115. Fight

Mongul was sent flying like ball as soon as the Cricket bat connected to his body.

He bursted through multiple walls again and travelled all the way out of the ship and into the space.

Alex rushed at him again and appeared behind in a single moment.

"Ultra Buu Buu Volleyball attack!" Alex shouted and bound Mongul in yellow rings.

He turned him into a ball and started to bounce him around all over the Space.

Sometimes in another Galaxy or Solar System. He was using his full speed and attack power to play with Mongul like a real Volleyball.

"How do you guys like my Space Volleyball?" Alex asked into the Hologram and smirked at all of them.

Mongul finally snapped and bursted through the Volleyball. He cocked back his arm and slammed it against Alex's chest heavily.

Alex went flying straight through and crash landed into a planet. The impact left a large crater on the surface.

"Hmm, I felt that". Alex smirked ferociously.

He blasted off the planet and punched Mongul's fist with his own.

A massive shockwave got sent in the surroundings and was felt in the Spaceship and other planets as well.

Alex ducked under another punch and gave a straight uppercut to Mongul's chin and sent him hurtling in space again.

Koriand'r was also looking at the spectacle with wide open eyes.

She didn't think that the gentle person she was speaking to could fight like a savage in the next moment.

But his movements were smooth and without any awkwardness. They were flowing like nature and looked like an artistic dance rather than a slugfest.

Mongul stabilised himself quickly and came back with more power while adding as much momentum behind his attack as possible.

"Missed me". Alex narrowly dodged his punch and jeered at him.

Mongul turned around and blasted towards him again.

"Can't catch me". Alex kept dodging and taunting him again and again.

They had kept fighting for a while and Alex was having fun fighting a powerful foe. Albeit he was making fun of him half the time but it was still a good fight for him.

"Enough man, let's finish this up". Alex dusted his hands and prepared to deal the finishing blow after a while of fighting.

Mongul narrowed his eyes and teleported away with the entire Spaceship in tow.

'Oh yeah, I forgot he had this power'. Alex patted his forehead while thinking of his teleportation.

'Good thing I had taken Koriand'r out of there with me'. He thought and rushed off towards Koriand'r.

He had kept her a distance away from the fighting place to make sure that she doesn't get caught up in it for no reason.

"Haaa, finally dealt with that guy. I made sure to erase everything about the cannon". Alex got close to her and walked over with a smile.

She was in a fairly habitable planet with no one around. It was like the life was just being born here.

It was a beautiful planet with an entirely untouched flora.

"It is quite beautiful here huh". Alex said while flying in the air and looking at the sights.

"Yeah, very beautiful". Koriand'r nodded and looked around eagerly.

"What is my reward for saving you?" Alex asked while wriggling his eyebrows.

"Pfft, hahaha". Koriand'r laughed at his antics and shook her head.

"What would you like?" She asked with a sweet smile.

"Hmm, nothing much. How about a date?" Alex asked and winked at her.

"You are my sister's Fiancé. Are you hitting on me?" Koriand'r smiled and asked him with narrowed eyes like she was being fierce with him.

"Does the Royal Family practice Monogamy?" Alex asked and smirked at her.

"Not really". Koriand'r shook her head.

"Then no problem right?" He asked while taking her hand.

Koriand'r flinched a bit but didn't pull back. He just felt nice to her plus he saved her from that gloomy place when she thought that she will never be able to get her freedom again.

This did light a little spark in her and all Alex had to do now is to give that spark some fuel for it to grow into a wildfire.

"Now, ready to head back to my home?" Alex asked while winking at her.

"Sure". Koriand'r nodded her head and smiled.

"Alright, we'll be there after a small pitstop". He said and snapped his fingers.

Both of them vanished from the planet and appeared in another place soon after.

"Where's this?" Koriand'r asked curiously while clutching onto Alex's arm nervously.

She looked around at the large amount of people species of people going around the place hurriedly.

She was a bit nervous when she suddenly came to such a crowded place.

She was sheltered from the start when she was young and didn't really mingle with any people other than the servants in the castle and her family.

And when she finally went out of the castle with her sister. She was caught and experimented on.

After escaping from there. She was caught again in a gloomy cell alone.

She is Naive and trusts people really easily but she is also afraid of any more accidents.

She is keeping a facade. She still doesn't trusts Alex fully but she can't resist because he is too powerful.

Alex also perceived this but didn't break the subtle atmosphere between them.

He found her cute trying to be vigilant from him and was finding moments to tease her more.

"This is Oa, the planet of the Guardians of the Universe or Green Lanterns for short". Alex introduced to her patiently and told her a lot of things that he knew about here.

"Let's go, I don't really want to go to you planet or we won't be able to leave afterwards. So we will just calm them from here". Alex said and led her towards one of the towering buildings.

It was a communication building. You could video call or just normal call anyone from here. Granted that they had the equipment for the said call.

Alex was going to call from here to take out Koriand'r's suspicion and tell Komand'r about it as well.