Let's Have A Peaceful Goodbye

Sweetie open the door, this is not your house. you see? i'm very happy, from tomorrow i will never see your annoying face here, i told you to show me your true face and you didn't, nobody can beat me.

Laurance, i came here minding my own business, i don't know what's wrong with you. you know? i have a feeling that you envy me, but i can give you an advice, don't waste your time on other people, you better sleep instead because it's healthy. i forgave you, Good luck to you and to your future baby.

I bet your baby isn't happy about this, it's early to change the direction of your future, now i need to sleep, leave me alone and let's have a peaceful goodbye! 'Laurance, come and have dinner.' "i'm coming!" Go and eat. Laurance moved straightly to her room; 'love where are you going? come and eat first.' "bring my food here." 'are you okay? don't worry about that bastard.'

Mommy stop calling Donna like that, she's a good girl, she's a kid like others, please stop! "wait, what kind of deal are you having with Donna? were you still at school or? the school close at 12:00PM, what were you doing?" Mommy, not now.

"Oh! when then?" Mom no more fighting, i've had enough. Laurance can you tell me what happened between you and Donna? "Go and ask her." you don't want to tell me what happened? fine!

Isabelle went on hidden cameras to check what happened that day, she heard all the conversation and saw Laurance pushing Donna; Laurance why did you do that? you pushed her. "me?" i saw the video, "where?" here it is, "how did you find that?" answer me, why did you do that? and your Father, Grandma, lied to me, was this planned? i thought you are her friend. "because you don't care about me Mom."

Since you were there, the person you cared about is Donna everytime, is it because i got pregnant? i'm still your daughter. it hurts, i see you no longer care about dad, what's going on? and you say that you changed, i don't like any person who tries to take what is mine. "Donna doesn't want to take anyone's place, she isn't competing with you, i'm paying for what i've done to her Mother." what have you done? "i've abandoned her since she had Donna in the womb." And? "i want to take care of her, but still i will take care of you."

"Should i trust you now?"yes, but i still want to tell you something, i cheated on your Father with Philippe, today Donna saw me kissing with him in the staffroom and i broke up with him. i'm really sorry, forgive me! now i want to take care of you but your dad isn't going to stop cheating, i will never do that again. sorry for being a bad Mother, "well Mother let's forgive each other."

They hugged warmly; "so what are we going to do?" for your dad? i don't know, praying is the only solution, "what are we going to do for Donna then?" About? "you forgot that you told her to never come back to your house from tomorrow?" oh no, let's talk to her, "she won't open the door, i think she is sleeping." i'm feeling guilty, i don't know how i'm even going to stand in front of her, talking to her while looking into her face. "me too."

I guess she is tired of my ---sorry--- please help me to apologize, "don't worry, i will help you." you know? she told me she will forgive me the time i will apologize to you about cheating on your Father, that makes me feel more guilty, i'm really regretting. "she told me she already forgave me." you're lucky! "still i have to apologize." tomorrow 9:00AM, you will come to school. "i promise i will make it right."

Donna wake up! "Aunty, i'm ready, let's have breakfast." can i come in? "of course." let me see your bag! "why? i didn't forget anything, i packed everything, if that's what you want to check." "i'm hungry! let's have breakfast."

They had breakfast and went to school. "Donna, how are you?" i'm good and happy! "we can see!" how are you? "we're good." Ah we live in Le Pavillon De La Reine, Le Marais, "oh, we live in Places Des Vosges, Le Marais." maybe one day i will visit you. the teacher started to teach, Donna was improving in French and that day she was performing very well with Marcelle and Anna.

At 12:00PM; "Great job! we really worked hard, let's do our best to compete internationally and make a history, let's Goooo!"

Sorry Mom, i delayed to come, i took a nap. 'Donna see you tomorrow, let's work hard!' Donna? "Laurance, what are you doing here?" i came to see you and Mommy, let's meet in the staffroom. "why? is there something wrong? okay, let's go." Donna we're both feeling guilty about what i did to you, about what Mom said to you.

Mommy said you might got tired of her saying---sorry---, she is an Aunty, a bad mother to you! she apologized to me about cheating on my dad, she isn't going to say anything because she is speechless, i'm really sorry Donna i thought you want to take my place, acting cool, i envy you as you said. i'm trying to change cause i want my Mother to be proud of me like you.

So now i'm down on my knees in the name of my Family, sorry for what we did to you, please forgive us! "no i forgave all of you but i'm not coming at your house." Donna please! you are a part of our Family, we need you, please! Isabelle and Laurance bursted into tears and Donna started to cry too.

"Should i come with you? how about your Father and Grandma?" we will handle them, please come with us, i'm begging you! "hmm are you sure? think about it." we need you! "okay stand up, i'm coming but don't mess with me again." promise! they went home, happy together.

They had lunch then Donna started to practice. the next day; Donna why are you so happy? "today our class is going to attend an international TV show about ballet dance, turn on the TV and look forward to my moves." 'Hello Uncle! turn on the TV!' then the first class from Académie Royale De Danse appeared on World International TV show, Robert and Martin were watching too; "is that Donna? wow so cute, i think i'm falling for my Cousin!" shut up Martin, she's mine!