Don't Try Me, Don't Touch My Family.

Girl it's alright, we got Your back! so you're from U.S.A? which city? " i'm from San francisco."

Oh Good! why are you shaking? " i'm umm i'm good, i'm not shaking." Don't be scared, we want to be your Friends, we won't hurt you. "i'm fine now, isn't it bothering you? you're speaking in English."

It's okay! " but i want to be fluent in French, speaking in English won't help me, i need to speak in French to improve." you're still nervous, that's why we were talking to you in English, we want to be your closest friends, you seem to be lonely.

Oh well, i'm Marcelle: 21 years old, and i'm Anna : 21 years old, and how old are you? "i'm 20 years old." Nice To Meet You! step by step we will teach you French and don't mind them.

No matter how good or bad you are, people will talk behind your back, nobody's perfect, we all do mistakes. where are you living? "i'm new in France, i don't know the name but it's here in Paris." we will keep in touch.

Your Family moved to France yesterday? "no they live in New-York, i live with my Aunty, her name is Isabelle." Aha! she teaches in 3rd class, "actually she was my Mother's friend, now i only have her and my Uncle's Wife cause my Mother passed away, sorry for being talkative." it's okay, we need to know each other!

' Marcelle, Anna, what are you doing there?' Ah it was Nice To Meet You Donna, see you tomorrow, bye!

Donna was left sitting on brown wooden bench waiting for Isabelle, she was in the staffroom. ●Aha! she teaches in the 3rd class● Donna remembers what Marcelle and Anna said. ~should i look for her from the staffroom?~ it was raining.

"Hello! is anybody there? Aunty?" nobody left there, it was 14:00PM. at the time she opened the staffroom's door, she saw Isabelle kissing with Philippe, he was the richest man in Le Pavillon De La Reine, Le Marais District.

Isabelle in a bellow voice; "Donna what are you doing here? who told you to come here? you didn't even knock, such indiscipline, how dare you?" Aunty i'm sorry! "don't call me your Aunty, Get out." i was looking for you, "i said get out right now."

Sorry darling! "who's that girl? why is she calling you her Aunty?" well it's a long story, actually she's my Friend's daughter and she is living with me, her Mother passed away.

"Is she attending your class?" no she's attending the first class, darling what are we going to do? she saw us and she's a little close to my daughter. "my love, that's not you, you already know what to do."

Donna where are you? are you still here? "she's outside there." Philippe I need to go, "let me take you home!" no i'm leaving, don't call me this evening, it's risky.

"Come on love, is it because of that girl?" no, i'm a Mother, i need to make a time for my Family and your Family needs you too. "what are you trying to do? ending our relationship?" this isn't the real relationship, we're even cheating. "love, we have some agreements."

I was wrong, you know it wasn't about your money, i have my money. it was for your own interests, you can even find better girls, "Isabelle, don't play innocent, i don't like those kind of games, you know what i can do."

And sometimes i can be dangerous too, don't try me, i made a decision and you better respect my decision, got it? find another girl.

Can't you even say thank you for pleasing me? you're just a man, just crabby, from now leave me alone, leave my life alone, i don't want you anymore. my daughter got hurt because of you and now Donna, Good night!

"Isabelle, it's not over." i said leave me alone and please don't try me, don't touch my Family, okay?

In a whispering voice; "i will show you that you played with a monster."

Isabelle went outside to pick Donna; Donna are you upset with me? talk to me, don't hate me, for the moment i was a bad Aunty, a bad Mother, are you hungry? "i'm not hungry, can we go home? tomorrow i have a class and you're to come tomorrow too."

Ah! Donna let's talk first, that's Philippe, that man we were kissing but we broke up, i've been a bad Mother to Laurance all this time and i came to U.S.A because i was trying to change, i wanted to apologize to your Mother.

I abandoned her the time she had you in the womb, i was a bad person, selfish, and now Laurance is pregnant, i guess i'm paying for what i've done.

Your Mother's wish was to have a complete and happy Family, "no no Aunty don't talk about my Mother again, as i've told you, it's a boring conversation, we should live the present not the past, this is the last time i warned you, i don't need to say it again.

I and my Mother were happy together, i don't need my Father and i don't know if he's still alive."

I'm sorry! "don't be sorry and stop crying, you said you broke up with Philippe, right?" yes! "shall we tell Laurance about it? you need to apologize to your daughter and then i will forgive you for anything you could have done to my Mother."

"I'm tired and i'm not going to have dinner." why? "all i want is to sleep." they arrived home at 18:00PM, André was drunk; where were you and that bastard Donna? everytime Donna Donna, so you can't take care of your own daughter? look at her, she is pregnant, no husband no boyfriend, she is going to raise a bastard like Helen.

"André stop." André was speaking in English to hurt Donna; that bastard pushed my daughter in the pool, she tried to kill my daughter.

"No, i didn't do anything wrong, i didn't push her." and what? my Granddaughter pushed you or you pushed her? "why would i do that?" cause you want to take everything from my daughter, you act like a cool kid, you're trying hard to take my daughter's place to be an international ballet dancer? that's crazy!

"No Mr André, it's not like that, i'm just here to attend the class, i don't want to take anyone's place, Laurance tell them the truth, i didn't push her."

Then who did? we were only two of us, and don't call my Father by his name again! 'Donna is it true?' "no it's not." shut up bastard, you pushed me. "Laurance, it's you who pushed me." Laurance slapped Donna in her face, Donna slapped her back.

"Donna that's enough, how could you hurt my daughter? tomorrow i'll take you to school and never come back to my house." Donna went in the room and locked the door; in a quavered voice; "well i should have listened to my Second Mother! but i tried to defend myself."