His Creed

You have a ridiculous amount of money;

Immense power;

Looks that make women beg for it right and left;

when you have all the time you could ever need, to revel in it;


you are incredibly bored out of your mind;

That is when you find yourself asking the age old question.

Why am I here?

What am I here for?

Why am I the one alive among the thousands who die, everyday.

Why do I have all this money when the next person is struggling to even survive?

Why am I the one given this much power and intellect, when all they have is the fear of being powerless, running around like headless chickens in the face of unknown; if they aren't only meant to be ruled over?

You then come to a revelation,

You are the one chosen;

Definitely not like Harry Potter was chosen for god knows what exactly; apart from trying to run away from a nose less dude the entire time.

No but you are chosen for a reason above the comprehension of an ordinary human mind

For a purpose....

Could that purpose be....to play god?

Because what else could you be if you have everything there is to have in this world to be above everyone else.

Because maybe some people are put on this earth to exude the power of an actual god and what's it like be one.

To show the ordinary what an extraordinary could do.

To be superior

To be able to give life...and take it.

Let us put the belief to a test, shall we?



A little snippet into his inner thoughts to show why he's the way he is; so you can have a better understanding of whats going on.

i'll update quicker if you show your support.

love, Nuna.