How Will Prince Feel About His Father's Marriage?

On 1st August 1982, The Sept-Ballerines went at Raimo Ice Cream Paris Shop with Laurance to celebrate their success.

They had chocolate Ice-cream, at the time they were going to leave, they heard noise outside; "oh my God it's Debra, isn't that Debra? can i have your autograph? can we take a picture?" Ms Debra who's this guy? are you in a relationship? are you both dating? "he's so sexy!" please MS Debra your fans need to know about that boy, they are curious, tell us about him!

Marcelle, Anna, Donna and Laurance, were inside the shop just watching; what's going on outside there? "let me check!" why are they shouting like that? 'so Mam, are you going to leave us in your shop? how could you trust us?' "it's okay girls, you look expensive, you can't do something like that, well the shop isn't even mine". but where are your co-workers? "it's not yet their shift". oh!

Madam Colette went outside to see what was going on. "Debra who's that boy?" well this is my fiance and we're getting married soon! "wow amazing! you look nice together". thank you! and to my fans, i have a surprise for you, just wait patiently, i know you will like it!

Because Debra and Eric were surrounded by fans and journalists, Laurance didn't see them clearly but she was curious. "Mom where are you? have you seen my Mother?" she was serving us but she went outside, by the way what's going on? what's going on there? "well it's a model, her name is Debra, she's with her fiance, she's introducing her fiance to her fans and Journalists".

Both Marcelle, Laurance, Anna and Donna were astonished; Debra? let's see that Debra. "girls don't leave me in this shop alone!" girls, i'm staying here, don't forget about me. "well, thank you! what's your name?" my name is Donna Ballerina, "wait, i know you, i saw you somewhere," where? "wait... i saw you on TV, you're from Sept-Ballerines?" you really saw me? "yes, you performed well!"

Oh my God, thanks so much! Ah... what's your name? "i'm Charles, nice to meet you!" nice to meet you too! "can i have your autograph?" yes, here it is! "thank you!" it's okay! Donna was happy to meet a fan; ~Mom see? i have a fan.~ she was talking to herself. Laurance saw Debra and Eric, Debra was wearing an engagement ring.

"Laurance are you okay?" that's Debra and that's Eric, so i think they're getting married soon, should i attend? "what?" their Wedding Ceremony, what Am i suppose to do? Am i going to tell Prince? "Laurance, are you okay?" i'm okay, i'm not crying.

"Oh son, i'm sorry, i left you in the shop alone!" Mama why can't you be serious? you want to be punished again? they might fire you, please try to be serious. "son i promise, i won't do mistakes again!" 'Donna, let's go! "bye Charles" so Donna, that's Debra and Eric, they're arranging their Wedding, as you can see, she's wearing an engagement ring.

"Laurance, hope you're not feeling bad, you will find a better man for you". Donna, this is the new chapter, girls, i'm not feeling bad but i'm scared for my Prince's future, what will be his feeling? "he will be strong, don't waste your time on them".

Ladies? celebration is still going on! can we have more Ice-cream? 'let's goo!' Madam we're back! we need more Chocolate Ice-cream please! "well, Sept-Ballerines? who's Marcelle?" it's me! "and you're Anna?" yes! "i saw you on TV, nice to meet you!" nice to meet you too! "i'm Charles, this is my Mother, her name is..."

No! let me introduce myself; my name is Colette, here's my only Child, my only son, his Father was dealing with Brain Cancer and sadly he didn't make it, in a quavering voice; he passed away. "Oh, we're really sorry Charles, your Mommy loves you so much!"

Girls, it seems like you don't know that you're famous, Mom you know Sept-Ballerines? from the Opera National De Paris? right? "oh my God! is it really you?" yes Mam! "oh my God! have another Ice-cream please!" thank you! "and who's the fourth girl?" it's our Sister; my name is Laurance, Eric's ex, that boy, "Debra's fiance?" yes haha! kidding, i moved on, he doesn't exist.

"I'm telling you young princess, he's a loser".

'Marcelle, Anna, i need your autograph too, and Laurance'. but i'm not a celebrity, 'but i'm your fan too'. "young princesses, let me have your autograph too!" thanks Charles! thanks Madam! we will come back, see you!

"Laurance are you sure you're okay?" yees of course! the only thing that worries me, is how will Prince feel about his Father's marriage. imagine, they will have kids, i don't want Prince to fight with his Brothers or Sisters, i'm really worried about his future, he might get hurt. "Laurance, we all go through those kind of feelings but we believe that he will be strong, trust your Prince!" thanks Sisters!

"Girls, hope you enjoyed this day, how was the celebration?" we had a lot of Chocolate Ice-cream, now i'm having Ice-cream, not drinking, "hmm, don't bring back the past honey!"

Well, my past follows me, we saw... 'Laurance?' we saw Eric the loser and his fiance Debra, "don't tell me you're jealous!" i'm not! "great job!" how's Prince? he is okay, don't worry, he didn't cry.

Mommy you need to prepare for my graduation party. "don't worry!" on 4th August, Dorothy sent an email to Isabelle; how are you? "i'm doing great! how are you Dorothy?" it's been a while, well i'm fine thanks! we're very busy, it's been a while, i guess Donna isn't mad at me, thanks for giving Donna that kind of happiness! "well she's like my daughter, don't thanks me."

Well, i want to invite all of you to come in Robert's graduation ceremony, it's on 18th August, invite Donna's friends too, "thank you!"

Donna, i talked to your 2nd Mommy on computer, she sent me an email, "i really miss her!" she wanted to invite us in Robert's Graduation Ceremony, it's on 18th August, she told me to invite your friends, don't worry about permissions.

"I'm glad to hear that!" Sept-Ballerines? "MS Maryse?" i'm glad to have you in my class, you're working really hard, "thanks MS! but others are working hard too!" but you're really promoting our school. "that's our responsibility, thank you!"

MS Isabelle told me that you need permission to attend a graduation ceremony abroad, "yes!" don't worry, you have our permission, you're to come back on 21st August, "thanks MS!" the class was closed at 12:00PM; Donna which graduation are we going to attend? "i was going to tell you".

Sept-Ballerines? "MS Isabelle!" i told you to call me Aunty. "sorry MS... Aunty Isabelle!" hope you're doing fine, Dorothy, Donna's 2nd Mommy, told me to invite you in Robert's Graduation Ceremony on 18th August, Donna's Cousin, "girls, i was going to tell you about it!"

'i'm okay with that, i will come with you'. and Anna?

My Mother complicate everything, i want to come with you and celebrate with you, but my Mother, i don't know if she will allow me to go abroad, i guess there's no permission for me, what Am i suppose to do?

Donna, aren't you going to feel sad about it? Anna don't worry, i'm gonna help you, girls let's go to Anna's home, i know it's gonna work. "hello Mom! don't come to pick me, i'm going to visit Anna, i won't take too long and don't worry about my transport." who are you? 'Mom, this is Donna, our new Sister!' Ah! from Sept-Ballerines? 'yes!' you never been here before, why didn't you come to visit your friend?

"Sorry Mam, i was focusing on school, and i live in other district, but i was planning to come, that was my wish and in holidays i will visit you." and Mom, this is MS Isabelle, Donna's Aunty, our Aunty! she's a teacher in the 3rd class.

So that's why you're famous? Aunty is promoting you? 'no Mom, we're working hard' who's the group leader? "Mam, we're all group leaders, we're equal, we share ideas equally". at least Donna is beautiful than you, she must be the group leader as she appeared dancing in center position, why does she have that position? 'Mom, you can't talk like that, okay?'

What are you doing here with your teacher? "Madam, i'm here for permission request for Anna to attend Donna's Cousin Graduation Ceremony on 18th August in New-York city!" in U.S.A? "yes!" well, she's not coming.

"Madam, please, your daughter really need this!" MS Isabelle? "yes Madam!" are you a Mother? "yes!" you have a son or a daughter? "i have a daughter and a grandson!" you're supposed to feel the way i'm feeling, how old is your daughter? "18 years old." is she married? "no!" so i don't want to have a Grandchild the way you have your Grandson.

Madam, what do you mean? "nothing!" Madam, my daughter isn't a prostitute and your daughter is a good girl, you should trust her,.. Anna in a quavering voice; "how is she going to trust me? she thinks i might be a prostitute like her." Donna, Marcelle and Isabelle were astonished!