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Chapter 8

Oh man, I think I blew it.

That sentence may contain several misunderstandings.

"No, what I meant was why me? Why you felt comfortable only with me and not everyone else?"

She took a look at the sky. The birds were flying, the sun was scorching and the sky was pure blue.

"You reminded me of my father. He is really like you. Well, used to. He is really awkward toward other people. Sometimes he may be over the top like one day, when I was still in the kindergarten, he used to call the teacher every 2 hours just to make sure I'm safe."

She giggled."Isn't that ridiculous? But I'm sure he did that out of love for me."

Suddenly her facial expression changed. Her face looked very sad. "Then one day, everything changed. He's not talking to me like he used to. He stayed up in his workroom when he's home, and went to work when the day comes. Sure, it may be a good thing that he did for the family. After all, he got a huge promotion in his company, a huge one if I may add. I know it's for my sake, but I wish that he spend his time with me more often."

She took a glance at me and continued to observe the sky. "You maybe his replacement for me. I probably used you for my own satisfaction, you know? So I don't really surprised if you don't want to be friends with me anymore."

I see. Now I felt I understand her more now. The way she thought was almost the same like I am. She confused of what the reality should be. Should she be calm when his father worked hard for her and be happy for him? Or she has to get angry and told his father to stop caring so much for work and paid attention for her.

Even it may be obvious which was the correct answer, her heart even slightly, must felt the other way.

I smiled to her. "But you become friends with me because who I am right? That's all the reason I need to be with you. No, that's the reason I want to be friends with you."

She took a look at me with her beautiful eyes. The wind blew her long black hair, making every single line of her hair clearly visible.

She stood quiet. She didn't said anything at the moment, so do I.

But that's good. Sometimes, being silent do make a thousand word, huh?

The silentness at the moment was one of the most treasured memories in my whole life.