I'm Not A Bad Person

Sophie locked the door and bursted into tears; "Sophie now open the door, i'm going to call your Dad, Sophie? i said open the door."

"Come on Sophie, you know that you're my favourite beautiful princess, now open the door,." Sophie didn't open the door; Anna, are you alright? "no!" what's wrong? "i broke up with Sophie again,.." just give her enough time, she's gonna be fine,. "oh! Sophie? sweetie, come here, let's talk,.." 'i don't want to talk to anyone here.'

You're all so mean to me, are you tired of me? "Sophie, don't talk to your Mother like that,." if you're not going to take care of me like Lisa, then i'll leave,.. 'where will you go?' i guess it doesn't matter.

On 24th June, Anna gave hair bands Sophie, and after 3 hours, she saw Lisa wearing a similar hair band that she gave to Sophie, she was happy thought that it was Sophie's willing to share her hair bands with her Sister; "Mommy?" yes sweetie! "Sophie told me that you bought new hair bands for me, thank you! it's beautiful." it's okay!

Sophie rejected hair bands that her Mother gave to her, Anna was very sad and didn't know what to do. Alexa went to visit her friends, at the time she came back, Emma was in her room playing her guitar.

"Woow! i told you to not touch my stuff, how dare you?" i just wanted to play guitar,.. "tell Dad, Luna, or Mother Catherine to buy you a guitar, and please, stop copying me, i don't like that." are you sad? did you argued with your friends? you're suppose to smile as usual,.. "that's non of your business."

Why do you always talk to me like that? do i deserve it? "i really hate your dramas,." Alexa, i'm not a bad person, and you shouldn't treat me like that, i didn't do anything wrong to you.. maybe my Mother, not me,. 'Emma? Alexa?' Luna? you're back! 'are you guys fighting?' i don't know.. she's just so mean to me.

"Emma, let's have some Ice-cream, and you're gonna be fine!." no i'm sleepy,. "so, today your Luna is going to sleep in your room." fine my Luna!

Alexa? "what again? Mom Catherine? i wasn't expecting you to be here,." may i come in? "okay!" how are you? "i'm good! and you?" i'm fine!.. can we talk? "yes." Alexa, i know that you might be mad at me and your Father, but,. your Father and Emma didn't do anything wrong, i just wanted to help your Father and to be your Mother.

Your Father truly loved your Mother, that's why he have rejected to marry me, and i'm okay with that because what matters to me, is Alexander, you, Luna, Emma and your Father, nobody can take your Mother's place,. "don't talk about my Mother, only Dad is allowed to do that."

Fine! but all you should know is that, i wasn't here to replace your Mother, and it wasn't about your Father's money, so please, stop hurting your Sister, she's innocent and she loves you. "i don't know what to do about that, i'm just allergic to your daughter." i hope that one day, you'll understand what she's going through. "okay!"

Alexander heard their conversation and he tried to talk to his Sister, but she didn't want to listen to him. Emma refused to have dinner, and Luna kept on begging her, finally she changed her mind. Luna was the only person that Emma was counting on, she was so cold because she thought that nobody likes her except Luna.

Alexa didn't like Luna that much, because she was Emma's soul mate, Alexander didn't want to choose or take anyone's side, but he was wondering why their Father doesn't like to talk about their Mother, and why he doesn't allow them to visit their Mother's Grave, but he loved his Father.

"Robert?" what are you doing here? "i miss you!" we were together in the morning, i don't like those kind of dramas, i'm busy working and this is all for our Family, and you're not suppose to leave Alyssa and Kayla alone, go back home,. i'm busy! "are we going to be like this for the rest of our lives?" Nadine, go back home, don't be like that, i hate it! "fine! i'm leaving,." see you soon!

Loana? "Rebecca, what are you doing here? you want me to stay with you?" yes! "are you lonely?" i'm always lonely when you're not around, let's go! "but.." what? "your Mother,." stop it! "i have to apologize to your Mother,." for what?

'Mam, i'm sorry!..' it's okay! you shouldn't apologize, it was an accident,. well Rebecca? we'll go in San francisco,. "when?" in July. "will i come with Loana?" 'no Rebecca, my Mother can't allow me to go abroad,.' "why?" 'she doesn't like it,.' "why?" 'i don't know!' i'll talk to her,. 'no..' "Loana you're mature! so, you have to make your own decision,." 'my Mother is complicated.'

Rebecca was a brave girl but, sometimes she used to lack self confidence, Loana was the only person to cheer up Rebecca when she's down. Donna was worried about her daughter, as she was the only child she had, in her busy life she tried to take care of Rebecca, she didn't want Rebecca to grow up lonely like her.

Same as Marcelle, Ji-hun was the only child she had, Ji-hun used to ask her Mother why she doesn't have siblings, and Marcelle didn't have anything to say, sadly Anna's situation was very different, Sophie didn't like her Sister, because her Mother and Father were giving much attention to Lisa than her.

On 8th July, Reece, Basset, Kim, Wang, Bonnet, Charpentier, Carre, Renaud, Clark, Nakamura Family, Loana and MS Evelyn, went in San francisco to celebrate Big Prince's 24th Birthday Party.

Emma was very shy and she didn't want to talk to anyone except Luna, because she wasn't confident, everyone was happy for Alexa and Alexander, lately, Harris Family attended Big Prince's Birthday Party, the situation became more worsen for Emma.

Then Luna wasn't no more enough for Emma, as Alexa turned everything into a competition, Rebecca, Loana, Ji-hun, and Sophie noticed it, they were at Mitchell's Ice-cream Shop, but MS Colette wasn't no longer working there as she was living with MRS Pierre. it was the first for The Mini Golden Stars to meet again, they didn't know each others well.

But they were connected to each others, they tried to approach Emma and Luna; "Hello!" ah.. Rebecca, Sophie, Ji-hun,.. and she is? they stared at each others ; you remember me, right? i'm Luna! Little Princess, what's your name? 'i'm Loana,..' don't be shy,. 'okay!' i can see The Mini Golden Stars.

"Your Mothers were famous Ballerinas, The Golden Stars, don't you know that?" yes i know! my Mother always talks about that, about Anna and Marcelle, The Opera Nationale De Paris, i want to visit that school, "Loana, we need to know more about you." 'i'm Rebecca's best friend, my name is Loana Ariti.' Emma was still shy.

She's Emma Reece, her Mother is Catherine, sorry! she's very shy. Luna in a whispering voice;-- Emma, now say something.-- 'my name is Emma, and i like South Korea, i like to play guitar.' "you like South Korea? we live in South Korea, i'm waiting for you then." Big Prince proposed to Hiina to Marry him.

Girls, are you Future Ballerinas? "no!" so sad! Luna went to talk with Little Prince, her boyfriend; "my Luna?" my Little Prince! "i missed you!" me more! "how are you?" i'm good thanks! and you? "i'm fine thanks!" they gazed at each other.

Hey! aren't you going to say Happy Birthday to me? "Happy Birthday Big Brother!" 'Happy Birthday Big Prince!' me and Hiina we're getting married, "we see!" 'Congratulations guys!' "we're proud of you!" thank you! Big Prince and Little Prince were still Tennis Prayers.

"My Luna?" yes my Little Prince,.. "what are you up to?" i want to be a musician, or.. a dancer,. "then what are you waiting for?" your permission,. "you have my permission,." honestly,.. i'm not yet ready,. "okay!" Luckily, Emma became friend of Loana, and The Mini Golden Stars, Alexa was with her Grandma.

Alexander? "yes,." why are you lonely? have some Ice-cream.. What? actually,.. Ice-cream is better than Liquors,.. "what?" i know! "Luna, please don't tell my Father,.." Alexander, we need to talk,.. "Luna Nuna, come on! i'm mature,.." Alexander? "Luna, i won't do it again,." just do it for your health and your Family.

"Luna, do you think i'm a bad person?" no! and now you have to listen to me,. "Luna, could you tell me about my Mother?" i need your Father's permission first, "why? do you know why?" what? "all i do, i try to forget about my situation,." what situation? "you were right! i'm lonely."

"Dad doesn't care about anyone,.. look, everyone cares about Alexa, and you cares about Emma,.." are you jealous? "i envy my twin Sister, she's always happy,.." Alexander, be happy for yourself, your Luna cares about you and loves you very much, now have some Ice-cream. i'm glad, Emma is happy with other girls.

Emma is friendly but, she is shy, do you like Emma? "yes!" your Twin Sister doesn't like her,. "why?" i don't know! Sophie was still angry at her Family especially her Mother, but she was happy to meet The Mini Golden Stars, they were all dreaming to be dancers except Loana, Anna tried her best to put a smile on Sophie's face but, she didn't want to give her a chance, so Anna requested Donna to help her, and finally they did it!