You Don't Know Me

After a very long time without hearing from The Golden Stars and Debra's Family, they're all back with Debra Beauty Is My Choice Campaign.

Their choice is to help Orphans, Parents who lost their Children, Young Mothers, Girls in general, Poor people and Debra's Dream, again,.. Rest In Peace Debra! everyone, you're welcome in Debra Beauty Is My Choice Campaign, you can donate by buying Debra Beauty products.

The most surprising thing, Sept-Ballerines(The Golden Stars) are Mothers to Kim Julie Ji-hun, Rebecca Basset, Sophie and Lisa Wang, you're watching Colour Télévision(WNBC TV, ZTV Norway). their photoshoot circulated in different newspapers and magazines around the world.

Of course include Le Figaro newspaper magazine, Harris Family was watching, and saw how Alexa grew up faster, they felt emotional and regretful, because it was like they've abandoned her.

Ladies, i can't believe how we're trending on the first day, MS Cosette is the one who brought the idea of Debra Beauty Is My Choice, she was arguing with her husband,.. "stop it!" it's okay, sorry! i won't say anything about that again.

MS Gisèle, are you alright? "yes of course! and why not?" are you happy? she stayed quiet; are you happy? "yes... and no!" what a confusing feeling! what's going on? "i feel like my husband doesn't care about me." MS Evelyn with a smiley face; turn around,. "why?" just do it!

At the time Gisèle turned around, André was on his knee, in a romantic voice; "Marry me Gisèle!" of course yes! and what were you waiting for? they all bursted into laughter, all Families were already there, at the time they were all celebrating, Mauricette and Isabelle saw MRS Philippe with a gun, they got really scared.

And at that time, Georgette came to ruin their celebration party too; 'Philippe, Georgette, you're not invited, what are you doing here?' i can't believe that my Family is happy without me like this, you're really happy? "Dad, what are you doing with that gun?"

Donna in whispering voice; "call the police, please somebody call the police, i don't want this to happen." everyone was really scared.

"Dad, you need to calm down,.." so, that's the only thing you can tell me? 'Mom, after a very long time, you're here to ruin everyone's happiness? everytime?'

"Mom, that's non of your business, just leave my Father alone, let us live in peace." well, my granddaughters will beautiful like me, not ugly like you, or their Father,. "say whatever you want, you're not gonna bring me down again."

"Dad, what do you really want? we're going to call the police,.." well, you all have left me alone, and you're happy? "that was your fault Dad, don't blame us." Mauricette have rejected me for Michel, my own daughters turned their backs on me, Isabelle have rejected me too, what's wrong with me? Am i a bad person?

Do i deserve this? everyone who have rejected me is happy. i've lost everything include my Family, my happiness, my money too, that's so funny! and i'm sick of seeing you happy with me. by the way, how about you? what are you up to? why aren't you happy? everyone who have rejected me is happy, except you.

"Who told you that i'm not happy?" because you want to ruin other's happiness,. "i'm happy!" for what? ruining my life? "i don't know what you're talking about,.." i've lost my happiness and money, because of this woman.

Georgette was standing behind Philippe, Philippe turned around with much anger, and shot Georgette in her head twice; this is what you deserve! Anna with a loud voice; "Motheeeeer..." at the time the police arrived there, MRS Philippe shot himself in his head too, the police took them at Hôtel-DieuDe Paris hospital, but they were already dead.

On 27th July 1995, it was Georgette and Philippe's burial ceremony; Mother, all i've wished for you, was to be a good person, to change and to to.. live with us in peace, i didn't want you to go in this way. i'm not really sure, if you're in a better place or not.

Marcelle and Donna tried to cheer up Anna, then Donna's Mother's funeral broke into Donna's head; "Anna, stay strong! i know how it feels but, all we need to do, is to be strong, i'm really sorry!" 'Anna, we're really sorry!' it's okay Ladies! everyone was shocked.

On 1st August 1995, Anna went at her Mother's house and burned all of her stuffs, except pictures; "don't be mad at me, i don't want to keep this."

On 6th August 1995, it was André and Gisèle's wedding day, they were still in France, so, their Wedding Ceremony took place at Hôtel Le Marois; "finally, Congratulations Mother!" thanks Anna!

"Dad, hope you're happy with her,.." and thanks for your advice! "you were about to let her go, still, it's up to you. Laurance winked at her Father, Isabelle, Colette and Mauricette were Bridesmaids, then Fernand, Michel and Pierre were Groomsmen, Cosette and Roger attended their Wedding Ceremony too.

"Dad André,." yes Anna daughter! "Congratulations! i'm happy for you!" daughter, i'm sorry for your loss! "i moved on!" are you sure? "yes Dad, i'm ok, i'm happy! can't you see?" maybe you're pretending to be happy,.. "no no no, that's not me, i'm happy! you better know your daughter well." sorry Anna Ballerina! "it's okay!"

Elise, Corinne, and Nadine, apologized to Anna; we're feeling guilty,.. "why? you didn't do anything wrong,." now we understand what you were going through, the time you've apologized to us, do you remember? it was on Christmas Day. now we're wearing our Gifts from you, to express how much we love you, and how much we're feeling sorry for you.

"Come on Ladies, you don't need to apologize to me." they hugged warmly, at that time, MS Claire came there to ruin everyone's happiness too.

"Pierre? Pierre? what are you doing here? are you cheating on me with that email?" ah ah... MS, enough! no more drama, and don't ruin my special day, don't ruin my Wedding Day, i've been waiting for this for a very long time. if you're not here to celebrate with us, leave immediately,... "that's my husband,.." and?... and what?

He's a Groomsman and MS Colette is Bridesmaid, he isn't cheating on you,.. where do you think you're going? i can't allow anyone to cause troubles on this day.

At the time Claire was going to push Gisèle, Gisèle slapped her in her face and grabbed her hair; try me! you don't really know me, i bet you don't know me! you don't know what i'm going to do to you right now,.. 'Mommy, calm down! don't do that, you might ruin your own special day.'

Fine daughter! now you can leave, because i can see that all you need is to cause troubles,.. "i'm not leaving, my husband is cheating on me,.." come on Tammy? 'yes!' could you please help us? 'okay!' then, MS Claire was taken at Sainte Anne Hospital Center.

Let me go, where are you taking me? i'm fine! leave me alone, let me go! Pierre, Pierre, Roger, Cosette, you'll pay for this, I'll come back for you, you idiots, Pierre, you can't do this to me, i'll kill you,.. all of you.

Lately, Harris Family attended André and Gisèle's Wedding Ceremony, everyone was astonished; "MRS and MS Renaud, Congratulations!" thanks MRS and MS Harris!

"Martin, how have you been?" i've been good! and you? "we've been good too!.." Alexander? Alexa? say Hello to your Grandpa and Grandma,. 'Hello!' "well Martin, we're sorry! we were supposed to support you but,.. we've abandoned you,.." you don't need to say sorry to me.

Just say sorry to Tammy, as i wasn't allowed to live with them, Tammy have been struggling, raising them alone... 'no, Donna have helped me, i was even going to give up, but thanks to Donna, and Martin, you're really a good Father.'

Catherine was already accepted by The Opera Nationale De Paris, and she was attending classes, everyone was gossiping about her but she didn't give up. Pierre Moulin fell in love with Colette Basset, but for the first time, MS Colette didn't want to admire that she loves Pierre, and she ended up completely fell in love with him, so, she admired that she loves Pierre too.

Rodney Harris fell in love with Elise Toussaint, Gary Harris fell in love with Corinne Toussaint, then Robert Reece fell in love with Nadine Toussaint.

On 4th September 1995, it was Seongho and Tammy's Wedding Day, it took place in Switzerland at Grandhotel Giessbach. Luna and Hiina were Junior Bridesmaids, then Big Prince and Little Prince were Junior Groomsmen.

"Congratulations Aunty Tammy!" thanks Luna! everyone Congratulated Tammy and Seongho, both Families was there. on 6th September, Seongho and Tammy moved to Seoul- South Korea, Alexander, Alexa and Luna stayed in Switzerland.

Catherine decided to stay in Martin's house and be Luna, Alexander and Alexa's Mother; Catherine, you don't know me, and i don't know you, you can't be my Children's Mother,.. "i've changed, and this is important to all of us." we're not getting married, deal? "deal!"

Martin and Catherine welcomed their baby girl on 10th November 1995, and named her Emma Reece, but still they agreed to not get married to each other.

On 18th December 1996, Robert graduated from University of Basel, and on 31st December 1997, Catherine graduated from The Opera Nationale De Paris, she took pictures together with The Golden Stars with their Children include Luna too, and took pictures together with MS Isabelle and Maryse, then with the whole Family.