"That one was pretty unique compared to most of the others. maybe ill help them out once they have reached the threshold" the figure though as it waved away a floating screen that radiated a red mist.
Dropping from the sakura tree the figure stopped to stretch as they took in the environment around them. without the trees leaves to cover them the sun revealed the figure to be a girl no older than 21 that atop there long and straight black hair had 2 blood red horns that matched perfectly with there eyes.
The girl Wore a set of light armor that resembled Tosei-Gusoku ( a set of japanese armor ) but it was more compact and it had gauntlets that resemble claws. while she wasn't wearing a helmet her mouth was covered by a mask that was modeled after a Oni.
Her Armor, Mask and clothing were all coloured black with red highlights which matched well with her more natural features making her quite intimidating to look at despite being unarmed.
After the girl finished stretching she put her hand out and with 2 fingers sliced downwards through the air creating something that resembled a portal.
After walking through the rift it seemed to collapse in on itself destroying any trace of its existence.
. . .
it was peaceful.
it was in the middle of spring were the temperature was just perfect.
with the sun barely being able to pierce the canopy of leaves above it still made one feel warm when a small Ray of light got through but combined with the refreshing breeze it felt perfect.
as a few rays of light broke through the leaves one of them landed on the face of a young girl around the age of 16 who seemed to be passed out but with the light now shining on directly on her face the girl began to stir awake.
"huh? were am I?" the girl thought as she stared upwards at the leaves blankly while trying to recall how she got here.
"what the hell is happening? why cant I remember anything? I dont even know who I am..." siting up she looked around to see a thick forest that looked like it had been left untouched for a very long time.
she suddenly heared a loud but gentle sounding bell that sounded like it was all around her.
quickly geting to her feet she looked around for the source of the noise when a blinding gold light suddenly appeared before her blocking her field of vison completely.
as she instinctively tried to lift her arms up to shield the light from her eyes she found she couldn't move her body at all.
"what the hell is this light and why cant I move! am I paralysed or something?"
her thoughts were interrupted when she noticed her body started to move on its own as it slowly started to walk towards the bright light.
"what the hell is happening to me why cant I control myself?" she thought as she tried to force her body to stop.
for a second her body listened and she stopped moving but shortly after her body started to move again as it slowly approached the source of light as its brightness grew in power with every step.
"fuck this burns! i doubt my eyes can take this much longer! stop moving dammit!" she screamed in her mind to no avail.
as she approached the source of the light her arm reached out towards the center of it as the light suddenly increased in Brightness even further.
screaming in agony as the light burned her eyes all she could do was stand there helplessly, but slowly unbeknownst to her a symbol started to form on her right iris.
soon after the symbol was fully formed the girl just couldn't take the pain anymore and passed out with the light fading shortly after.
. . .
As the girl woke up she found herself to be lying down below a sakura tree as a gentle wind passed over her.
"what the hell is going on..."
she thought to herself as she blinked a few times to test her eyes as surprisingly they were completely normal and the pain had disappeared.
sitting upright she heared some gentle humming coming from one of the branches above as she saw a girl sitting and watching something on a screen that emitted a red aura.
looking at the girl she tried to speak to her but she couldn't make any sounds whatsoever.
"I cant speak? but I screamed earlier so what did that light do to me?
considering she couldn't speak she tried to wave at the girl and get her attention but she was given no reaction as she continued humming to herself and looking at the screen.
"can she not see me or is she just ignoring me? maybe if a i throw something-"
the girl suddenly stopped humming and swiped her hand making the screen disappear before jumping down from the branch and beginning to walking in her direction.
"what is she doi-" as the girl walked towards her she didn't stop moving and ended up walking straight through the girl as if she wasn't there.
"what the fuck just happened!?! am I ghost or something!" she thought as she tried to put her hands on her chest only for her to not feel anything and go straight through herself.
"I really am a ghost....."
turning around she saw the girl doing some stretches completely oblivious to her as she stood there with a distraught expression.
as she was still trying to comprehend what was happening the girl put her hand out and with 2 fingers sliced downwards in the air creating a rift that looked kind of like a portal.
" . . ."
watching the girl walk through the rift she stood there in disbelief as she tried to understand what was happening.
as the girl disappeared through the rift it closed up behind leaving the girl with a extremely confused expression on her face.
"what the actual fuck is going on?"
suddenly she fell to one knee as as a giant wave of drowsiness fell over her as she struggled to keep her eyes open.
"great im falling asleep again... if someone is messing with me I swear ill-"
she cursed to herself as she fell to floor and passed out.
. . .
that was all she could see after waking up. just pure darkness.
"huh? where am I? she thought as she sat up while a large headache washed over her. grabbing the back of her head instinctively she suddenly realised she could feel herself again.
"wait I can feel my body again! I'm no longer a ghost thank god!"
"I must have hit my head pretty hard when I first passed out. was that place with the girl all a dream?"
trying to speak once again the same thing happened as last time as no sound was made.
"I guess It all was just a dream then." she thought as she caressed her eyes with her hand. while they didn't feel any different from how they were when she first woke up the sudden darkness could mean only one thing...
"I guess I really am blind now..."
Authors notes
long time no see?
I am still alive and this series has not been dropped so don't worry about that.
about where I have been for the last almost 2 months well...
apart from being a bit busy with some things irl I don't really have a excuse and I definitely don't have a excuse that you will like.
the main reason i haven't published anything is that I wasn't really sure where I wanted this story to go but after these past 2 months I am ready to continue this story.
thank you for anyone who has been waiting for my lazy ass to return and as always thanks for reading. this book is at almost 40k views after only 6 chapters which still confuses the fuck out of me.
like really what do you all see in this pathetic excuse of a light novel? anyway considering that there are almost 40k people who have read atleast a small part of this book that means that there probably atleast a few of you waiting for new chapters so its not really like I could drop this with a clear conscious if I wanted to.
with the future of this book I plan to keep publishing new chapters but I won't be having a schedule same as before as I just write for fun and im not getting paid nor would I want to be. I'll try to not disappear for long periods like last time but if I suddenly stop publishing for awhile and I don't say anything I will be coming back so don't worry.
also about the original 6 chapters I have decided to keep them and I will not be deleting them as I dont want to forget how I started and the reason all of you are here in the first place. however I will be deleting the announcement as it is no longer needed with me being back and having a plan for the book.
lastly thank you all for sticking with me and whether you were my first reader or you just started reading this today I hope you enjoy this mediocre Garbage and that will you continue to enjoy it.