeah. What's the Warrior Council?" I said.

"The Warrior Council is a group of 5 people who handle misdemeanor crimes. It is comprised of Crystal Crop the head, Gaser Woolsley, Curlicea Woolsley, Elmer Books, and Baser Woolsley." Jamie said.

"Why do you teach about the Sayis'?" I said.

"I teach about the Sayis in the hope that their example will invoke strong enough messages to bring to pass more Good Sayis' in the near future. Class dismissed." Jamie said. Jamie's classroom door opened. Kaiser stood in the doorway.

"It's time for us to switch. I get the Dragons of Light and you get the Servants of the Sayis."

Kaiser lead us to a door with two swords in the form of an x carved nicely into it, and turned around to the front of us. As we all gathered around him, an orb appeared. Kaiser grabbed the key out of it. He put it in the keyhole. Kaiser positioned himself enough to where he was in front of the doorway and marched us into his classroom.

Kaiser's classroom didn't have any desks with books on them. But it did have a huge battlefield in the center of the room. I started to get very excited. Kaiser turned around to the front of us.Letters and packages moved in the air all over the room. The mail didn't have wings, but it did move by itself, without anyone touching it. A few of the pieces of mail dropped beside me. I bent over and picked them up.

One of them was from my parents and, the last piece of mail I had gotten was a package from an anonymous sender. Tearing the packing off the package, I found a dragon harness. The letter taped to the package said this:

"If you're receiving this letter, it means I passed on to Kursta. Please, take good care of Lance, my dragon, for me. The harness will aid you in training with him."

"Wow, that dragon's Lance?"

I blinked at Chaser, surprised he recognized the name. "You know him?"

"I know about him. He's famous."


"He's a legendary dragon from some mysterious Sayis."

Kaiser looked at all of us.

"The first fight will be Jaren VS Skyrid. Today, we will be learning how to turn into our warrior forms." he said. Jaren and I went onto the battlefield. Kaiser looked at us.

"To turn into your warrior form you must lift your hand into the air and shoot either a beam of light or a beam of Darkness into the air. The beam of light is for a light warrior. The beam of darkness is for a dark warrior."

I shot a beam of light into the air and Jaren shot a beam of darkness into the air. Armor started to appear on us piece by piece. Helmets started to form around our heads. Then armor started forming around our shoulders, arms and, hands. The armor then formed around our chests, legs, knees, and feet. Once all of our armor had formed itself onto both of our bodies, we looked down at our armor and found out my armor was color of the sun while Jaren's armor was the color of darkness.

"Now when I say five, I want you to shoot your individual beams at each other. One, two, three, four and, five; now shoot your power beams at your opponent."

Lowering our power beams by moving our hands down to the front of us, we shot our power beams at each other. The power beams hit against each other in the center of the battlefield, we both moved our hands back a few inches and two individual orbs formed and shot themselves towards Jaren and I. Before the orbs could come within a few inches of us, Kaiser shot an orb made of light and dark towards the center of the battlefield. The two individual orbs turned themselves around and headed towards the orb made of light and dark, which was in the center of the battlefield. When the two individual orbs hit the orb in the center of the battlefield, all three of the orbs formed together into one orb and then the orb started getting bigger; then once it had gotten big enough it started to spread itself to try to make itself bigger and, then the orb made itself explode.

Then the orb disappeared from our sight. Chaser then grabbed my shirt, pulled me to the front of the doorway, and closed the door behind us as he pulled me out into the hallway.

"You never told me you could make an orb of light, Slyer." Chaser said.

"I didn't think I could do it; which is why I never told you I could. And it was just a malfunction."I said.

"It wasn't just a malfunction, Skyrid! It's not a trick that many first years can do! There's only one person in the history of Gailems who could do it. And the only person who could do it was Gadrid Jenkins, the founder of the Dragons of light. Gadrid spent half of her first year trying to do it. Then one night, she did it. But she drained a big amount of her energy, which was what made her fall down on the ground. Not even your father, Alex could do it until his third year in this school."

"How in the world do you know all of this?" I asked, while being puzzled at what Chaser had just said.

"My Father, Pedro Jerricus told me about them. But, it doesn't matter. The point of the matter here is Gadrid died about a thousand years ago. Maybe you're related to her somewhere on your family tree, Slyer."

"I don't think so Chaser. It may be possible. But it's highly unlikely."I said, while doubting what Chaser had just said.

"No it's not unlikely, Skyrid! You did a trick which can only be done by Gadrid . No first year expect for her ever made an orb of power, Slyer!" Chaser shouted.

"Yes, Chaser, it may be true that Gadrid was once the only person who could ever make an orb of power in the history of Gailems. But now there is one more name added to the list of people who can make an orb of power and the name is Skyrid Crop, son of Alex Crop."I said, while being excited about being a part of the History of Gailems one day. The door beside us then swung open and Kaiser appeared.

"What are you doing out here? You're supposed to be in the classroom to do warrior training."

"I was just having a private conversation with Skyrid, Sir."

"Well, Chaser Jerricus, you may think you and Skyrid can just wander out of my class without me knowing about it. But you can't do what you just did. You can't just walk out of my class, without getting in trouble. After class you will stay with me in my classroom and you, Skyrid and, I will have a nice long talk about what you and Skyrid have done!"Kaiser shouted. Kaiser then pulled us by the collar of our shirts and pulled us through the doorway and into his classroom. When me, and Chaser, were pulled into the classroom by Kaiser, Kaiser dropped us on the floor.

"The next battle will be between…" Kaiser paused for a moment.

Kaiser pointed his finger at someone.

"You there; what's your name?"

"You mean me? My name is Caitlyn Jerricus."

"You're the Headmaster's daughter. You will go against…" Kaiser paused again

"You there in the blue shirt, what's your name? "

"My name is Parser Jerricus, sir."

"This battle will be very interesting. The son of Pedro Jerricus, Parser Jerricus will go against his sister, Caitlyn Jerricus. I do not know which side they will choose to be on. But, hopefully they will make a choice which might make Kursta proud of them for their choice to make it at all."Kaiser said, while being eager to let the second battle again.

Parser and Caitlyn took their positions on the battlefield. Parser's sister was standing on the right side of the battlefield. The son of Pedro Jerricus was standing right across from the Headmaster's daughter. Their right hands rose up into the air, a yellow power beam shot out of each of the palms of each of their hands. Their armor started to form around their bodies. The armor started forming around their heads and it put yellow helmets with blue lines all over them on their heads. Then the armor formed around their shoulders.

The armor around their shoulders had the same features as their helmets, but their shoulder armor also had the color of the ocean on it. Armor then started to shape itself around their elbows, arms and hands. The armor around their hands was the color of the sun, the color of a red moon with little light blue lines on them. Outlining itself around their chests, knees, legs and feet, the armor was the color of the sun with the color of the ocean blended into it.

"Stop the battle! Two warriors on the same side can't fight! It is against the rules of the Warrior Council. And I for one do not want me or anyone else to get in trouble with them."

Parser and Caitlyn stopped their power beams by putting their right hands on their sides.

"You in the sea blue cloak; what is your name?"

"Do you mean me, sir? My name is Nester Green."

"Aren't you the kid who froze their enemy right where they were standing?"Kaiser asked, fastening his glasses.

"I am. I froze him with some ice beams. But it was two years ago. "Nester said, with glee in his eyes.

"Well, Nester, let's see who your opponent is."

"You with the green grass cloak; I want to know your name."

"You're talking to me, Mister Kaiser? I'm…Chaser …Jerricus."Chaser said, anxiously.

"You're the third son of the Headmaster (Pedro Jerricus) Chaser. Be proud of who you are and be thankful you even have a Father, because some kids don't even have a one to hang around with, Chaser. This should be an exciting match. It will be brains against skill in this warrior brawl. This will be a battle between a first year and a third year. They are both in the same group. But, let's see if they are with each other or against each other."Kaiser said, with an eagerness to know how the battle would go down.

The third son of the Headmaster rose his right hand up into the air with the palm of his right hand facing the ceiling and, then while draining his energy he shot a beam which was the color of the sun into the air. The person with the cloak which was the color of the ocean threw his right hand up into the air in addition to bending his right hand back to make one fourth of a circle. A beam which was the color of darkness shot out of the palm of his right hand which was the hand he had been holding up into the air above him for exactly six seconds now. Nester's armor started to form around his body and just before all of it could form itself around his body, William lowered his hand down to the front of him and, his power beam made itself head right towards Nester's side of the room. Nester lowered his hand to the front of his chest and his power beam threw itself against Chaser's power beam.

The power beams waged war against each other. Each of their power beams were hitting against each other and pushing each other back and forth until the beam which was shot out of the palm of the right hand which belonged to the third son of the Headmaster pushed with all its might and, it finally pushed the other power beam out of its way and it headed towards the person with the cloak which was the color of the sea.

The power beam threw itself against Nester and he was thrown back up against the wall. Falling down onto his knees he rose up from his knees by bending over and putting his hands on the ground, his left leg slowly moved itself to move his left knee in front of his chest, pushed with his hands with all his strength, and slowly started to move his right leg to the point that made him looked like he was squatting while using his hands to balance himself so he would not fall over onto his back.

Rising up from his squatting position until the point that he was standing, he laughed, jumped into the air and grew the orange wings of a phoenix. After the wings had grown out of his back, a few of the quills from his orange wings untangled themselves from his wings and threw themselves towards William's side of the field. Chaser shot a beam of light out of each of his hands hit each other, which made a orb of light and the quills from the phoenix wings shot themselves into it and then the orb shattered and ashes were thrown all over the room.

We all scratched our heads until all the ashes had fallen out of our hair. Nester then bent over and got into a position which made him look like he was going to start crawling. I screamed as his clothes ripped, and then his body started to make itself sprout big pieces of hair on his body and around his head. Then his hands turned into a set of feet with long sharp claws, his back legs start growing claws, his head turned into a mane, whiskers grew straight out of his face, his back grew into a coat of hair and he started to look like a lion. We all screamed as Nester roared loudly and ran right towards Chaser. Once he appeared in the presence of Chaser, he flew into the air and jumped up into the air, slashed his claws through Chaser's face, and he made face bones appear.

Chaser was then pushed towards the ground by Nester's paws. His head hit the ground and blood started to pour blood of itself. We all feared what could happen next as I ran towards him. I stood in front of Nester as I put my hands on Chaser's bony face. As soon as I touched his face, his skin started reappearing until all of his bones had disappeared from my sight and his chest started to rise as air came out of his mouth.

"You saved me, Skyrid. Thank you for not leaving me to die." Chaser said, while noticing I had just saved him from a terrible fate.

"You are very welcome, my friend, Chaser. I would never leave you to die and I hope you will do the same as I just have done to you one day, Chaser. You're not just a friend. You're a tre I would give up for anything and you're more than that. You're a true friend. You and I became friends the minute we met each other and, from that moment you have always defended me." I said.

"Skyrid, I only did those things to show you I'm a good friend. Now you're saying I'm a true friend too are you?You always stick by me even though you don't have to do it all. I wish I too could give you thanks for all of things you have done for me. I have no friends except for my family and you decided to take a risk on becoming my friend." Chaser said, crying tears of joy.

I turned around and I said that I would not let Nester harm anyone else. I shot a power beam up into the air. The power beam was the color of the sun. My armor formed around me. I shot one power beam out of each of my hands and a power orb started to form. At first the orb was half of a globe, but, as I got angrier it turned itself into a big globe like orb which was the color of the sun. The orb threw itself towards Nester.

He obviously didn't see it coming. The orb hit him in the face, and he was tossed towards the back of the room. He was up against the wall and he started to turn back into himself. Kaiser made everyone leave the room as Nester's head switched back into his regular self. Nester had hair that was as brown as the bark on a tree. His eyes were the color of grass. His shoulders were as naked as a jaybird.

We all start to wonder if we were dreaming. Nester turned into a creature that was half lion and half phoenix. According to the book of many secrets, the creature was called a Lionix. We all talked among ourselves. I talked to chaser.

"I can't believe you defeated a Lionix, Slyer. A Lionix was one of the most powerful creatures in history."

"They lived at one time, Chaser?" I asked, while being befuddled at what Chaser had just said.

"Yes, Slyer, they did. They lived during the age of the Lionix. There were no people on the planet Hiton during the age of the Lionix. The Lionix was a pleasant species. They lived gracefully among each other, until the night when asteroid hit and turned it into an earth with volcanoes. The temperature of the planet at the time was too hot for the creatures.

So one by one they died off and disappeared from existence. No one on the planet has ever seen a Lionix until now. Nester is the first person I have seen turn into a Lionix. It is not something anyone can do. As my Father always said, the powers choose the warrior.

And it has been that way ever since the first Light Warrior and Dark warrior were created."

I don't know what was taking Kaiser so long, but at this moment he opened the door and let us all back into the classroom. It was a good thing Nester was in clothes again because I had never thought I would ever see someone turn into a Lionix.

Kaiser told us Nester was going to be in big trouble for what he had done to Chaser Jerricus. Nester had gotten detention from Kaiser. After class had gotten over, everybody except for Chaser, myself and Nester raced out of the classroom and Kaiser made him sit down in his desk while he talked to Chaser and I.

"It was very rude for you two to walk out of my class. So as punishment, you'll spend the next two hours in detention with me. Now, sit down."

Thoughts ran through my mind. This is not my fault. It was Chaser who pulled me out of the classroom. So he should be the only one getting punished for this; not me and him.

It was very hard for me to sit down and wait out the two hours. I was very good in school and have never been punished until now.

Two hours later, Kaiser took us to Kama's classroom.

Once we had appeared in Kama's classroom , I saw against the wall thousands of swords and, staffs with sharp blades at the end of them and the staffs' blades seemed to curve in such a way that they looked like question marks. I also saw thousand of spears with little lines all over them with color of the sun all around all of the spears I had seen at his time.

I wondered what would happen next and then Kama stood right in front of us and spoke:

" Welcome, Skyrid, Jaren and Nester. I want each of you and everyone else to pick one weapon. Choose wisely, young ones because the weapon you chose just might decide your fate in a battle. Now if you are skilled enough, you might not even need a weapon. But for some people like Qysterio Sayis, they might need them to make their warrior forms come forth and switch itself with the human form. The other reason why you would need a weapon is if you are going into war and you just haven't quite mastered all of your powers yet.

You might even be able to make weapons of your own by using your warrior powers. But as a great man once said, the powers choose the warrior and therefore how powerful you are is up to the powers you have and not yourself. This is because the warriors powers must agree with your mastery of them or you will never be able to master your powers. Furliceo Woolsley is a great example of this."

"How is he that?"I asked

"He tried to master his powers in such a way which didn't make his powers proud with him at all and his powers made him even more corrupted by Rakif than he already had been at the time he had gotten the warrior powers which I speak of. Your weapons will decide what side you are on in this war we are about to have. But fear not, this is only a training session and you may pick a different weapon every session, but, there may come a time when you have to choose your weapon and stick with it. At the time I speak of, you will have to decide for yourself which side you are going to be on. "

After Kama spoke his words he had spoken, we both chose our individual weapons. I chose a sword, Chaser picked a spear and everyone else picked a sword.

Kama pointed at a boy who was standing on the right side of me.

"What's your name, shallow boy?"

"My name is Chaser Jerricus, sir."

"You there, what is your name?"

"Me? My name is … Skyrid Crop." I said.

"Well this fight will be an excellent one. We have two best friends fighting against each other. They will have to fight against each other. They both know they don't want to fight each other, but they also know have to fight each other whether they want to or not. They'll only be able to use their powers if they have no other choice but to do so. " Kama said, excitedly.

Chaser and I took our positions at our separate sides of the room which we were in. Chaser was straight across from me on the left side of the room. We raced towards each other and I swung my sword as Chaser swung his sword towards me. Our swords hit each other in the center of the room and I pushed with all my might and so did he and our skills matched at the moment, but I had a couple of tricks up my sleeve.

I jumped up from the ground and I then landed in front of Chaser. I didn't want to do but I then used my sword to slice his sword into two halves. One of the halves was in his hand, and the other half was on the wooden floor with little blue lines on it in the room we were in at this point in time. Chaser then used his warrior powers by shooting a power beam which was the color of the sun towards my side of the room. I put my sword up against the power beam as soon as it came towards me.

The power beam which was the color of the sun hit me in the face and threw me up against the wall on his side of the room and Chaser mocked me, laughing. I could barely stand at the moment, stood there on his legs like the pain just didn't matter to him at this point in time. I ran towards his side of the room with my hands raised at him and, then Chaser threw another power beam at me and I hit with my sword and reflected it back towards Chaser. Chaser was then hit in the chest and thrown back at the wall on his side of the room we were in at this time.

Chaser was on his knees this time. But, Chaser rose up from the ground and hit me with a beam of lightning!. The battle was over, and I was very surprised at Chaser's skills.

"Chaser! You never hit anyone with a beam of lighting! You could've killed Skyrid!"

"I know. But, I'm still learning."

"Okay. But, you better not do that again! Is that clear?"

"Chaser got in trouble!"Nester chanted, laughing.

"Nester! Do you want dentition?"


"Then you better stop teasing people!"

Chaser and I then saw Kama's pointer finger choose one of the next fighters in this next clash we were about to have.

"You with the bronze spear, I need your name now."

"My name is Jaren James, sir."

"So you're the bully Skyrid burned."

"Yes I am. But how did you know, Mr. Frazier?"

"My wife, Bastia Frazier was at the safehouse when it happened. But, maybe this fight with another student will teach you a few things about picking on other people who are stronger than you'll ever be. Sure you talk a big game, but you haven't mastered your warrior powers yet. I hope with the grace of the Almighty, you won't become evil and betray us like Sade did." Kama said. Then Kama pointed his finger at Jaren's clashing opponent.

"You with the bronze staff that has a blade that looks like a question mark along the bottom of the staff! Your name must be known!"

"You must be kidding! I am Nester Green, the boy who turned into a Lionix and I tried to kill Chaser Jerricus with all strength I had."

"I know. But you were beaten by Skyrid and he is only a first year. He shouldn't have beaten you and you should've been able to take him on and kill him. I was peeking through the keyhole to the door to the room you were in and I saw the entire skirmish you had with Chaser Jerricus and you almost killed him. Now you can avenge yourself, Nester and kill Skyrid's enemy, Jaren James. Jaren will be an easy opponent for you to brawl against and, you should win against him easily if you make the right moves at the right times. Jaren has great power but doesn't know how to use it goodly yet and you will teach him what he needs to know." Kama Frazier said. Then Jaren and Nester took their positions. Nester was standing right beside Chaser and me and, Jaren was standing across from all three of us at the moment. Nester ran right towards Jaren with his staff in the air and Jaren did the same while he held up his spear in the air. They met in combat by hitting each other with their weapons and then Nester used the end of his staff and sliced the spear in Jaren's hands into two halves. Jaren stood up against the wall with Nester pointing his blade at him.

At that moment, I ran in front of Nester and pushed him back. I didn't mean to do it but I pushed him all the way back to the other side of the room.

"Back off, Skyrid, I can fight my own fights!" Jaren shouted.

"Okay, Jaren, I will. All I was trying to do was save your life. You know you can't use your powers, because he's a Dark warrior and so are you. This is not a battle you can win on your own, Jaren and you need as much help as you can get. "I said, trying to reason with Jaren.

"I might need help. But I don't need your help, Skyrid. This is not your fight and you are just making me look weaker and I am a whole lot stronger than you think I am."

"I know you are, Jaren. But if you don't let me help you, Nester will kill you! "

"He's not going to kill me! You just threw him across the room, Skyrid."

"Yes I did. But you need to let me help you finish him."I said.

"Okay, I will. It's true; when he comes to I'll need all the help I can get. Or we can just finish him while he's knocked out. "

"Jaren and Skyrid, leave Nester alone! He has been beaten and you have no need to kill him!" Kama Shouted, trying to defend Nester.

"But, Mr. Frazier he was trying to kill Jaren!"I said, madly while glaring at Kama.

"Skyrid, I know he was trying to kill Jaren. But revenge is not the answer!" said Mr. Frazier, with anger towards me.

"If revenge is not the answer; then why are we fighting for Kodyack and Pedro's freedom when we can just look more closely at the place Kodyack and Pedro were kidnapped?" I asked, conclusively.

"We are fighting to get back Pedro and Kodyack, because we want to do what's right."Mr. Frazier said, running his fingers through his blond hair.

"Exactly what I mean and I want to also do the same thing. But violence is not the answer and we should try other methods. One of these methods could be helping me prepare for my audition to get on the brawl Blade wants me to be in."

"Okay. How can I help? I mean your dad was really good."Kama said, anxiously.

"You can help me decide who I'm going to fight against for my audition, Mr. Frazier."I suggested, kindly.

"You should fight against Nester because you've shown that you can beat him really easily."Mr. Frazier suggested as a smile appeared on his face.

"Alright, then I will fight him. I should be able to make my father proud if I do."I said, proudly.

"Yes you should be able to make a good impression with the fight; if you just do the best you can."Kama said, with hope in his words.

"Thanks for the help. The second method could be to look closer at the scene of the crime. What I mean is you and all the other students can look for more evidence in Kodyack's bedroom to make sure Blade isn't being framed."I said, gladly while being curious about whether or not Blade could be being framed for the kidnapping of Kodyack Blues and Pedro Jerricus, or, he could have done it.

'But who really knows for sure?'