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Chapter 9

It is winter.

The white color of snow made the ground white.

The coldness went to shook my bones, but in a very subtle way.

Hannah gave me a huge blanket so I could sleep like a log every night.

Winter may not be beautiful as spring, but it has its own charm.

Right now it was night.

The temperature in this room was just so cold.

I turned the heater on and jumped onto my bed and cover myself with the blanket.

It felt very warm. It felt really good when you felt it's cold outside and you felt really warm after.

I fell asleep a few seconds after I did that.


I opened my eyes as the sunlight rose.

However, it was not like the usual days.

The ceiling was different.

The room was different.

The atmosphere was also different.

I quickly recognized this place as I took a second to look around.

It was the hospital.

The doctor came inside the room.

Behind him was Hannah.

I asked Hannah about all of this.

Why I am here?

What happened in one night?

However, she kept quiet.

But just then I realized that she was wearing weird clothes.

She was wearing a nurse's uniform.

The doctor spoke to me, "Kyle, you were not hallucinating or anything. You slept for a week without being awake. It is because your heart is too weak to send the blood properly to your brain in the cold weather and its effects and probably damaging the circulation."

"That's not what I was wondering about!" I spoke with an angrier tone than I intended to. "Why was Hannah wearing a nurse uniform?"

The doctor made a confused look. "Hannah?" He asked me. "She is working here for the last 10 years. She was also one of the nurses that took care of you when you were in here."

"Is it true Hannah?" I asked her.

"It's true."Hannah suddenly spoke. "I took care of you when you were in the hospital. You always look sad and suffering. I always try to cheer you up but you ignore me."

She stopped for a second and she looked at me. "One day when I took my daughter out on my day off, I saw a boy at the park. The familiar boy that I always look after. I took out my phone on that day and almost called the hospital that day. That's when I saw him smiled. That was the time that I felt really happy for him. I put back my phone into my bag and walked towards him."

She paused a little. She took a breath like she was really sad. "Then I saw you passed out. I ran towards you. I checked your heart and wrist. I was really worried. However, in your sleep, you smiled. That was the time I decided to adopt you."

She continued to smile at me. I felt really confused. It came a lot in a short time. I kind of understand her feelings. But somehow I felt a little betrayed in myself.

But suddenly Hannah burst into tears. She fell down to her knees on the floor.

I was confused. I wondered what's wrong with her.

I took a look at the doctor.

"Kyle listen to me." The doctor spoke to me with a very low voice.

"Kyle, you only have 3 months more to keep breathing."