Get the Fuck...

She scoffed rolling her eyes; at this point she was certain she wasn't getting a job here even before he said it. "Of course, I didn't expect many sensibly high decisions from an ass of a spoilt billionaire brat" it's was obvious now, his words earlier, pissed her off.

"Fyi, that's not really the job of an ass. The decisions are pretty much all made from the thing that's up here-" he gestured to his temple "-which I'm convinced you wouldn't know anything bout"

His tight smile showed he's beginning to 'less' enjoy their squabbling, by this time.

"Yeah? How about next time point you at your knees, that'll be right in your case" she was not about backing down.

He took a step forward in her direction; a small distance left between them yet she didn't step back even as he towered over her. His small forced smile now gone.

"You know first you made sure you wouldn't get a job here, now your only just making sure you don't get a job anywhere, in the entire city" he kept staring at her with a straight face and continued "Keep talking and it'll change to the whole damn country"

"So that's how it's gonna be now? A much smaller girl compared to you, in every way; who by the way is a nobody, show the guts hand you over your unnecessary BS; and Mr. sensitive gets so offended you threaten her with cheap shots? What's gonna happen next? You gonna cry to mommy if I call you a bad word?" she made an innocent child like face with rounded eyes wiggling her right fist to the side of her eye and made a pout all to emphasize her last words but mainly to piss him off further.

"Honey, that was me being polite; trust me when I say this you don't want me threatening you".

"First the cheap shots and now the big words. Is there anything normal to say in your dictionary? Even though you're far from it"

"Yeah how about this, get the fuck out of my office!"

He yelled loudly, totally losing his years of practiced composure and forgetting about half a dozen people sitting out in the waiting lounge for their interview, his secretary, all the clients waiting for the meeting that was due in five minutes and some of his other employees. They might not have heard his little outburst if it wasn't for his bad luck that his secretary opened his office doors to remind him of his next meeting right before he let loose.

Everybody was shocked to say the least, they never saw him that way and especially not with a lady; which is extra douchey even for some habitual douche.

He realized what happened and was fuming in hot rage, blaming all that happened solely on her. Shutting his eyes and taking a deep breath he opened them, only to see her not quivering in fear of him which he wanted, instead smiling triumphantly with wide eyes catching on to the dilemma he got in, because of his own egotistical self, also somewhat because of her by extension; which only made her happier.

She smiled sweetly and said "Now! I will leave, gladly"

She turned to leave but he stopped her before she opened the door to leave; saying "Before you leave, miss 'I'm full of guts' don't ever show your face in my office again. No matter how beautiful it is; next time, I won't hesitate rubbing it in shit". He warned her whilst going back and sitting in his chair with the poise of a king.

She half turned to face him for the last time, or so they both thought.

"Don't forget to pick your class when I'm gone, it's broken around your feet" rolling her eyes she left.

Leaving behind a very infuriated looking ford. In all his life he never let anything or anyone made him this furious, perhaps due to the fact that no one before stood up to him this way before and neither did anyone got on his nerves this way before, which left him undoubtedly angry and surprisingly also a little amused. He felt positive exhilaration he didn't ever feel before today, so much so that he almost wished she would come strolling back in and he could give her a piece of his mind only to have her jeering with him longer.

However, he rolled his eyes and strolled back to his desk, remembering the keyword being almost.