Are You Breaking Up With Your Mother?

"What did you say?" you're a prostitute, a slut, why can't you respect yourself? what Am i to you?

It's like i'm adopted, can't you stop ruining people's lives? i guess you didn't deserve my Father. now i'm regretting why i've chosen your side, don't act like you care about me, nothing to worry about so let me go, don't ruin my happiness, that's the only thing you can give me now, if i'm your biological daughter.

Give me that permission or... "Anna what are you talking about?" Donna, Isabelle were still astonished and Marcelle too, even if she asked her that question.

Only Mommy knows what i'm talking about, sorry i didn't tell you about it, i've never told you about that before because i tried to cover this heartless Mother. "Anna stop..." Am i going to have your permission? "after disrespecting me like that? in front of your friends and your teacher?" Mother, i try to respect you, i even ignore what you do to me.

So this permission is the last thing i'm going to request to you. "what if i say no again? see? you shocked everyone, MS Isabelle, your fake Aunty, isn't going to beg for your permission." how many times do you want her to beg you?

I guess she's done, now i'm going to ask you this question again and after you won't hear anything from me, may i have your permission to attend Robert's Graduation Ceremony in New-York? "who's that Robert?"

Is it yes or no? "well you can't go in U.S.A." so that means? "you're not going anywhere and i'm going to punish you seriously, i'm going to change your school, no more ballet classes, you're going to study science." okay thank you! girls, Aunty Isabelle, wait for me!

Anna went in her room and packed all of her stuffs; "where are you going?" Aunty Isabelle? 'Ah, yes Anna!' i know you're having more responsibilities, you're taking care of Laurance, you have a grandson and you're living with Donna and... 'do you need my help?' yes! 'it's fine! i can help you, tell me."

"Anna, don't trust this woman, you can't trust them easily, you're stupid." i'm happy for that, well Aunty, can i be your responsibility? can i live with you? don't worry, i have money... 'no no i don't want you to use your money in my house, i'll take care of you!' so let's go! Mom, i won't come back here, so live your happy life, in your beautiful mansion, you can sleep with any man you want, i'm not going to bother you again.

Anna came to live in Renaud's Family home; "Anna, now you need to tell me everything." Marcelle, sorry for hidding my situation from you, and please don't misunderstand me, i trust you but i tried to cover my Mother's bad image as a good daughter. "i can understand you!"

Marcelle? Anna? you're here? "yes, but i'm leaving." 'Marcelle, let me drive you home, it's late' "bye girls, see you later!" Prince is growing faster, Laurance? "yes!" are you planning to go to college? "not yet, and i think i will change my subject, Anna are you coming to Robert's Graduation Ceremony?" yes! "Marcelle?" she will. "Great, Good night!"

On 10th August, Anna's Mother called her; Anna, i miss you! please come back. "no i know you very well, you don't miss me, get to the point." don't go there, it's not good for you to go there with strangers, remember, your Father have rapped someone there and that girl was from U.S.A, they might hurt you, your Father is famous, what are you going to say to Journalists? "tomorrow i will come, i want something from you."

Anna hanged up; "wait, Anna? Hello? this useless Anna, what does she want from me?" the next day on 11th August, Anna went to her Mother's mansion with Donna; "oh, you're here?" 'Hello Madam!' Anna took her Mother's phone.

"What are you doing with my phone?" now i can call my Father anytime, you don't want me to talk to dad? now i have his phone number, he even give you money? you're always hungry, dad is a good person as i can see. "you're really stupid." still i'm happy, so bye forever. "go, hope i won't see your face here again." of course, i'm leaving.

"Anna, are you breaking up with your Mother?" we're done, let's go! "are you sure, you won't come back here?" i will never, "Anna?" i'm serious, let's not talk about this again. "oh, sorry! but don't worry, i got your back, you have me." Thank you! Dorothy sent an email to Martin; "hello Mommy, i really miss you!" me too my son.

"How have you been? long time no talk!" i'm good! and your Brother is very happy! how's your studies going? "it's good but stressful!" hope you're fine, "i'm okay Mom!" well, on 18th August, your Brother will graduate, you're not allowed to be absent, and if you have friends, invite them too.

But i'm wondering, maybe the ticket might be a barrier for them, maybe just invite them. "i'm really happy for Robert!" see you soon son, bye! ~should i invite her?~ Martin was talking to himself."

Umm Patricia? "yes? any problem?" no! "what is it?" i want to invite you in Robert's graduation ceremony, my young Brother. "so funny! he's going to graduate before you?" it's high school, "oh, sorry, i thought he's in college too, so, when?"

On 18th August in New-York city, can you afford the ticket? "do you think i'm poor?" just asking! "i can afford a private jet too." that sounds great! "do you want to use a private jet?" no, if you want to come... "i will." Thank you!

"When are we going to come back?" we'll talk about it later! "i'm okay with that." André? "why are you calling me now?" Anna is going to live there, "where?" in your house, i broke up with her, but i don't know... what are we going to do? "for what?" André listen to me, this is a serious situation.

"I don't care!" what? that's gonna ruin your life idiot, not mine, i'll still have money but what will happen to you and your Mother? "who are you?" are you drunk? André? Hello? André hanged the phone, Georgette kept on calling André but he didn't answer her calls.

~André you can't escape this witch, where do you think you're going? i will destroy everything you're holding.~ Georgette was talking to herself.

On 14th August, The Golden Stars went back at Raimo Dessert Paris Shop with Laurance, Isabelle and Prince; "Mam, see? we're back!" i'm happy to see you Ladies, "Aunty, she's our fan, and her son too!" Mam, this is my Mother and this is my Son!

Oh, Eric rejected this cute little prince? "haha, his name is Prince Renaud." such a meaningful name! he's cute, "Thank You!" Madam, what's your name? 'call me Isabelle.' and call me Colette, 'Nice to meet you!' Nice to meet you too! well the reason why i'm serving alone, i'm punished, my Boss saw me in the club, i was drunk, but i'm about to finish my punishment.

"How's Charles?" he's fine! today he didn't want to come. they had Chocolate Ice-cream and Isabelle had Strawberry Ice-cream; "girls, you need to pack your stuffs, Thank You!, we're leaving." hope you will come back! 'we will.' Anna you're living here? "yes! and she will come with us." why is she living here? "because she want to, she want to be with her friends and she will live here for the rest of her life."

"Mr André, is it bothering you?" no it's not. 'Isabelle, me and my son, we'll not come with you.' why? Daniel and Dorothy want to see you, 'i don't like to travel, i will stay with my son.' Isabelle was sad; "Mommy, we're enough, me and Prince, they will be happy!" don't worry, it's fine sweetie! André let's talk...

"About what?" they went in their room; why don't you want to come? are you hidding something from me? "my Mother want to stay with me, she doesn't like to travel." really? i will find out what you're hidding this time, i won't forgive you! are you still cheating on me? "you cheated on me too."

I apologized to you, 'and she apologized to me too, how about you?' Laurance, what are you doing here? 'dad, you need to change, you still hurt me, Good night!' on 15th August, MS Maryse called Isabelle to wish all of them a safe flight. on 16th at 8:00AM, they both arrived at Paris Airport- Le Bourget, Georgette called André; is Anna still there? "they already left, you're annoying me." fine!