
His POV:

One after the other; I've been sitting here drinking for two hours now and that good for nothing slab of pig still hasn't gotten tired of his philandering around. His sight must be worse than a bat though, with that kinda woman sitting next to him as his fiancé yet his eyes and not to mention his hands has been in entirely wrong places.

Yet she looks utterly unfazed. One can't blame her though, who would want the attention of their fiancé when the dude looks like a greasy hog.

She however is made to be leered at with all the desire and longing looks every man has been giving her the entire night. Long blonde hair, killer legs and curves all in the right places; count all that, on top of a beautiful face with big blue eyes, red hot lips, rosy cheeks and you got yourself this goddamn goddess.

I'm no exception to it myself. I too find her desirable but there's a difference between me and every other man in this room…I am the only one whose gonna be having her tonight; the manner is yet to be determined.

I stood from my seat buttoning up my suit jacket making my way ahead. Before the lady or her -so called- fiancé could notice me I received the text I've been waiting so patiently for the entire night. That finally gave me the hypothetical green light I needed to get what I wanted tonight.

The text was the answer to a simple question holding me back: why get engaged with someone you don't give a shit about, not even enough to care what they're doing sitting right next to you...with someone else.

It's show time.

I eyed the stool on the bar available right next to my lady of interest, guess the luck is on my side tonight; then again I make my own luck.

Sitting beside her I ordered my drink to the bar tender and got busy in my phone. Snatching a hot girl from the bar 101: never come on too strong; if you got the looks, she's gonna be pulled to you like a magnet to metal; just keep your cool and exude your authority. Because if a girl is roused by anything from a dark stranger, she meets on a bar; it's dominance.

In my peripheral; her eyes fell on me, she sat up a little straighter, her previously sagged shoulders squared and indifferent/bored expression turned to surprised curiosity. I couldn't help but smirk; works every time.

I took a sip of my drink and pretended to look around then suddenly looked in the direction of my blonde beauty, she got startled and averted her eyes from me, a blush rose up her slim neck; upon being caught checking me out. Little did she know, I've been checking her out far longer than she's been me.

I smiled sweetly in her way and she finally looked back in my direction returning my smile with one of her own. I began, "Tonight feels special don't you think?"

Half an hour passed, I still kept my advances to a minimum; I can tell she's no dumb blonde bimbo; I need to be careful not to scare her away. By now her fiancé has gone off to somewhere with a girl he was flirting with, never giving a glance in our direction; which in my case was a good thing.

Slowly but surely I got closer to her side, she did not cower away, a good sign.

"I can't help but notice a little diamond on that beautiful finger of yours." She instinctively hid her hand out of my sight looking away. "Should I know something about it? Because we've been having a great time and I was wondering we should do something like this, sometime again."

"I think I'd like that too", she replied with a different kind of light in her eyes, almost excited.

"Should we, I don't know, perhaps continue this someplace else?" here we go, let the game begin.

Her reaction was as expected, nervous eye met mine and the incredulous mumbling followed.

"hey, it's okay if you don't want to I completely understand, I think it's time I should leave", I began to stand up but a dainty little hand fell on my own holding me firm on my place.

"no, it's not that I don't want to, you have to understand I do want to spend more time with you but-" she looked back bitting her lip.

"but? Are you okay, love? Is there a problem?" I questioned with confused worry in my voice as if I didn't know what she was talking about.

"I'm- umm actually I'm engaged." She looked up to see my reaction and I feigned a shock expression.

"oh! Was the man sitting next to you who you talked with a few times, was he- was that your fiancé?" I asked calmly.

"Yes, he is the one", she replied with a serious tone.

"do I even have to say this? You two didn't look too close." She scoffed at my statement.

"Not every marriage is due to love," she replied further confirming the Intel I received earlier today.

"well in that case, I fail to see any problem here", I showed a little enthusiasm.

She looked relieved but it was short lived since a certain voice interrupted us.

"Mr. Ford? My lord it is you! What a surprise seeing you here; a pleasant one, of course. I see you've already met my bride to be." Great! The pig has returned. I don't mean it in sarcasm, not one bit.

'Hello Fredrick! Fancy seeing you again. I was just having a casual chat with your lovely fiancé", believe it or not I was genuinely waiting for him to come back. Although same couldn't be said for the Blondie she looked annoyed at first though it turned to surprise to see us already acquainted; especially the way the he is acting 'too' friendly around me as if we're buddies.

Must I always keep my cool even when this guy is putting his fat little fingers all over my shoulder? I guess the answer is yes. So I smiled at his ugliness.

"I hope she wasn't boring you", his little comment earned him a hateful glare from her.

"oh no, certainly not. In any case I was thinking about our last meeting and believe we both could benefit from our partnership, however I do have a very busy schedule planned out for the entire month ahead. So I was wondering if you are available for a drink at around 11, my office?" I took to my professionalism.

"I am available right now we could have a drink right here", he sounds a little too eager for it, I am not.

"That wouldn't be fair to this lovely young lady here, you two are here on a date I wouldn't want you ruining it for me, besides I have to be somewhere right now. But I will be seeing you later", both smiled at my last statement, them both taking it for themselves and I did mean it for the both.


Gently knocking on the door I waited. It wasn't that long before the blonde beauty was smiling at me in disbelief. I just gave her a sexy smirk to carry the message.

She was in her silk night gown -which was showing me no mercy- understandably so, it was midnight.

I made myself very comfortable in her lounge on her single recliner. Must admit she's got nice taste….in décor but not in men.

Gliding up to me with a bottle of champagne and two flutes, she placed them on the small table on my side. I kept my eyes on her never uttering a word as she poured in both glasses. I could sense she was getting hot by my continuous intense yet sensual staring at her.

As much as I wanted to have that liquor; I had to politely decline.

She drank hers in one go. Wow she acted timid and innocent at the bar but here and alone; the way she moved, the look in her eyes, pure carnal.

She began sitting in my lap. Before she could; I finally spoke for the first time since I got here.

"Stop, you're not sitting here, for now-', I spread my folded legs and pointed for her to sit on the floor between them. Her eyes first fell on the floor between my legs and then on to my widely spread goody region; her face showed understanding, anticipation and obliged.

Sitting between my legs obediently she didn't try to make a move yet. I glided my finger on her face to her neck but never actually touching her, keeping just enough distance to feel the warmth radiating from her porcelain skin, "Tonight you're doing everything I say, everything I ask. No questions asked; will you do that for me?"

She raised her longing eyes from the view right in front of her face and up to mine and nodded.

"Good girl" my words had a little too ample of an effect on her, raising her hands trying to reach my zipper but stopping mid-way when she heard my growl, "what did I just say? You will do as I say, only as I say", this time I said in an harsher tone but it only seemed to turn her on further.

"Now get that spunky ass up and go get me a red delicious, will you? I'm craving for something juicy" oh she clearly caught on to my choice of wordings.

What can I say, I couldn't help myself.

Swaying her plentiful rear she went to do as I asked, "oh and can you be a darling and bring a knife along with? I think You'll find it fascinating to see how many exciting ways a blade can be used then just to cut apples", a well-used wink is enough to make a girl bring you even a damn nuke….or a nude depends on what your into.

She brought a selection of different fruits out, but a shiny red apple was on top of them. Setting the tray onto the dinner table in the adjoining dining room her back was to me. I stood from my place with my black leather gloves on, I like my hands to stay clean in times like these.

Walking up to her from behind I could see her picking up the blade in her dainty hands to cut the apple for me. I stopped a hair's breadth away from her back; she instantly became aware of my presence. I took the blade from her hand while breathing down her neck, literally, and judging by her increased heavy breathing I say she found it pleasant.

Turning the blade to the blunt plain side I ran it up her arm slowly. She started making mewling sounds of pleasure over such a small act; I haven't even done anything, yet.

I took it up to her neck then down to her cleavage showing through her deep neckline, where I lightly dug the cool blade horizontally on her exposed smooth skin and she moaned.

I snaked my left arm around her and over her arms holding her firmly against me.

I think she likes my roughness. She started rubbing her well blessed rear end to my –if I say so myself, equally gifted- front parts. Oh she likes it a lot; though she might not find what comes next, too likeable.

"Someone is gonna be too naughty tonight", I whispered in her ear making her effectively shiver against me.

That's what I wanted; give her pleasure…..before pain.

In one swift motion; as if the world became upside down and everything good became bad, every pleasure turned to pain, but what remained as static as was, is me; the blade I once held so delicately against her turned from blunt to its sharp edge, moving back to her neck; pressure was applied this time, as it slid in one smooth motion from left to right, reaching from one carotid artery to the other leaving behind an opening, like unzipping a zipper, a red trail, that reached everywhere. Painting an otherwise dull dining area with a shocking contrast of beige and blood red.

"You naughty little girl, look what you did, you spilled yourself all over me", I whispered in her ear, my voice huskier this time but all I got in return were whimpers and gurgles. "But it's ok, nothing to worry about, good thing this shabby jacket isn't mine, anyway."

I laid her slowly limping body down on the ground as gently as I could; why do they have to practice violence and tarnish such beautiful moments of godliness. People do or can only destroy a life, for their barbaric needs. I on the other hand, simply take a life for it's a right bestowed upon me. I guess that's the difference between them and me.

A power given to a worthy god.



Author's Note:

so i hope you'll support this slightly unconventional, unorthodox love story of His so please stay tuned for a lovely ride