116. Return

"How Can I help you?" A clerk asked as soon as both of them stepped inside the building.

"I want to contact this sequence right here". Alex said and handed her a piece of paper.

The clerk took the paper and looked at the sequence to confirm.

"Sir, the sequence is from the Vega system. So the charges will be higher". The clerk warned when she saw the sequence written on the paper.

"No problem, please do it as fast as possible". Alex nodded his head with a smile and went towards a booth on the side.

Koriand'r followed behind him curiously. She was looking at everything with intrigue like a brand new adventure.

"Kacha Kacha Kacha Kacha, Kachak". The call connected and a magistrate looking guy with proper formal clothes from olden days came in front of Alex and Koriand'r.

"Yo". Alex greeted with a lift of his hand when he saw the call connect.

"Your Highness!" The person immediately straightened his waist as soon as he saw Alex's face in the call.

"Can you call Komand'r for me?" Alex asked with a smile.

"Right away Sir!" The guy responded steadfastly and started to operate the comms beside him.

In about five minutes, Komand'r was running towards the Call booth while jiggling her chest.

"Alex, how are you?" She asked worriedly. She looked impatient while looking at him.

"I'm fine as you can see". Alex spread his hands to show her.

"That's good". Komand'r gave a sigh of relief and patted her chest while looking at Alex with a happy smile.

"Hehehe". A soft giggle came from behind Alex. It sounded like the owner of the giggle wanted to repress her laughter but couldn't do it and came out forcefully.

"Who's that?" Komand'r narrowed her eyes and asked gloomily. She felt a bit upset when someone laughed on her unknowingly.

"Hehe, guess what I found?" Alex also didn't hide and caught Koriand'r by the shoulders pushed her in front of the Video call.

"Eh, Koriand'r?" Komand'r asked in disbelief when she Koriand'r coming out from behind Alex.

"Hi Sister". Koriand'r waved her hand with a happy smile when she saw Komand'r again. Even though they have rivalry and bicker a lot but they are still sisters.

"Where have you been brat? You even forgot to contact your family". Komand'r's anger flared up instantly when she saw that it was Koriand'r.

"Sister". Koriand'r made a bit of a pitiful face and wanted to explain.

"That's not going to work here. Tell me where have you been?" Komand'r asked again without letting her act weak.

"Okay, don't scold her. It wasn't her fault". Alex interjected in between and mediated quickly for Koriand'r.

"Okay". Komand'r instantly calmed down and nodded her head.

Koriand'r's mouth was agape and she shook her head left and right and kept looking at the two of them in turn.

"She was captured by Mongul and she couldn't really be asked to contact you guys when she couldn't even save herself". He patted Koriand'r's shoulder in sympathy and said to Komand'r.

"What!" Komand'r's eyes widened when she heard Mongul's name.

Koriand'r maybe ignorant of it but she wasn't. She was very informative about these things and knew perfectly about it.

"Koriand'r, are you okay?" She asked worriedly while looking Koriand'r.

Koriand'r felt about her sister's worry and a sweet smile came to her lips.

"I'm fine Komand'r, Alex saved me". Koriand'r said with a smile and turned around to look at Alex.

"Now to the main point". Alex quickly interjected or their talk would go on for too long.

"I want to take her to my planet. She doesn't want to go back home". Alex said and looked at Komand'r inquisitively.

"You brat". Komand'r looked at Koriand'r with an exasperated expression and sighed.

"You can go. I will tell Father and Mother". She nodded and agreed with a smile.

"Great!" Koriand'r cheered as soon as she heard her words. She was bouncing around happily.

"You guys chat for now". Alex said from the side and went away from there.

"Help me open another with this sequence". Alex came back to the counter and asked.

"You can go to booth 10 sir". The clerk immediately operated and asked him to go.

Alex nodded his head and headed over to the booth leisurely.

"Kacha kacha kacha kacha kacha, Kachak". The call was picked up and J'onn(Martian Manhunter) came into view.

"Yo J'onn". Alex greeted with a wave of his hand.

"Hey Alex, glad you are okay". J'onn said as soon as he answered the call and heard Alex's greeting.

"Just wanted to say that I'm alright and how's the situation there?" Alex asked with a smile.

"Everything's okay here, no problem". J'onn answered while dodging Alex's eyes.

"You are sounding and looking really suspicious". Alex narrowed his eyes and asked when he saw J'onn dodging his gaze.

"Nothing really". J'onn said and shook his head.

Just then a huge tremor and blast came from behind him and the Watchtower's hatch was blasted to smithereens.

A grey skinned behemoth with sharp bones jutted out of its body was standing there and growling at J'onn.

"For Fuck Sake". Alex cursed as soon as he saw the thing behind J'onn.

'First Anti-Monitor, then Mongul and now this fucking twat Doomsday. My fucking month or I don't know what time has been totally hectic these days.

Sometimes I suspect that there is a Omnipresent being behind all this mayhem'. Alex thought while lamenting his fate.

'What was I thinking coming here?' His lamenting didn't stop there and he was just looking at the screen with dull eyes.

He might be out of it at the moment but Doomsday certainly wasn't. He roared at the top of his lungs when he locked onto J'onn.

Without waiting any longer Doomsday lunged and punched J'onn in the face which sent him flying through the Watchtower.

J'onn had crossed his arms in time to take the punch and minimised the damage.

He came back and caught hands with Doomsday in a wrestle of strength.

The both of them were doing equally fine in their try overpower each other but Doomsday was getting stronger and stronger.

Doomsday was increasing his strength. He was already stronger than J'onn but he was toying with him.