Chapter 8 : Some questions answered as many more arise

"Well if I am blind how the hell am I supposed to get out of this forest? I dont even know where I am and now I cant even look for any landmarks"

Getting up from off the floor she felt her leg bang into something hard and cold. After waving her hands around in its general direction she touched what felt like a single edged sword stuck into the ground.

"this wasn't here before when the hell did this thing show up? did someone leave it while I was passed out or something?

After thinking about it for a moment she found the fabric handle of the sword and pulled it out of the ground.

the second the tip left the ground she instantly dropped to the floor as she clutched her head in pain.

thousands of memories flooded her mind as countless voices whispered in her ear.

the memories were like a sped up version of different peoples lives but it was so fast it would be impossible for the human eye to keep up but somehow despite not being able to see it clearly she understood everything that was happening.

however it was so much information she couldn't even think as the voices continued to scream in her mind and the memorys just continued to overwhelm her.

slowly the voices began to fade one at a time as they dwindled in number each of them speaking a language she couldn't understand.

After what felt like a eternity the last voice faded away leaving the girl kneeling with a emotionless expression on her face.

Breathing heavily the girl sat unmoving for a long time as she tried to process the information that was forced upon her mind as

hours passed and night soon came and went.

at around early morning of the next day the girl seemed to come back to her senses and ended up lying down down while rubbing her head.

After a few minutes she paused for a second before picking up the sword and flipping it around resting the blade against the back of her arm

closing her eyes she lightly tapped the back of the pommeless handle with her pinky finger causing a wave of red energy to be silently sent out from her hand.

opening her eyes she no longer saw darkness, her vision had returned but it was not entirely the same.

her eyes started to follow a leaf blowing in the wind as what seemed like after images followed it.

"damn making spells is alot easier than I thought it would be. well considering I have the knowledge and techniques of hundreds of other people who are more experienced at this than me I'm not too surprised..."

. . .

The girl's Pov

what a eventful day it had been so far...

atleast I have a better grasp of my situation now. those voices and memorys as painful as they were really helped out.

it seems that by touching that sword I awakened my magical affinity of Space Time and thats why my head was flooded by so much information.

from what I understand from the memorys I "inherited" I have unlocked the power of space Time with a high affinity for the past. it seems to give me the ability to contact and access the memories of different versions of me and control the past in a way..

No... that doesn't sound right.

its almost like we are the same person just from a different reality or timelines of sorts. we aren't different people but we live different lives.

God this is so confusing...

evidently something helped me unlock this power but it would have been nice if it came with a manual.

speaking of different timeliness though why do I seem to be the only one out of all the others who can fully access this ability?

most of the others look like they have just unlocked a fragment of this power.

at most it seems like they might be able to whisper a word or two to one other timeline but I heared hundreds possibly thousands of voices constantly yammering in my head for God knows how long...

wait how long has it been?

it looks like early morning but I swear i picked up the sword around midday. has it been a whole day?

whatever ill figure this all out properly later first thing I need to do is find out a way to fix my vision.

While space time can be alot of things it is mainly having the understanding and power to control were things are in space so maybe one of the other developed a spacial awareness spell or something.


the closest thing I can find is foresight but even then I don't think I could pull that off as I dont have a affinity for the future.

with space Time the "Time" portion of it is split into 3 main parts. past, present and future with present being the most basic, future being the hardest but past being the most confusing.

you would probably think that past would be like time travel or the ability to change a person fate but its more closer to being able to detect were things have been and how to affect the past.

I Could also theoretically restore things to there previous condition by reverting them to a pervious place in time were they were less damaged.

well enough about that.

maybe I could modify the spell a little bit and makes something similar to foresight...

what if I instead use my affinity for the past instead of the future?

hmm... this could work.

I just need something to channel the mana through to jump-start it.

wheres that damn sword that started all this.

there it is. now let's give it a go and hope it doesn't blow up in my face...

. . .


"i missed being able to see. even if I'm still technically blind now I think about it. I mean with this spell I can still see even if my eyes are closed. too bad I cant really make a spell that will let me speak though."

"that made me a little tired though so ill have to be careful on my mana usage in the future"

After taking a minute to adjust to her new eyes she took a closer look at the sword she found which looked like a Katana.

holding it with two hands she took a few swings and stabs with it to get used to the weight and speed.

"it doesn't feel very special considering it gave me access to space Time but its still a katana and its well made."

while admiring the steel blade she saw a familiar face reflect off if it.

"wait... isn't this the person I saw in my dream? why do I look like them?"

moving the blade around so she could see the reflection of her entire face it looked almost identical to the girl she saw before albeit a bit younger.

she had the same long black hair, red eyes and even 2 red horns.

touching the horns on her head she pricked her finger on the tip of one.

"how did I not notice these before???

none the less they don't look too bad and they could definitely kill someone so I don't mind them."

"infact I dont think I look to bad at all. by the looks of it I would say I'm maybe around 17?

I'll have to keep track of how many days pass so I can remember my "Birthday".

"but how am I connected to the person I saw in my dream?"

After a few minutes of thinking she began to start swinging her sword again as she became lost in her thoughts.

"its only a theory but I'm guessing that we are the same person from the same timeline as all the others I can see look completely different from me apart from the girl in my dream.

she looked a bit older than me so im going to guess that by using out affinity for the past she contacted me somehow.

but why would she show me that?"

. . .

Author's Notes

I hope you all enjoyed the chapter and that I have confused you even more with with this one compared to the last.

With winter having finally arrived it has put me in a good mood so I would most likely expect another chapter coming out soon.

But as usual no promises~

And lastly when it comes to chirstmas ill try my best to write a few extra chapters even if you all deserve more.

As always thanks for reading my mediocre garbage.