Chapter 9 : The race for First place

inside a dungeon know as "The Bridge of Eternity" stood many large camps surrounding the entrance.

inside one of these camps lay a large blue and white tent containing a large rectangular table where approximately 10 people all stood dressed in various sets of armor ranging from leather armor and cloth robes too full platemail.

all of them had a variety of weapons like swords, bows, staffs, shields and axes hung over there backs or on there waists

However people in mages attire atleast doubled that of the rest of them

"its been almost a full day and we have still haven't found the new bosses location. do we have any updates from the squads that searched the boss room and ancient shrine?" the man standing at the end of the table said as he put his helmet on the table.

"Well commander we have heared back from the team sent to the boss room but they have found nothing unusual." replied a women in blue and white cloth robes with a large magic staff on her back.

"what about the team sent to the Ancient shrine?

"We have yet to hear back from them. we can assume they are still travelling."

"alright. in the mean time send out various squads of up to 6 people to search the wilderness for anything out of the ordinary. if they spot anything they report straight to you.


"remember this is a race for first clear and we have already encountered other Clans multiple times. Luckly we have covered the most ground so far so let's press this advantage and make the Princess proud!


"yes sir!" everyone around the table yelled before leaving the tent.

After everyone else had left the commander stared at a large map that was laying on the center of the table.

the map showed a large circular tower of sorts that seemed to contain a large green forest inside with a few visible points of interest.

There seemed to be the large camp surrounding the entrance, a large set of ruins,

a clearing, a small lake and a small shrine.

"we have checked all but the shrine so unless its a wildboss it has to be there..."

. . .

After continuing to swing her new found sword for a few minutes she decided it was time to try figure out where she was.

"its strange... its definitely been around a day since I first woke up here but im not tired, hungry or even thirsty in the slightest."

moving through the forest she kept her eye out for anything that could be used as a landmark but after a few hours of walking nothing of note had been found.

"this isn't getting me anywhere i need a vantage point..."

looking up at a tree next to her she compared its height to the rest of them before bitting down of her katana's handle and beginning to climb to the top.

it didn't take that long nor was it that difficult but soon she reached what looked like the highest branch able to support her weight.

standing on top of the branch she was just barely able to see over the top of the trees as thankfully they were almost all the same height.

looking around she saw what looked like large stone walls surrounding the whole forest with 2 large gates at opposite ends of the forest. outside of one of these gates was what looked like a large camp but it was hard to make out over the top of the trees.

sadly she was on the opposite side of the forest to the gate with the supposed camp out front of it and was instead quite close to the other gate.

"this place is strange. I dont know why there are walls surrounding here but im sure that camp will give me some answers.

the sooner I find other people the better."

climbing back down the tree she set off in the direction of the camp.

"as good as finding other people is, my horns might be a problem. the mana and magic In this world seem to work the same as most of the others I can see from the alternative realities so I'm going to guess the races will be to."

Looking though some of the different races in other realities they mainly seem to be the usual fantasy races like elves, humans, dwarves etc however in most of them demons don't seem to be treated well.

" I can maybe see why demons would be mistreated but if there's hate for no reason other that our appearances then this could be a issue." she thought while caressing one of her blood red horns.

"And I was starting to like my appearance aswell."

After a hour or 2 of walking through the forest she finally came across something but it didn't look like the camp she saw.

"is... that a tori gate? this definitely looks like japanese architecture but why is it here? this forest doesn't look like its from japan at all."

what she found resembled a abandoned Japanese shrine that looked very worn and over grown with plants.

walking around she found that despite its condition there were many lit candles dotted around and even some unused incense sticks.

"Well i wouldn't say I'm religious but something must have brought me here right?

I could use some help right now even if I dont have a offering."

even though closing her eyes didn't stop her from seeing she still closed them out of courtesy.

"to whoever this shrine is dedicated to as selfish as it is I hope you can help provide me answers to some of my questions."

Sitting in silence for a minute she was suddenly interrupted by a gentle sounding bell similar to one she heared when she first woke up.

"Ancient shrine successfully claimed"

"what would the owner like to be referred to as?"

the text appeared in midair on a small floating screen somewhat similar to the one she saw in her dream but slightly different while also being read aloud by a robotic sounding voice.


"What would the Owner liked to be referred to as?" the voice repeated in the same way as before.

"shit I dont even have a name yet and im already apparently claiming land..."

Quickly looking around for anything she could use as a idea for a name a small tuft of her hair fell down onto her face.

out of habit she went to move it out of her face just to accidentally smear blood from her finger onto her hair from where she pricked herself on her own horn earlier.

stopping for a second she stared at the blood staining the small part of her hair.

"Kuroi Chi" she said in her mind hoping the voice could pick it up.

"Name accepted are you sure you would like to be referred to as Kuroi Chi?"

"Yes" she answered without hesitation.

"Congratulations on becoming the new Area boss!"

"What would you like your alias to be?

"another name?!? fine how about... The Broken blade."

"Alias accepted are you sure you would like to be seen as The Broken Blade?


After getting her alias the floating messages seemed to stop and she had a moment a moment of silence.

"I guess someone really did hear me huh...

none the less im quite fond of my name even if its a little edgy but I don't care."

The reason she chose Kuroi Chi is because it means black blood in japanese. it takes her 2 most memorable characteristics of her long black hair and blood red horns and combines them.

As for why she used japanese is because out of all the cultures and languages she has seen from all the different realities she definitely loved japanese culture the most.

"wait now I think about it didn't it say I was now a Area boss...?"

"and If I'm a area boss now than that means..."

her thoughts were interrupted by shouting coming from behind her.

turning around she saw a group of over 10 possible 20 people All staring at her with their weapons drawn.