That's The Girlfriend, by the way

Ford's POV:

"Baby, can we visit to Swiss alps this year, for vacations? You see I bought this really expensive parka from Gucci and I'm dying to wear it but of course I can't, being in new york and all these people crowding everywhere it just doesn't get that cold here anymore and I- "

My secretary entered the room interrupting a rather annoying rant which I didn't hear a word of; I got an empire to run for pete's sake.

"Sir you have an appointment set for tonight, it's a dinner meeting with Mr. Musk", she informed me and left.

"Oh! Ford!-", here we go again; an exasperated sign left me which only happens when I'm highly irritated by someone, "Can I please attend this dinner with you, please can I? I always wanted to meet Elon Musk, and I also wanna discuss some upgrades he could make to his Tesla because you see I have been experiencing some issues with mine and I believe—"

"Yes! Yes you can for sure join us for dinner tonight, love. You don't have to say please so many times or pester me with the details," of course I said the last part under my breath; I didn't want to start yet another whining session from her.

That's the girlfriend, by the way.

As I said I'm not a reclusive lunatic, I have my manly needs that must be taken care of.

Besides, I'm young, smart and handsome and need-less to mention, rich; people with these attributes tends to find it not really difficult to get a new girl in their bed every other night.

I however, don't go through all that trouble finding new girl every night; just a girl with good face and an even better body, and ideally with half or even lesser than half a brain -so she won't ask too many questions about you know what and I'm not talking about Voldemort- then I'm set for at least a few weeks. Or for as long as she doesn't start to annoy me which doesn't take that much or that long; speaking of which, I think it's time to find a new girl.

"Thank you, Fordy! I-

"It's Ford, Eliza. And I'm busy right now; go home I'll pick you up tonight, alright?" I interrupted her mid-sentence; there's only so much I can take, you know.

"Oh yeah I'm just leaving; so what was I sayin-

-That you're getting on my nerves.

'-Yeah! that I know you never say no to me for anything, which is why I love you so much honey and I was ummm.." she started getting anxious.

Love? Well she's the definitely the one….the one who's gonna make me fall hard…on my ass….laughing.