X-Rated Side...

"Ok... well the point is, apart from your clear lack of interviewing skills you seem to be stacking up pretty high on ill manners. You look them in the eye when you talk to someone, and especially when they are your guest", she's not generally a rude person, though she also doesn't believe in offering your other your cheek when someone slaps on it; she relies on her witty tongue and her astuteness in those state of affairs. And this is proving to be those times.

He scoffed "And pray tell, what makes you think you are my guest" he got mildly amused by her sudden change in attitude from nervous applicant to a sharp snapper.

"These are your premises aren't they? You invited us here, today and I'm not currently in your employment, so what does that make me?" she was technically right he knew that.

"A sassy bitch?" He mumbled that part clearly not wanting her to hear him, not that her cared for her feelings in the slightest but he likes to keep his image spotless and shiny so as not to attract attention towards him regarding the matters he's usually the one behind. But she heard him, alright.

"Pardon, I dint quite catch that?" she says with a hint of challenge in her voice

He maintained his callous behavior yet looked up because no matter how small, he never cowers from a challenge.

He looked up with a thought in mind, undesirable. That's how he found her to be. He likes his women tall, but she's too short; he likes them curvy, she's petite; busty, she's small chested; preferably blonde, she's a brunette. Nice taste in shoes though. That's what he thought looking at her, toe to head.

He stopped objectifying her and lastly looked her in the eye, taking in her face. Fully expecting to be unimpressed with this feature of her's too, like everything else about her.

Although the unexpected happened, and got him to stop for a second to wonder; has he ever seen a more beautiful face before? So perfect, so innocent? Is she even as acquitted as she looks? Her natural splendor got him to be distracted, for just a second or two. Though a second too long, he thought; as no one ever managed to incite such a reaction from him. Nonetheless, he didn't let it show.

"Oh I'm sure you've caught a lot in your life with that pretty, smart little mouth of yours-" his little smirk, that hint in his voice was a clear indication his words indeed meant to fall more on the X-Rated side.

He got up from his seat to his full height and rounded his table to stand in front of her, maintaining a fair distance "-But I'm sorry to tell you, you didn't catch this job, today" in the end he had a small sympathetic smile on his face as if he was actually sorry to say that. However she was no dumb girl, she saw right through that fake empathy and could feel the smug arrogance emanating from him.