
"It's because you are under arrest Mr. Zoldyck."

What the fuck?

"Excuse me?" I asked with a bunch of surprise, raising my right brow and moving my face a little to left as if to portray I didn't hear him right. Never showing what else was going behind my calm façade.

He suddenly gave me a small, half-hearted smile and said "Sorry, I was just messing with you I hope you didn't mind".


"I felt this conversation was becoming too gloomy for such a lovely day today so I thought a little joke wouldn't hurt anybody; again I hope you didn't mind, Ford. I can still call you Ford, can't I?" he said light heartedly still smiling; though I can see right through his conniving little smiles.

You were still trying to analyze me weren't you? To see if I show any fear in my eyes or a touch of my nerves breaking with my sweat. Oh Richards, if only you knew that you were only about to get your life messed up big time.

Good thing I remained composed and showed all but fear, which I don't really have; at least not from these desperately devoted public servants.

Maintaining my aura of flawless confidence of innocence I simply replied, "No not all. It was funny; confusing if anything. And of course you're still allowed to call me Ford; Its not like you're trying to prove me of this murder. Are you, lieutenant?" I asked with a smile looking at him.

"Oh no not at all", he said remaining in eye contact with me. Liar. A good liar; though not as good as yours truly. "And just call me Daniel".

"Sure. Daniel." I simply smiled a little.

"I think we are about done here. Sorry to have taken your time for so long." They all stood up so I did too. "We can count on your cooperation if we need to follow up with you further for this case, right?" he asked as I was shaking hands with him and his otherwise silent unresponsive friends.

"Yeah sure you can. Anything to help you catch whoever did this to such an innocent young girl. I hope you get to him before he gets someone else." I replied. If anyone with half a brain heard me they would have asked how I could conclude that this was the work of a more habitual killer, or -to put a name to it- a serial killer. Though, no such thing could be expected of his cretin of subordinates.