The Actual Fuck


"I didn't know her that well on personal level, I only just met her two nights ago for the first time. I didn't know she was Fredrick's fiancé or anyone's fiancé, immediately and she didn't tell me either. So I think you can imagine how my meeting with her must have gone, she is- was a beautiful woman after all and lonely, I saw my chance and I decided to take it. However as soon as I found out she was someone else's, I left. Then I never saw her again. You say she was killed that very night?" I said with a hint of sorrow to show that I did feel upset hearing about her death.

It was better to tell him of the kind of conversation she and I had, myself because I'm pretty sure that bar tender already told them of my cozying up to her that night. I don't want to give them any reason to believe I'm trying to hide it for some reason, or think I had an ulterior motive of being that way with her, which I clearly did.

"Yes we believe she was killed just few hours after she left from the hotel. Can you tell us where you were that night around midnight, Ford?" he asked. I think he already knows where I was because he must have talked to Fredrick; after all he is their main suspect. If not, then you better forget about my donations, Richards.

"I was actually here in my office. I had a meeting with Fredrick around 11, so I came straight here after I left the hotel." It's going a planned so far.

"Did Fredrick show up for his meeting with you, Ford? If he did, can you tell us how he was behaving during that time with you?" he asked straightening in his chair a little.

"Yeah, he did and we discussed some business but now that I think of it he did seem a bit on edge, like perspiring more than usual and kept fumbling with his suit jacket, looked almost nervous. So I ended the meeting after a few minutes; I can't tolerate when someone's not giving me their hundred percent and It was clear his head was elsewhere." He did show up but it's obvious the rest is all made up. Sorry Fred.

"Can I ask why are you interrogating me and about my meeting with Fredrick, lieutenant?" that's it, it's gone far too long with their questions, I've had enough! Nah I'm kidding, I'm honestly enjoying being under scrutiny of this guy. If I successfully pull this off, It would mean I've not only controlled the cops but also this lieutenant Richards who clearly thinks he's smart enough to see beyond of what I want them to see.

Pfft! Who am I kidding, I'm definitely gonna pull this off. There never happened a case where I couldn't do what I wanted to do. Nobody has ever outsmarted me and never could.

I am the world's apex predator. No one can even come close to me, let alone catch me.

"It is because you are under arrest Mr. Zoldyck."

What the actual fuck?