I Aint the Villain


Not really though; I still had to drive that bastard's car and him in the trunk, all the way to his place, break in (which was easy, for the big mafia boy, he really needs a better security system), place the bloodied jacket in his wardrobe and then make it back to my building before sunrise just so I could leave for home through the front exit of the building, making sure I looked good, for the cameras you see.

Before anyone labels me a heartless bastard I'll have everyone know, I didn't leave 'fred the killer' to rot in the trunk; I had the decency to shove his unconscious ass in the front seat of his car that I left at his front porch. I'm sure when he woke up he must have thought he drank one too many and passed out in his car.

As for those who wonders how I made it from 'fred t- oh c'mon you know who's house, back to my office in the middle of the night, the answer is a thing called 'car'. Yeah I wasn't about to walk all the way to my office on foot; I do what I do for the fun and exhilaration of it, not to get blisters on my feet and hypothermia in my body. I had a rented car parked a few blocks from his house which I used to get to a parking lot near the office building; from where it wasn't difficult to walk.

Now that was my part of the plan, but there's still a part left to be played for this story of 'fred the killer' to find it's happily ever after. However that part is now in the capable hands of lieutenant Richards, honestly if I had known I'd stumbling over a man with at least half a brain, this near In the future, I'd have made this game of 'catch the pig' a little more challenging. I mean I practically handed one of the biggest mafia bosses over to the police on a silver platter with the well placed evidence and all like an apple stuck in the mouth of the roasted pig.

If they mess this up now and that swine goes free… well good on him for dodging an electric chair or do they give life sentences nowadays? But its not gonna be a merry day for the person responsible for my fool proof plan's downfall, for I will be pissed.

I didn't realize I was still standing in the lounge area of my office and smiling like a wicked maniac whilst talking to myself when a knock brought me back before I had done the villainous laugh or that sinister chuckle.

Good save, because I aint the villain in this story.

I am the fuckin protagonist.