Life Goes On

"Sophie, smile!" Sophie grined at her Mother; but Mommy, next time I'll not forgive you,. "Sophie, understand your Sister,." no! "Sophie?" Mommy?

"Fine!" the next day on 9th July, Donna, Rebecca and Loana visited Helen's Grave; Mommy, i've been through a lot, are you happy? i've abandoned my hometown. i'm still experiencing new life, your Granddaughter have a Best friend, and i'm happy for that.

Well, i miss you even more, now i know how happy i was to have you, this is Loana, Rebecca's Best friend.

At 13: 15 PM, they went back home, in Helen's house, all Families were staying there; "Mommy?" yes! "are you sad?" kinda! i miss my Mother, it hurts to loose a Mother, no one can replace my Mother,. "i wish i could bring her back then,.." no Rebecca, don't think like that, i even have 2nd Mommy and Mommy Isabelle too, but...

"I understand," and after all of that, life goes on! Loana, Rebecca and Donna were looking at The Golden Stars and Family old pictures, and they found Debra's gift; "what is this? oh! a graphite pencil art!" at that time Laurance came to talk to Donna.

"Oh! are you still keeping that?" this means a lot to Little Prince,. "does he knows about that?" no! i'll give it to him on his Wedding Day,. "what are you up to?" nothing special,. "me too."

Alexa was gaining much attention from both Families, she even played guitar and sang for them, she was talented. Emma wasn't comfortable, Alexa was her fear, everytime she tried to get along with Alexa, but Alexa ended up hurting her, she went outside because she liked lonely places, where she find herself.

She was just an apathetic person like the old Luna, but people misunderstood her, they were thinking that she was jealous of her Sister and she was criticised at a very young age, they didn't like her and she was insecure, only Luna, The Mini Golden Stars, Loana and Alexander, wanted to be her friend.

Luna noticed that she's sad as usual; "Emma, what's wrong again?" this is my zone,. "what do you mean?" i was born to be alone,. "no, i'm always with you,." no! "what?" you were happy for Alexa like others, the person, the person who always ruin my good mood, who always hurts me.

"Don't take it personal, Sisters always fight, that's normal, one day everything will be alright!" you can go back,. "come in, i can't leave you outside, it's cold, come."

Emma went straightly in her room; "oh no! is she upset with me?" on 12th July, it was Marcelle's Birthday but, because of responsibilities, they didn't celebrate it together.

On 9th October 2006, it was Big Prince, and Hiina's Wedding Day, it took place at Grand Hyatt Tokyo. Luna was a Bridesmaid and Little Prince was a Groomsman; "Congratulations daughter!" Mom, i see how time flies, i can't believe i'm going to be a Grandmother soon, i'm really feeling sorry for Eric,. "me too."

Everyone congratulated Hiina and Big Prince. Big Prince was happy, living in Japan was one of his dream, they kept their marriage promise, and on 12th October, MRS Pierre visited MS Claire's Grave.

Well Claire, hope you're in a better place, on 9th October, it was your Grandson's Wedding Day, i'm feeling sorry for you, even if you were a bad person to me, you truly loved your Grandsons.. you've ruined my life but, when it comes to death, people always get hurt.

"You're all gone now, it's like i'm lonely, we were sad Family but just Family,.." Dad, i understand what you're going through, i wasn't there so, you have a reason for feeling lonely, no matter how we fight with people, when they're gone we miss them,. "Son, thanks for understanding me."

They went at Roger's home and Cosette wasn't there; again where is she? "maybe she's at Debra Beauty shop." let's go! Cosette became MS Evelyn's Best friend, Gisèle, Colette and Mauricette were not her closest friends.

Evelyn stop crying, Debra's fans might see you, Evelyn... Let's talk about it at home, now close the shop,.. "no, Debra might get mad at me,.." then stop crying! "fine!" what's wrong? "i'm in divorce process,." what happened? "he doesn't want me anymore,." why? "i'm useless, and the reason why he was with me, it was Debra, and she's gone, he doesn't want me anymore."

I'm sorry! "he didn't want to promote Debra Beauty Is My Choice Campaign too, i don't know what happened to him,.." Evelyn, just forget about him, that's the only solution, just move on if he doesn't want you, Life goes on! Roger? what are you doing here? i'm not coming home, i'm staying with Evelyn, she isn't feeling good,. 'is she okay?' no!

'What happened?' she doesn't want to talk about it with you. Emma was still upset Luna and didn't talk to her for 1 week.

Emma? are you sleeping? may i come in? "what do you want?" i want to talk to you, may i come in? "okay!" Emma, are you still mad at me? "yes!" i'm sorry! but she's your Sister, and i love you both,. "it's your right to love anyone you want, i didn't stop you from loving her." then why are you upset? "i'm not!"

I know that she hurts you, but i'll talk to her and everything will be alright,. "okay!" it's time for lunch,. "okay!" come on, let's eat,. "i'm not hungry,." Emma? Emma skipped her meals, and the more she was pushing away Luna, was the more Alexa was was trying to get along with Luna.

Catherine didn't want Alexa to hate her, she chose to ignore her own daughter to take care of Alexander and Alexa because she was hoping her daughter to forgive her anytime.

"Emma?" yes,. "what's wrong with you? you shouldn't Alexa no matter what, she's still your Sister,." who told you that i hate her? "the way you behave when she's around,." how do you want me to behave? "just be happy like others,." and put a fake smile on my face? i'm not that kind of person.

Nobody cares, so, whatever! "now you have to listen to your Mother, i want you to change,.." are you done? "what? how could you talk to your Mother like that?" such a very bad daughter, selfish with full of hatred,. "what?" that's Emma! this is a very happy Family so, what is Emma doing here?

Toxic Emma! who might destroy her Family, how about you? aren't you afraid of that Emma? people doesn't like apathetic people. we're humans too! you're toxic because you hate us too,. "it's not like that, i mean everyone thinks you're jealous of Alexa,." i don't care! because i'm not. "you embarrass me,." sorry!

~Fine! everyone hates Emma.. Emma, love yourself then! well, this isn't my place, i need to get out of here.~ Emma was talking to her soul. on 1st November, Donna and Rebecca went in Switzerland to visit Martin, and Emma was happy to see Rebecca again.

Martin, how are you? "i'm fine! and you?" i'm ok thanks!" we need to talk about something,. "what is it?" do you care about your Children? "yes, why?" it seems like Emma isn't happy,.. "she's just like that." no, you should think about that,. "about what? i give her everything you need,." except happiness. "how?"

Rebecca told me everything,. "about?" nobody cares about her feelings, you only care about Alexa and you doesn't even care about her twin Brother,.. "Alexa need me, you know that her Mother passed away when she was very young, Tammy isn't here,.." and Catherine?

Catherine cares about Alexander and Alexa than Emma, her own Child. i feel so sad for Emma, she was born by your choice, then look at what you're doing to her,. "Emma always wants to fight her Sister,.." do you know the reason why? "no,.." because you doesn't care about her feelings, you doesn't want to listen to her, you'll never know the truth.

Can you notice her? atleast once! "Donna, i know her, better than you do, because she's my daughter." Martin, i'm your Cousin and all i want is to help you, you remember well how you have lost Patricia, right? "now don't drag Patricia into this, she's gone forever, we better not talk about her."

Martin you need to listen to me, Emma is your daughter too,. "i know!" this time i won't let you repeat the same mistake, if you're not going to change Emma's life, then i'll do it by myself and you're not gonna stop me, you know me, right? Martin was confused, Rebecca was playing with Emma in her room, Alexa heard her Father and Donna's conversation, she didn't like Donna and Rebecca.

Alexander was watching every Alexa's move, Donna argued with Martin because she was trying to defend Emma. from the day Patricia passed away, Martin didn't go back to work.

At 8:10 PM, Catherine came back from work; "oh! Donna? i missed you!" me too! "you didn't inform me that you're coming,.." i didn't want to bother you, do you know what happened to MS Evelyn? "no, i'm very busy!" she's no longer with Debra's Father,.. "what? why?" i don't know, she's living with Cosette, you should talk to her.

Can we talk? "let's eat first." they had dinner; let's have a private conversation,. "is there anything wrong?" yes,.. "about?" Emma.. "what happened to my daughter? isn't she in her room? Emma? Emma?" no! now she's happy with her friend Rebecca in her room.

The problem is,.. you ignores your daughter's feelings, nobody listens to her and you know that Alexa hurt her feelings while she tries to be nice to her,.. "Emma sometimes... she's jealous,.." that's not the type of Mother you're suppose to be.