2nd Generation 1

'Congratulations Catherine! finally, you did it,.' thanks Ladies! you always look cute together! 'thanks!'

"Catherine!" Evelyn? "Congratulations!" thank you! "i'll miss you!" me too! "i can't believe i'm going to stay in France alone,.." how? MS Cosette, Gisèle and Colette will live here,. "i can't deal with Debra Beauty Is My Choice Campaign alone,." come on! you have nothing to worry about, we got your back!

"I know!.." then why are you talking like that? "i don't know! actually,.. you were my closest friend,.." and now? what happened? "you're going to live far away,.. away from me,.." that doesn't matter, we're still friends, can't you see The Golden Stars friendship bond? Donna live in Greece Marcelle live in South Korea and Anna lives in China.

On 1st January 1998, all Families celebrated New Year in France in Isabelle's house, The Golden Stars, Laurance, Catherine with their Children and Tammy, were at the pool; "Happy New Year Ladies!" Happy New Year!

On 3rd January 1998, Catherine went to visit MS Evelyn at Debra Beauty shop and bought different Debra Beauty products. on 6th January, Reece Family went back in Switzerland.

On 25th February 1998, Seongho and Tammy, welcomed their first child and named him Kim Sung-Min, Marcelle and Yeong-su went in Seoul to help and support them; "Congratulations Tammy! i can't believe now you're a Mother, well, Donna and Anna are very busy, don't get mad at them,." it's okay! "well, i'm busy too,." i understand! "how are you?"

I'm good! and you? "i'm fine!" hope you'll always be my Sister you know,.. people change, i don't know what's wrong with people,.. "don't worry, me and Ladies we'll never change,." we're getting older,.. "no no, not you!"

On 7th March 1998, it was Robert and Nadine's Wedding Day, and it took place at Grandhotel Giessbach too; 'Congratulations Robert!' thanks Brother! "Congratulations Son!" thanks Dad! "Son,.." yes! "now i want you to be a hero, and choose the right thing,." don't worry Dad! i'm even still feeling sorry for Martin, so, i can't repeat the same mistake.

She's my Wife and i truly love her, now you can trust me,. "okay Son!" and Dad,.. "yes,." thanks for understanding my Mother,.. "you shouldn't thanks me for that, i'm keeping my promise, and that's what i want you to do,." yes Dad!

'Ladies, i'm a Confectioner, i work with my husband.' i'm not going to abandon Ballet,.. 'come on, we didn't abandon Ballet too, that's why we'll support you,.' "it's okay Donna, we got your back! what do you think about Martin and Catherine's relationship?" i tried to convince Martin about marriage, but he didn't want to marry Catherine.

'Hope Catherine isn't sad,.' "why would Catherine be sad?" she's rich than Martin, remember, their economy was declining and he isn't working, he's still traumatised by Patricia's death,. "then how did Catherine got pregnant?" Martin and Catherine told me that, they were drunk,. 'oh!' Martin tells me everything,. 'Catherine will not like it.' she will!

On 4th April, Donna was hired by Greek Opera National Ballet School, she was teaching in Junior Class. even if MS Colette truly loved MRS Pierre, she didn't want to get married to him, they were just living together.

On 1st September, Anna opened her hair accessories shop (Wang's Hair Accessories Shop). André and Gisèle moved to Starsbourg- France, they were living in André's mansion.

Love, "yes,." i'll miss my daughter,. "i miss my daughter too." okay! "i want to visit Laurance and Anna,." if you'll visit them i'll visit Marcelle too,. "you were living with her, we'll visit her later." don't worry! for this time i'm not going to be mad at you.

John, John,.. "yes, what's wrong?" why can't you support your daughter's campaign? "my daughter? who?" ^sigh^ Debra, Debra Beauty Is My Choice Campaign,. "i'm not a Young Mother, or Female, or Poor." how could you say like that? are you drunk? "i'm not drunk." who do you think you are?

"John Hartley!" today you maybe rich, and tomorrow you might be poor, tomorrow isn't promised. "do you think i'll be poor?" everyone can be rich and everyone can be poor,. "go back to jail,." what? "remember, this is all mine, no one can defeat me,." are you cheating on me? "i'm not!" well, i always miss my daughter! i'm feeling lonely.

MS Cosette and Gisèle, kept on promoting Debra Beauty the time others were busy with their activities.

On 21st February 1999, Robert and Nadine welcomed their twin baby girls (Alyssa and Kayla Reece) they were still staying in Keintal Boden Apartment, Martin requested him to come and live with him, Robert accepted his request.

On 23rd February, they organised a celebration party for welcoming new Reece Family. Basset, Kim, Wang, Renaud, Bonnet, Harris, and Clark Family and of course Daniel and Dorothy, came to celebrate with Robert's Family.

"Congratulations Son!" thanks Mommy! "that's what we've been waiting for, i'm happy for you!" thanks Mommy! 'Robert, now you're a Father, i've been waiting for this for a very long time, Congratulations!' everyone was waiting for this? 'yes!' thanks!

"Nadine?" Mother? "Congratulations my daughter!" thanks Mother! "finally!, i'm proud of you!" Mom, i still feel sorry for my Sisters,. "Kayla and Alyssa will be their daughters." Nadine and MS Mauricette bursted into tears; what's the problem? are they really nulliparous? or their husbands? "no no, let's not talk about this, their husbands might get mad at them."

Martin heard their conversation; ~maybe doctors were mistaken, we never know, they should keep on trying and wait.~ Martin was talking to his soul. Rodney and Gary's eyes was on Alexander and Alexa, but didn't care about Emma, only Tammy, Luna, Laurance and The Golden Stars took care of Emma Reece.

On 4th March 1999, Martin and Catherine went in London- UK, they visited Patricia's grave; Patricia, love, i'm really sorry! i'm with another Woman and we have a Child together, please don't get mad at me, i'm trying my best to take care of Alexa and Alexander and she's taking care of them too, nobody can take your place, i still love you the same!

Patricia, i'm sorry! i didn't want to take your place, i'm feeling like i cheated on you, i'm sorry! we were drunk, i just wanted to be Alexander and Alexa's Mother, i promise! i'll take care of them, hope you're in a better place! "Patricia, i miss everything about you!"

Catherine was kinda sad because Martin didn't love her like he loved Patricia, everytime he was talking about Patricia.

"Martin?" yes Catherine! "do you loveme?" yes, but not like Patricia. "you truly love her!" you know the reason why we're together, you shouldn't ask me that kind of question, "but you love me, right?" yes, i do! on 30th May, Gisèle visited Grandma Juliette's grave.

Mam Juliette, now i'm no longer fighting with André, i've been waiting for our marriage, even if our Wedding Day was kinda a mess but, i'm thankful! everything is cool, except that you're not here, i miss you Maman Juliette!

'Roger where is my lipstick?' oh! someone is knocking!' 'oh Colette, Pierre, welcome! Roger, you're Father is here, and MS Colette.' "Dad,.." Roger, can we talk? "about what?" about us, now let me see my Grandsons. "they are sleeping." 'Steeve, Kevin, this is your Grandpa and 2nd Grandma." they were polite!

'Love, don't lie to your Father,..' "fine, sorry Dad!" are you still mad at me? Son, forgive me! Claire have lied to me that you passed away,.. "and you believed her without finding out the truth by yourself,.." i'm sorry! that's why i'm apologizing to you, please forgive me! "okay! i'm not mad at you, but you love Claire, right?" no, i was with Claire because of Eric,. "i forgave you!" i love you my Son! "me too Dad!" they hugged.

On 6th June 1999, Basset, Renaud, Bonnet, Toussaint, Charpentier, Reece, Carre, Kim, Wang, Clark and Harris Family, went in San francisco to celebrate Donna's 37th Birthday, lately Hiina and her Mother attended Donna's Birthday Party, Donna visited her Mother's Grave.

Well Mommy, i'm getting older, today i'm 37 years old, i'm happy, i'm successful, i'm a Ballet teacher, i have a happy Family, and i know that Mommy is proud of me.

On 9th June, Basset and Reece Family went in New-York, they had a Family trip at Bronx Zoo New-York City; "time flies, i was 20, and now i'm 37 years old! you were teenagers too." they visited Daniel and Dorothy Family's home, it was taken by government; "when it was my first time to be happy again, i was in this house, i'll never forget my second Home, thanks Uncle! and thanks 2nd Mommy!"

On 30th June, The Golden Stars and Catherine visited The Opera Nationale De Paris; "Catherine, what's wrong?" i remembered how i've bullied you, i'm really Donna! 'it's okay! i've forgiven you.' memories of that day broke into their heads.

On 12th October 2000, Sainte- Anne Hospital, reported that MS Claire passed away. even if she've murdered Roger's Mother, and have tried to kill him, he was sad, and felt sorry for his Father, on 10th July 2002, Robert was hired by Lausanne University Hospital.